Wear a condom and a mask: Health department advises Covid “safe” sex

Wear a condom… and a face mask. Find a sex position that is not face-to-face. Don’t kiss. Avoid saliva… and other secretions. And make it short. That’s what Thailand’s Department of Health is advising. After a prostitute in Western Thailand contracted Covid-19, the department announced nine safe sex guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus.
Along with no kissing, no oral sex, and no anal sex, the department says to shower before sex and to use disinfectant to clean the bed or other areas where sex is performed. Positions should maintain a safe distance between faces. (Don’t worry, we have a so-called “Coronasutra” graphic below.)
People should avoid sex with strangers, according to the Director of the Department of Health’s Office of Reproductive Health, Dr Peerayuth Sanukul. Sex parties, which could result in a cluster outbreak, should be avoided.
The doctor says that before engaging in any sexual activity, people should think about safe sex procedures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. People at high risk of contracting the virus, those who were recently infected, and those who are waiting for test results should all refrain from having sex to reduce the risk of transmission to others, the doctor says.
Back in June, the Department of Health advised that lovers and spouses who are at risk of Covid-19 infection should avoid sex altogether, especially those who are waiting for a test result. The doctor had also warned about sex with strangers.
With the sex worker in Kanchanburi, a province bordering Myanmar, recently testing positive for Covid-19, the department came up with guidelines on how to prevent Covid-19 transmission during intercourse.
Safe sex guidelines by Thailand’s Department of Health…
- Wash your hands and shower before and after having sex.
- Avoid kissing because the Covid-19 virus can be spread through saliva.
- Refrain from doing oral sex or having anal sex as Covid-19 virus can be contaminated in faeces
- Use condoms, dental dams, and rubber gloves to reduce contact with saliva or other types of secretions.
- Wear masks to cover your nose and mouth during sex to prevent the spread of infection through heavy breathing.
- Favour positions where you are not face-to-face while having sex to avoid contact with saliva or other secretions and spend as little time as possible (Basically, have a quickie.)
- Avoid group sex or swapping sex partners.
- Use disinfectants such as 70% alcohol, detergent, bleach to clean the sleeping area or the surface where sex was performed.
- Condoms, disposable tampons, dental dams, and rubber gloves infected with secretions should be thrown away in a covered bin.
Coronasautra – Sex positions in the Covid-19 era
This infographic is NOT from Thailand’s Public Health Department, but the positions are in line with the department’s guidelines.
Infographic from Thailand’s Department of Health
Source: Daily News