Thailand’s road to a ‘new normal’

Spokesman of the Covid-19 Centre, Taweesin Visanuyothin, says guidelines for a “new normal” are being drafted amid talks of a gradual reopening of business around the country. He said the government is pleased with the dropping number of new cases and is considering relaxing restrictions, though people can not ignore “good practices” such as social distancing, wearing a mask and washing hands regularly.
“If you follow good practices, the government has no reason to force you to keep up with the rules.”
Taweesin explained the government will relax the measures based on the WHO recommendations that will help avoid a secondary spike in infections. The WHO said the 6 steps must be deliberate and widely coordinated.
• Disease transmission is under control.
• Health systems are able to “detect, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact”.
• Hot spot risks are minimised in vulnerable places, such as nursing homes.
• Schools, workplaces and other essential places have established preventive measures.
• The risk of importing new cases “can be managed”.
• Communities are fully educated, engaged and empowered to live under a ‘new normal’.
Taweesin gave an example of guidelines for a theoretical barbershop should they be permitted to reopen…
Venue: Arrange seating and stations at least 1 metre apart. No waiting area permitted. Customers must use the cue card or call the customer when it is their turn.
Duration: Only services that take less than two hours, such as a shave and a haircut.
Service: No reuse of equipment without cleaning between each use.
Staff: Everyone must wear a hygienic mask, wash hands every time you serve a customer, and employees must stop working if they have a fever or any respiratory symptoms.
Cleaning: Disinfecting all equipment, wipe contact surfaces every hour with antiseptic. Alcohol hand cleansing gel must be placed at the shop entrance.
He said that the government will start to consider the guidelines for all service places next week if the number of new cases remains at a low number.
SOURCE: The Nation
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