Isaan residents urged to avoid risky sex after 9 new Mpox cases

The Office of 9th Disease Prevention and Control Nakhon Ratchasima (ODPC 9) urged residents in the southern Isaan region to avoid engaging in any risky monkey business after nine new Mpox cases were reported between January 1 and February 13.
The director of the ODPC 9, Thaweechai Wissanuyothin, said the number of Mpox cases (formerly monkeypox) in Thailand was decreasing but the situation remained under close watch. Most of the infections came from close contact with patients who had rashes, bumps or pus, and from having unprotected sex, and sharing fluids, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and shower gel with Mpox patients.
According to Thaweechai, 750 Mpox cases were reported in Thailand from January 1, 2023, to March 15, this year. Among them, 675 were Thais, 71 were foreigners and four undisclosed nationalities.
Ten patients lost their lives, most of whom had a history of infection through sexual activity. Most of the patients were aged between 30 and 39 years.
In the southern part of northeastern Thailand, nine cases of Mpox occurred between January 1, 2023 and February 13, this year. Five patients were reported in Nakhon Ratchasima, two in Buriram, one in Chaiyaphum, and another one in Surin.
The official Facebook page of the ODCP 9 advised its followers on how to avoid Mpox. Firstly, the authorities urged residents to avoid having sex with strangers and also to avoid close contact, such as kissing, hugging, sharing personal items, touching secretions and giving oral sex.
The authorities also gave tips on how to spot rashes or pus-filled bumps on partners’ bodies. Most of the rashes and bumps can be found on the anus, arms, legs, palms, soles of the feet, body and head.
In addition to the above contact, sitting or standing close to Mpox patients without a face mask could also increase the risk of infection. The authorities stressed that infected pregnant women could pass the disease to their babies.
There is currently no vaccine to specifically protect people from Mpox, so Thailand and some other countries opted to administer a smallpox vaccine to residents to prevent the disease. The vaccine is believed to be about 80% to 85% effective in preventing infection.