Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Work Permit in Thailand

What you need to know about the requirements and procedures for obtaining a work permit in Thailand.

What are the requirements for obtaining a work permit in Thailand?

If you want to apply for a work permit in Thailand, you and the company you’ll be working for must both meet certain requirements.

Company requirements

If you want to work for a legally registered company in Thailand that applies for a work permit for a non-Thai employee, the company must have a minimum capital of 2 million baht. If the employee is married to a Thai national, the minimum capital required is 1 million baht.

Where the company is not licensed in Thailand, it must have a minimum capital of 3 million baht for each employee for whom a work permit is requested.

When hiring one non-Thai employee, all businesses are limited to 10 work permits and must have at least 4 Thai workers.

If the business is promoted by the Thai Board of Investment BOI, these conditions are waived. When you hire foreign workers, you don’t have to worry about how much money you have or how many Thai employees you have. This rule only applies if your non-Thai employee meets the BOI’s minimum qualifications and you can clearly explain why your company requires a foreign worker.

Individual requirements

If you want to apply for a work permit in Thailand, you must meet a few requirements. You must either be hired by a company that meets the above criteria or start your own company that meets the criteria. The job must be one that foreigners are legally allowed to do in Thailand.

– You can only work one job with your work permit, you are not allowed to work two jobs at the same time.

– To apply for a work permit, you’ll need a non-immigrant visa, you may obtain a non-immigrant visa in your home country before leaving, in a neighbouring country or in Thailand itself.

Before applying for a work permit, you’ll need one of the visas listed below.

Non-immigrant visa B

Also known as a work visa, is for people who want to work in Thailand, it is the most common type of visa granted to foreigners who come to Thailand to work for multinational corporations, teach, or pursue other legal careers.

Non-immigrants IB

Although most embassies do not issue this visa regularly is used for corporate and investment purposes.

Visa for non-immigrants B-A

If you want to invest in or form a business relationship with a Thai company, you must have the company apply at the Immigration Bureau on your behalf. Because Thai embassies and consulates rarely grant this visa, you should apply for a non-immigrant B visa instead. For example, the Royal Thai Embassy in Australia is one of the few Thai embassies/consulates in Australia that can issue B-A visas.

Non-immigrant visa O

This visa is for volunteers, and non-immigrant O visas are available for those who want to marry or retire in Thailand. Volunteers and foreigners married to Thai nationals are permitted to work in Thailand under this type of visa; retirees are not permitted to do so.

Non-immigrant Visa M

These visas are for news reporters, filmmakers, and media correspondents of international news agencies who work for printed newspapers and magazines, TV, radio, or online agencies. They are commonly referred to as journalism visas.

Key Points

  • All foreign nationals wishing to reside and work in Thailand must submit a visa application to a Thai embassy or consulate.
  • Work permits are only open to Non-Immigrant B and O visa holders.
  • The Ministry of Labour issues the work permit in Thailand to the employer rather than the employee.

How to apply for a Thai work permit?

Here are the documents you’ll need to apply for a work permit in Thailand for one of your foreign workers or yourself.

Company Documents

Make sure that each page of all documents must be stamped with the company’s seal. In addition, all managing directors or directors must sign their names alongside the company’s seal. The documents your employer must send with your work permit application are stated below.

– Company Registration Department Certificate
– Certified list of the company’s shareholders by the Commercial Registration Department
– Certified factory license by the Factory Department of the Ministry of Industry
– VAT certificate Phor Phor 20
– VAT filings Phor Phor 30
– Withholding Tax form Phor Ngor Dor 1
– Social Security payment filings
– Employment contract stating position, job requirements, salary and contract duration.

Individual Documents

You must submit signed copies of any of the above-mentioned original documents. In some cases, Thai immigration officers may ask you to translate your documents into Thai and have them notarized by your embassy. Here’s a rundown of everything you’ll need to apply for your work permit in Thailand.

– passport with signed copies on every page
– non-immigrant visa with a signed copy
– departure card TM.6
– university or college degree with transcripts
– certificates or licenses (if any)
– resume or cv
– 3 photos size 5×6 cm taken in the last six months
– marriage certificate (if any)
– medical certificate issued in the last 30 days

To apply for a work permit in Thailand, go to the Ministry of Labour in Bangkok or the One-Stop Service Center for BOI-promoted companies at Chamchuree Square in Bangkok.

After hiring a new employee or a foreigner to work for your company, you must visit the Ministry of Labour to apply for a work permit in Thailand with all the required documentation. Following that, you’ll need to go to Bangkok Immigration to extend your visa from the current one to a 1 or 2 years visa.

How long is the validity of a work permit?

A Work Permit remains valid for 1 year, and you can extend it for another year. If your job in Thailand lasts for less than a year, the authorities will issue you a Work Permit for the specified duration.

A foreigner may issue a Work Permit by an approved official for a period that is required for the completion of the work but not more than one year.

Depending on the type of visa, applicants must follow certain guidelines and submit supporting documents, which can range from financial statements to travel booking receipts.

How much does a Thai work permit cost?

Before you can get a work permit, you’ll need a non-immigrant visa. A single-entry visa will set you back at least 2, xxx baht, and a multiple-entry visa will set you back at least 5, xxx baht. Here are some of the fees associated with the work permit application process.

The application fee is 1xx baht.
For three-month work permits, the government charges 75x baht.
For work permits ranging from three to six months, the government charges 1,5xx baht.
3,xxx baht for a 12-month work permit in Thailand from the government.

Additional costs associated with work permits, such as fees for changing job descriptions, may arise. However, these costs will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

How to extend your work permit when it expires?

You’ll need the same paperwork and documents to renew your work permit in Thailand as you did to get it in the first place. If you apply again, you will receive a one or two-year visa instead of a 90-day visa (which you would receive if you did not obtain a one-year non-immigrant visa before entering Thailand)..

A work permit is a Thai legal document that specifies the foreigner’s status, occupation, and the business in which they are working.

What are the qualifications for a foreigner to apply for a Work Permit?

Employment Offer

A Thai employer or company registered and licensed to operate in Thailand must offer the foreigner a job. The employer must demonstrate that a Thai national cannot fill the position and that the foreigner possesses the necessary skills and qualifications for the job.

Employment in Thailand
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Non-Immigrant Visa

Before applying for a work permit in Thailand, a foreigner must first hold a non-immigrant visa that is suitable for the type of work they will be doing in the country. Initially, securing the appropriate visa is a crucial step. Subsequently, this visa must align with the specific nature of the employment intended in Thailand. Consequently, without this necessary visa, the process of obtaining a work permit cannot proceed. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the visa is appropriate before moving forward with the work permit application. Common visa categories for employment include Non-Immigrant Visa Category B (Business Visa), Non-Immigrant Visa Category O (Other), or Non-Immigrant Visa Category M (Media Visa), depending on the nature of the employment.

Health Check

The foreigner must undergo a medical examination at an approved hospital or clinic in Thailand to ensure they do not suffer from any contagious diseases that could pose a public health risk. A medical certificate issued by the hospital or clinic is one of the mandatory documents for a work permit application.

Criminal Background Check

The foreigner must provide a criminal background check or clearance certificate from their home country or any other country where they have resided for an extended period. This ensures they have not engaged in criminal activities that could pose a security risk in Thailand.

Educational Qualifications and Experience

Depending on the type of work the foreigner will be performing, they may need to provide evidence of their educational qualifications, professional certifications, or relevant work experience. These documents help demonstrate that they have the necessary skills and expertise for the job.

Employer Documentation

The employer must submit various documents to support the work permit application, including a copy of their company registration certificate, list of shareholders, financial statements, and details of the job position the foreigner will be filling.

What would happen if your job is terminated?

There is almost no grace period after an employment contract is terminated. The worker will have 24 hours to leave the country after the employer reports to the immigration office and declares the termination of the contract. Extensions of seven days are normally available for a charge. If the employer reports to immigration without the employee, issues may occur and the individual may end up overstaying without understanding it in a work permit in Thailand.

The best advice for getting a visa to enter the kingdom is to be aware of the conditions and to follow them. Thai culture is extremely laid-back and it is impossible for an issue to go unsolved. The best way to avoid the financial costs and embarrassment of getting caught with a bad visa is to follow the law, show true respect to those who uphold it, and most importantly, enjoy your time in Thailand.

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