
  • Thailand News

    Thailand’s glow-in-the-dark snail steals the show

    A bioluminescent snail from Thailand has captured the hearts of thousands, winning the prestigious International Mollusc of the Year 2024 title. Over 50% of the more than 6,000 voters selected this mesmerising mollusc, making it a clear favourite. The annual competition, initiated in 2021 by Germany’s Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, the LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics,…

  • Lifestyle

    Find out your skin type

    Knowing your skin type helps when you’re figuring out your skincare game. Each skin type has its quirks and needs specific stuff to stay happy. So, picking the right gear for whether you’ve got oily, dry, or sensitive skin can make a big difference in how fresh and youthful your skin looks. Common skin types Oily Skin: This skin type…

  • Lifestyle

    Evening skincare routine for a refreshed glowing complexion

    Navigating the complex realm of skincare can often seem formidable, particularly when it concerns determining the appropriate sequence for applying your products. Rest assured, however, that our aim is to assist you in demystifying this process. The pivotal guideline to follow within your daily facial care regimen is to commence with more transparent, lightweight formulas such as serums and boosters,…

  • Food

    Foods that are bad for your skin

    You can follow all the skincare routines you want, but if you follow a healthy diet, you will still break out. Eating right isn’t just for a healthy body, it also promotes healthy skin. Here are the types of food that can harm your skin. 1. High-glycemic foods High-glycemic food digests easily and shoots your blood sugar up like a…