64 million baht approved for boat tragedy compensation

The Tourist Assistance Fund has approved about 64 million baht compensation for boats victims. One million baht is being paid as compensation for the deceased. Including the boat company’s insurance, 2.1 million baht will be paid out to the families or estates for each of the deaths following last week’s boat tragedy.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Pongpanu Svetarundra says, “The fund has approved about 64 million baht for these boat tragedy victims. Medical fees will be paid up to 500,000 baht per patient. An amount of 20,000 baht will be paid to each victim for ‘mental trauma’ and another 20,000 baht is being paid travel expenses.”

“The boat company’s insurances are paying one million baht for each death and another 100,000 baht is paid via the Tourism Business and Guide insurance fund.”

“Yesterday (July 12), 2.1 million baht compensation was paid to six relative of boat victims who had presented the correct confirmation documents.”

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