Get ready to shred some waves in Kao Lak

PHUKET: The high season is nearly over, traffic is fading to near tolerable levels and the lines of beach chairs are slowly receding. However, for those who brave monsoon weather and killer rip tides to test their skills on the west coast surf breaks, the high season is just beginning.

Surfing in Phuket is definitely a seasonal undertaking, with surfable waves being mostly non-existent from December through to May. Between those months you can find wave-riding fiends pacing the beaches showing signs of withdrawals.


Other than the lack of wave generating storms during dry season, the primary reason we miss out on long range swells is because Sumatra blocks much of the energy from the perpetual storms that are raging farther south.

Photo: Brocken Inaglory

However, our friends to the north in Khao Lak get a little more of that wave energy, and that is why they can host a surfing competition this month while the seas are calm and friendly here in Phuket.

Running from April 26 to 28 at Pakarang Beach in Khao Lak, the first annual Khao Lak Surfing Contest is getting board riders of all ages and abilities pumped up and ready to paddle out.

Surfers can enter in one of six divisions: longboard, men’s shortboard, women’s, kid’s (under 15), beginners adult and beginners kid’s. Entry fees are 600 baht per division and free for children under 15. Entries must be received by 9am on April 26.

First place contestants in each division will win themselves a brand new board from sponsors like Firewire and Saltwater Dreaming. Mood music is to be provided by Phuket’s own Dubwise who will be queuing up the finest in reggae, dub and dancehall.


This a great opportunity for Phuket wave-riders to get a jump-start on the season, enjoy some friendly competition and explore the surf scene in Khao Lak. Surf’s up!

For more information and to register for the Khao Lak Surf Contest, visit their Facebook page here

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