How to Apply for a Destination Thailand Visa

Are you seeking a Destination Thailand Visa as a Digital Nomad in Thailand? Learn everything you need to know about DTV in Thailand.

Overview of the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV)

There are a few essential things that everyone should know before going for a DTV Visa in Thailand.

What is the DTV?

Thailand is broadening its welcoming gesture towards digital nomads and teleworkers by recently announcing the creation of the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV). Introduced on May 28, 2024, and officially approved as of July 15, 2024, the DTV is a strategic move to enhance Thailand’s appeal as a hub for individuals who prefer a physically unrestricted working lifestyle.

Visa Characteristics

Duration 5 years, multiple entry
Validity vs Length of Stay Visa valid for 5 years from issuance
Each stays up to 180 days
Extendable once per stay for an additional 180 days (maximum continuous stay of 360 days)
Must leave Thailand for a minimum of 1 day after 360 days to reset for another 180+180(extension) days stay
Visa Fee 10,000 THB
Application Location Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate, or online via Thai e-visa
Availability Date Within 15 days from July 5, 2024

Note that The DTV visa can only be applied for once. After 5 years, a new visa type will be required to stay in Thailand and The DTV must be applied for outside of Thailand.

Who is Eligible for the DTV?

  • Remote workers, freelancers, digital nomads.
  • Participants in activities like Muay Thai, Thai cooking, seminars, music festivals, etc.
  • Families of DTV visa holders (spouse and dependent children under 20 years old).

Key Points

  • Creation and Approval: The Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) was approved on July 15, 2024, to attract digital nomads and teleworkers.
  • Visa Details: The DTV is valid for 5 years with multiple entries, allowing 180-day stays, extending once per stay, and requiring a 1-day exit after 360 days.
  • Visa Fee and Application: The visa application fee is 10,000 THB and can be made at the Royal Thai Embassy, Consulate, or online starting July 5, 2024.
  • Eligibility: The visa is accessible to remote workers, freelancers, digital nomads, participants in specific activities, and families of DTV holders (spouses and children under 20).

Key Benefits of the Destination Thailand Visa

The Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) offers several advantages that make it an attractive option for digital nomads and remote workers.

Access to work facilities

a person checking his phone while his laptop is open
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

DTV holders can access co-working spaces and business centres. Many cities in Thailand offer modern workspaces featuring high-speed internet. Remote professionals find these facilities ideal for maintaining productivity. Additionally, numerous cafes and venues cater to digital nomads.

Additional lifestyle perks

Living on a DTV brings various lifestyle benefits. Enjoy Thailand’s low cost of living, which includes affordable healthcare and housing. The tropical climate and vibrant culture make it a desirable location. Holders can explore various tourist attractions during their stay. Additionally, multiple entries allow for flexible travel plans within Southeast Asia.

The combination of work efficiency and lifestyle benefits makes the DTV appealing. Stay tuned for the latest updates on DTV requirements and application procedures.

The DTV allows digital nomads to stay in Thailand for up to 180 days per visit, with extensions available. Visa fee: 10,000 THB.

Application Process for the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV)

Understanding the application process for the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) is essential for those planning to live and work remotely in Thailand. Below are the detailed steps and necessary documents.

Required Documents

To apply for the DTV, you must gather specific documents, including:

  • Passport or Travel Document
  • Photograph
  • Document Indicating Current Location
  • Financial Documents: Bank statements, payslips, or sponsorship letters demonstrating a credit limit of at least 500,000 baht.
  • Purpose of Visit:
  • Workcation: Contract or employment certificate or professional portfolio.
  • Thai Soft Power: Proof of confirmation or letter of appointment from a hospital or medical center.
  • Spouse: Copy of marriage certificate, birth certificate, or certificate of adoption.

Step-by-Step Application Guide

  • Prepare Documents: Collect all required documents, ensuring they are valid and up-to-date.
  • Submit Application: Submit your application at a Thai immigration office or through a Thai consulate/embassy abroad. Ensure completeness to avoid delays.
  • Pay Fees: Pay the 10,000 baht issuance fee. If extending, an additional 10,000 baht is required.
  • Await Confirmation: Once submitted, await confirmation. Processing times may vary.
  • Receive Visa: Upon approval, receive your DTV, enabling you to stay in Thailand and work remotely for up to 180 days per visit.

Enjoy Thailand’s low cost of living, modern co-working spaces, and vibrant culture with the DTV, offering multiple entries and up to 180-day stays.

Fees and costs associated with the DTV

Understanding the fees and costs associated with the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) is crucial. These expenses are a vital part of the application process and must be planned accordingly.

Initial visa fee

close up of a person using his visa card
Photo by on Unsplash

The application for the DTV requires an initial fee. This fee is 10,000 THB, which is approximately £275. The fee is non-refundable, so ensure all your documents meet the DTV requirements before submission. This payment confirms your application processing by the Thai authorities.

Visa extension and renewal charges

For those intending to stay longer, the visa allows extensions. Each extension permits an additional 180-day stay, costing 10,000 THB (£275). This fee must be paid with each extension application.

Furthermore, the DTV is valid for five years, with each renewal also costing 10,000 THB. Be prepared to provide updated financial evidence at each renewal to meet Thailand’s remote work visa requirements.

Legal considerations and requirements

Understanding the legal considerations and requirements for the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) is crucial. Compliance ensures a smooth application process and uninterrupted residency.

Minimum income requirements

To qualify for the DTV, provide financial evidence linked to a supporter or guarantor with a credit limit of at least 500,000 THB (£11,000). This may necessitate opening a Thai bank account and depositing the funds to show proof of this amount.

Unlike many Asian countries, Thailand’s minimum income requirement is lower. For instance, Malaysia’s requirement stands at US $24,000 annually (£18,500), while Japan demands US $68,000 (£52,500).


Visa holders are not required to pay taxes in Thailand if their income comes from outside. However, digital nomads making income in Thailand may be taxed depending on their residency and income source.

Duration and limitations

The DTV is a five-year, multiple-entry visa. Each entry allows a stay of up to 180 days. Visa holders can extend this once per visit for an additional 180 days. Additionally, the DTV includes dependents, covering spouses and children under 20.

It’s important to adhere to these timeframes to avoid legal complications. DTV holders can work remotely but local employment in Thailand is prohibited. Regular renewals, accompanied by updated financial evidence, are required to meet Thailand remote work visa requirements.

Updated Visa Exemptions (within July 2024)

Thailand modified its visa exemptions in July 2024, adding a new system that allows for a 60-day visa-free stay with an optional 30-day extension, bringing the total visa-free time to 90. The list of qualifying countries has also grown dramatically, now covering approximately 100 countries, up from the prior 40+. These measures have been legally accepted and will go into effect within a few weeks.

A new tourist visa also enables admission for activities like as business meetings, visiting relatives, and other non-traditional tourism purposes, but labour without a formal permit is strongly prohibited.

Other Visas

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