Condo technician dives into irony: A lifesaver’s plunge in Pattaya pool becomes his last

A condominium technician unervingly drowned in the same swimming pool where he tried to save the life of a tourist in the heart of Pattaya.
The incident occurred at 1am today when the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Rescue Center in Pattaya, received a distress call from a condo in Nong Prue Subdistrict, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri province. The call reported that an individual, identified as Uthit, believed to be between 40 and 45 years old, and a technician at the condo, had been found in a distressing condition in the swimming pool.
Rescue workers were on the scene to assist the casualty, offering preliminary first aid and heart-pumping efforts to resuscitate him, before promptly transporting the dead man to the nearest hospital.
Simultaneously, a group of friends represented a mournful scene surrounding the pool, shedding tears over the unfortunate incident and praying for their dear friend.
From recounts by the group, it was established that Uthit had wandered off to use a bathroom located near the pool during a birthday celebration. His prolonged absence raised concerns among them. Adding to their worry, a condo resident suggested a check around the swimming pool. Unable to locate Uthit, they were left shell-shocked to discover his body submerged in the pool and immediately called for help.
Subsequent rescue efforts to recover Uthit from the depths of the pool proved to be in vain. Despite the attempts, he wouldn’t budge. Eventually, security personnel dived in and managed to retrieve him from the bottom of the pool and alerted the authorities.
Moreover, it was revealed by a condo resident that Uthit had, in the past, tried to rescue a foreign tourist drowning in the same pool. Unfortunately, his attempts had been unsuccessful, with the tourist passing away later. The eerie coincidence of Uthit being found in the same spot as the foreigner incident has left an unsettling chill among those who have learned about the incidents.