Thai abbot allegedly rapes 7 year old girl, police ignore case

A Thai mother sought help from a social media influencer after her seven year old daughter was allegedly raped by a temple abbot in the central province of Ayutthaya. The mother added that the police ignored the complaint she filed nine months ago.
Well-known social media influencer Guntouch “Gun” Pongpaiboonwet accompanied the mother to meet the Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police (RTP), Surachate “Big Joke” Hakparn, today, February 6. She filed a complaint at Mueang Ayutthaya Police Station but officers have made no progress after nine months.
The mother revealed to the media and Big Joke that her daughter lived with her grandmother in Ayutthaya province during the school holidays since she was five years old. Her grandmother worked for the abbot, so the girl had to go to the temple almost every day.
The mother went on to explain that the temple abbot took advantage of this opportunity to approach the girl and sexually assault her. The grandmother was curious about the abbot’s suspicious behaviour and looked for evidence to prove her assumption.
According to the victim’s mother, the grandmother managed to capture videos of the abbot raping the girl but was threatened by him into deleting them. Despite this, she retained the evidence and handed it over to Mueang Ayutthaya Police Station.
During today’s press conference, the mother was seen bowing down and pleading with Gun to assist her in pursuing the case. She expressed her pain at seeing her daughter suffer and her inability to seek justice for her.
Channel 7 interviewed the accused abbot, who vehemently denied all allegations. He suggested that the girl’s grandmother might be tarnishing his reputation to settle a debt, claiming she had borrowed money from him multiple times and might be unable to repay it.
The abbot asserted his innocence, stating that as a temple abbot, he would never engage in behaviour that would tarnish his image.
Big Joke informed the media that he couldn’t elaborate on the case at the moment, as all evidence and information about the case needed to be thoroughly reviewed first.