China News

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  • Sponsored

    THAIFEX - Anuga Asia 2024 exhibits unforgettable food innovation

    THAIFEX - Anuga Asia 2024 has officially wrapped up for another year after delivering an unforgettable showcase of food innovation and culinary experiences. With 3,133 exhibitions hosted at the event, entrepreneurs and culinary creatives from over 50 countries were present...

  • Hong Kong civil servants face fury if they dare criticise government

    Hong Kong‘s civil servants are set to face disciplinary action if they openly criticise government policies. The proposed changes to the code of conduct have ignited a firestorm of controversy, with restrictions on comments both in their official capacity and as ordinary residents. Under the unveiled amendments, civil servants must now uphold political neutrality as one of 12 core values,…

  • Diagonal dilemma: Hong Kong crackdown on Tokyo-style crossings, residents push back

    Hong Kong pedestrians find themselves in hot water for daring to crisscross streets diagonally, a common practice in Tokyo‘s vibrant Shibuya district. While Japanese authorities have embraced this diagonal dance, Hong Kong police launched a citywide crackdown on what they deem illegal jaywalking. Hong Kong newspaper Sing Tao Daily, in collaboration with another local news outlet, The Standard, revealed that…

  • Xi Jinping’s game-changing Vietnam visit: Unprecedented power plays

    China‘s President Xi Jinping descended upon Vietnam for a two-day spectacle, strategically timed just three months after US President Joe Biden‘s high-profile visit. The Chinese president kicked off his much-anticipated two-day sojourn in Vietnam on December 12, marking his first visit to the nation in six years. The intricate dance of diplomacy has been underway for months, with initial contemplation…

  • Shanghai delivery man’s advice to home-alone toddler goes viral

    A recent incident in Shanghai involving a three year old girl left home alone has stirred concern and warmth on social media. The girl, who was left alone at home, was asked to open the door by a delivery man. The incident, which ended with a cautionary note, has since gone viral, reminding parents of the potential dangers of leaving…

  • Crocodile-shock: Chinese food blogger’s reptilian recipe riles up social media storm

    A social media storm has erupted over a Chinese food blogger, who boasts more than 3.5 million followers on Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok). A short video was posted showing food blogger, Xiehe, preparing a crocodile as part of a home-cooked meal. Although the clip achieved its aim of attracting viewers, it sparked massive backlash. A significant number of…

  • Woman ejects delivery man from café, calls him an ‘air pollution’ risk

    A shocking incident unfolded in a famous coffee shop in Chengdu, Sichuan province when a female customer ruthlessly ejected a delivery man from the establishment. She referred to him as “air pollution,” sparking widespread criticism on Chinese social media. The female customer was peacefully sipping her coffee when she noticed a delivery man enter the establishment to enjoy his coffee. She…

  • Thai group stranded in China after Chiang Mai company deception

    A group of Thai nationals, duped by a company in Chiang Mai into selling goods in China, is desperate for help after running into legal and financial trouble. The group, consisting of over 80 individuals, is now stranded in China, facing dwindling funds, visa expiry, and the risk of becoming illegal immigrants. The group was lured to China by a…

  • Hong Kong and Thailand join FPS with PromptPay, unlocking cross-border QR payment linkage

    In a move set to redefine international payments, Hong Kong‘s Faster Payment System (FPS) joined hands with Thailand‘s PromptPay, unlocking a seamless cross-border QR payment linkage. Hong Kong and Thailand have unleashed a financial revolution, enabling residents to flex their digital wallets across borders. The cross-border QR payment linkage between Hong Kong’s FPS and Thailand’s PromptPay is set to transform…

  • Ex-files: Former flame crashes China wedding over dowry drama

    A former girlfriend gatecrashed her ex-boyfriend’s wedding in China after discovering that the bride’s dowry was significantly more than what she had requested during their relationship. The couple had been together for seven years, but differing views on dowry expectations led to their eventual breakup. According to local media reports, the woman had previously been in a seven-year relationship with…

  • Viral video stirs debate: Bride’s post-ceremony behaviour in China scrutinised

    A viral video of a Chinese couple has become the talk of social media, as the bride’s casual demeanour post-wedding ceremony raised eyebrows. The video, believed to have been taken in Guizhou City, sparked widespread debate on social media about the appropriateness of the bride’s behaviour. After completing their wedding ceremony and bidding farewell to friends and relatives, the couple…

  • Rat drops into hotpot at popular Chinese restaurant, sparking outrage

    A pleasant meal with friends at a renowned hotpot restaurant in China took a terrifying turn when a large rat fell from the ceiling, landing next to the hotpot they were dining from. The rat hotpot incident, which occurred on November 26, sparked outrage amongst the diners and many netizens who later saw the video of the incident online. The…

  • Unusual wedding in Guangdong sparks online debate over sudden marriages

    A wedding in Guangdong province, China, sparked online discussions due to the unusual demeanour of the couple. The bridegroom appeared deeply unhappy, while the bride seemed emotionless. Neither showed any sign of a smile, making the atmosphere both tense and melancholy. The bride, slim and tall, had a unique facial feature – the absence of a chin, making it appear…

  • Five year old boy’s mature response to father’s reprimand goes viral

    A five year old boy’s surprisingly mature response to his father’s stern reprimand has gone viral. The incident took place in Guangde, Anhui province, China when the father decided to teach his son a lesson after observing his unruly behaviour. The mother shared the video of the father-son confrontation, which has left netizens both amused and touched. Their family usually…

  • Father’s trick to satisfy son’s ice cream craving goes viral

    A young father has cleverly resolved his son’s demand for ice cream, leaving the little boy satisfied with not a shred of regret. The father’s trick has gone viral, earning him the title of Parent of the Year among netizens. Ice cream, a beloved sweet treat among most children, is often considered inappropriate for young ones by many adults. They…

  • Tailspin surprise: Man’s daylight drive in China halted by woman with a fox tail blocking the road

    A man driving in the bright daylight in China was taken aback upon encountering a woman with a fox tail, strolling along and blocking the road. With her back towards him, he was intrigued to see her face. The bizarre incident unfolded when the Chinese man was driving along a road and found a young woman slowly strolling across the…

  • Chinese teacher’s night-time rehearsal stirs admiration

    A teacher’s sincerity and dedication have sparked intrigue and admiration amongst netizens after a video of her lecturing in an empty classroom in the middle of the night went viral. This incident, captured widespread attention on social media, as a woman teacher in Hebei Province, China, passionately delivering a lecture in a classroom late at night, despite there being not…

  • Man abandoned by family starves to death in Guangdong

    A shocking incident unfolded in Guangdong province, China, when a man named A (pseudonym), suffering from a severe illness, was abandoned by his wife and daughter, leading to his tragic death. A, a resident of Foshan City, Guangdong, China, lived a content life with his wife and daughter until he became bedridden in early 2018. Neighbours often heard his wife’s…

  • Beggar assault by a young woman in China sparks public outrage

    An assault on an 80 year old beggar by a young woman in broad daylight in the province of Jiangsu, China, yesterday sparked public outrage. The man had approached the woman, who was dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt, to ask for money. Not only did the woman refuse to give him any money but she viciously slapped him several…

  • Unexpected beauty shines as friends share sleeping woman’s photos online

    A captivating incident in Zhejiang, China, has proven the adage that sometimes your best friends can be the ones who make you look worse. A beautiful woman was caught off guard as she slept in the car, her friends seizing the opportunity to snap pictures of her unaware and share her unexpected beauty while sleeping online. The unsuspecting woman, deep…

  • Chinese butcher deboning lamb with mouth sparks outrage

    A video clip showing a Chinese butcher in Anhui province, Eastern China, using his mouth to debone raw lamb has caused an uproar on Chinese social media, according to a report from the South China Morning Post. The butcher asserts that this technique has been in practice for several decades and can be executed without contaminating the meat with saliva…

  • Unconventional love story: Woman marries younger man

    A 50 year old woman recently revealed her unconventional love story, explaining how her marriage to a 26 year old man was a result of his desire to repay her kindness. The woman, a successful businesswoman, used to donate money to underprivileged students, one of whom was her current husband. The woman noted that their relationship wasn’t simply a case…

  • Shocking truth revealed about nutritionally poor meals at Chinese kindergarten

    A shocking truth behind the school meals provided at a kindergarten in Hui Zhou, Guangdong province, China, was exposed by a concerned mother. The incident, which quickly gained interest online, unfolded when the mother decided to check on her child’s lunch at the kindergarten. Upon arrival, she was shocked to find that her child’s meal consisted only of white rice…

  • Unveiling 2023’s happiest cities in China: Chenzhou and Hangzhou take the lead

    The annual 2023 China’s Happiest Cities conference was held in Chenzhou, the capital of Hunan province, revealing China‘s happiest cities of the year yesterday (November 24). The top 10 happiest cities, including Chenzhou, a UNESCO creative city for gastronomy, and Hangzhou, once praised as a paradise city by Italian traveller Marco Polo, were disclosed. In addition to Chenzhou and Hangzhou,…

  • Chinese father shows confidence in son’s future despite poor grades

    Even with a son who has the worst grades in his class, a Chinese father stood firm in a parent meeting, voicing his belief in a bright future for his child. The meeting took place at a primary school in Chingtao, Shantung province, China, where the father of the worst student in the class received commendations from other parents for…

  • Chinese firm offers up to 99,000 baht for chicken feet tasting job

    A Chinese company’s job advertisement for a chicken feet taster has Chinese social media clucking, attracting thousands of applicants. The food company, based in the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province, is offering a lucrative salary for a seemingly simple job, which has piqued the interest of many. The company is specifically looking to recruit eating experts whose primary responsibility…

  • China’s mysterious pneumonia outbreak sparks global fears – is history repeating itself?

    In a chilling echo of the early days of Covid-19, a mysterious pneumonia cluster has emerged in China, leaving hospitals overwhelmed and parents fearing a repeat of the deadly pandemic. As concerns rise, experts plead for transparency, drawing unsettling parallels with past outbreaks. In Beijing and Liaoning, hospitals are grappling with an onslaught of sick children exhibiting unusual symptoms, including lung…

  • Matrimony mayhem: Groom kicks bride after learning she’s pregnant at chaotic Chinese wedding

    A wedding in the JiuJiang province of China spiralled into astonishing chaos when the groom kicked his pregnant bride, causing her to fall to the stage floor. The incident occurred after the groom discovered his newlywed bride was pregnant, despite their short one-month acquaintance before the wedding. The local media reported that the groom received a text message in the…

  • Tofu turmoil: Viral furry recipe from China divides opinions on safety and health

    A unique recipe for furry tofu, a trending dish from China, sparked a global debate over its safety and health benefits. The recipe, which involves fermentation, was shared by a user on the social media platform Twitter and quickly went viral. The video showcases a woman instructing viewers on how to prepare furry tofu. The ingredients required include tofu, tempeh…

  • Schoolboy in China chooses forest nap over long bus wait igniting nationwide reflection

    An eight year old schoolboy disappeared whilst waiting for his school bus sparking a frantic search for several hours. Eventually, he was found sleeping in a nearby forest. Upon waking, he explained that he had decided to sleep there because of the long wait for the school bus. The incident happened in the city of Xi’an, China, and drew significant attention from…

  • China: Unsuspecting woman mistakes 1.5 million baht luxury phone for cheap handset

    A woman stumbled upon a luxury phone in Jiangsu province, China, initially assuming it to be a cheap handset for the elderly due to its simplistic design. However, the mobile phone belonged to a businessman and was a luxurious Rolls-Royce of the mobile industry, valued at over 300,000 yuan (1.5 million baht). According to CTWANT, the woman picked up the…