Transport Ministry

  • Road deaths

    Holiday weekend road death toll: 67

    67 people were killed in road accidents during the long holiday weekend while another 388 people were injured, according to the Transport Ministry. Most of the fatalities were motorcycle riders. Thursday and Friday were public holidays for Constitution Day and Father’s Day which commemorates King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday. Many people were off work and travelled. The ministry estimates more than…

  • Bangkok News

    Taxi drivers in Bangkok can now charge “handling fees” for luggage

    Bangkok taxis can now start charging passengers extra for large luggage items with handling fees ranging from 20 to 100 baht per item. Under the new regulations, taxi drivers are required to tell passengers about the extra costs before the ride. Bags larger than 26 inches will be 20 baht and items larger than 50 inches will be no more…

  • Transport News

    Thai Airways has officially lost its state enterprise status

    The State Enterprise Policy Committee announced that Thai Airways has lost its state enterprise status after the Vayupak Fund bought a 3.17% stake from the Finance Ministry yesterday. The purchase was undertaken at a price of 4.90 baht per share, with a trade worth 285.2 million baht, leaving the national carrier owning 48% of its own shares and stripping its…

  • Transport News

    New upper and lower highway speed limits to be introduced

    Motorists using the right lane of any Thai highway or motorway, with more than four lanes of traffic, and drive slower than 90 kilometres per hour, will face charges in the future. A proposal to raise the speed limit to 120 kilometres per hour is also being considered. The new regulations are expected to be ready by next month. The…