Weird World News stumbles back onto the podium with Olympic torch

PHUKET: After several weeks of being missing in action, the Phuket Gazette‘s Weird World News Round-up takes the stage again as Olympic gaffs from alleged satanic rituals, that nasty feeling of having overslept something important and a little flag waving – wait that’s not my flag – have kept the people of the world glued to their screens.

Can’t see the difference?
Shortly after the Olympic blunder of flashing the South Korean flag next to a North Korean athlete at a women’s football match, a British chain of opticians “saw publicity gold”, reported Reuters.


Specsavers was quick to give the international calamity’s chain a pull by taking out advertisements with national UK newspapers with the North Korean flag above the South Korean one, with a message in Korean printed on the bottom suggesting Olympic officials should have visited one of their offices for an eye test.

The publicity stunt falls into line with the company’s regular advertisements, which features embarrassing cases of mistaken identity and the tag-line, “Should have gone to Specsavers”.

The Glasgow incident caused a delay in the game after North Korean players walked off the field in protest.

London Olympic organizers have apologized for the incident and promised no more false flag waving for the rest of the event.

Olympic weightlifter sleeps in
It is one thing to oversleep for a job interview that you’ve spent a couple weeks preparing for, and an all together different thing to over sleep your Olympic debut after years of meticulous training, which is exactly what Great Britain’s Jack Oliver did.


Jack, 21, was meant to wake up at 6am, have a nice pre-weigh-in shower and do a little stretching before his debut in the 77kg weightlifting event.

“At five past seven I hear a banging on the door, looked at my phone and thought ‘I’m in trouble! I’m going to have a very angry coach!'” Jack told Reuters.

Despite having to turn a relaxed morning into a flash departure to catch a bus to the London ExCel arena Jack was able to arrive in time for the pre-competition weight-in.

In front of a home-town crowd, Jack failed to complete his first lift of the competition. However, the young man recovered well and was able to set a new personal record in the clean and jerk event, which was part of his new personal best total lift of 310kg.

“The extra hour of sleep must have done me good,” he said.

London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony secret Satanic ritual
The opening ceremony at the Olympic Games was hailed as a secret Satanic ritual, secret until established conspiracy theorist David Icke broke the news.

Former Coventry City goalkeeper and TV host turned conspiracy theorist, David Icke, claims the London 2012 opening ceremony was a “mass satanic ritual disguised as a celebration of Britain and sport”, reported The Telegraph.

Though slightly off on his last major prediction, in which he announced that he was the son of God and predicted that the world would end in 1997, David has now caught the public eye with his assessment of Danny Boyle’s £27 million (about 550 million baht) production.

Writing on website, David clearly presents his argument of the presence of satanic rituals disguised in the opening and closing ceremonies, which were presented through “the language of symbolism”.

“Symbols are electromagnetic information fields that are encoded with information related to what the symbols represent. These symbols can attach to our own electromagnetic fields and psyche when we give them our unknowing attention – energy flows where attention goes,” he clearly and concisely explains.

David believes that the devil-worshipers are shape-shifting lizards who are descended from a reptile race from the Drago constellation, reported The Telegraph.

David also pointed out that the Olympic Stadium is “strategically placed on the earth-energy grid to tap into that power on the Global Cabal’s own satanic frequencies or vibrations.”

On his own website,, David explains that the day of the opening ceremony, July 27, was a key day in the devil-worship calender.

“Satanic Ritual Calendar – meaning of July 27th, the date of the London Olympics opening ceremony. July 20th-26th: Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of a sacrificial victim for Grand Climax. July 27th: Grand Climax – a day for sacrificing female adults and children,” he writes.

— Isaac Stone Simonelli

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