Kashish Sharma

Kashish Sharma

Kashish Sharma is an expert at blending emotional depth with technical prowess in her writings. With a Master's in Computer Application, she excels in crafting engaging blog posts and articles that resonate deeply with readers.
  • Lifestyle

    Five time saving hacks in Thailand

    Envision a scenario where your vacation to Thailand is conducted seamlessly and efficiently. In reality, this is not merely an abstract concept. We have on hand some excellent insider advice that can expedite your itinerary and enhance your leisure time. From tackling immigration procedures to noting down indispensable information, we are prepared to guide you through a series of simple…

  • Technology News

    Exploring the potential of AI in space exploration

    Envision a forthcoming era where artificial intelligence enhanced spacecraft traverse the cosmos. This is not a concept from a science fiction narrative, it represents the reality we are progressively approaching as artificial intelligence merges with space exploration. The incorporation of AI in celestial missions is not solely about enhancing efficiency, it is about extending the limits of feasibility, thereby transforming…

  • Automotive

    How weather can affect your car battery

    Have you ever wondered why your automobile has difficulty initiating on frigid winter mornings? If you are reluctant in the cold, it’s not just you. Your vehicle’s battery also experiences adverse effects. The winter season, with its severe low temperatures, can greatly impact the lead-acid batteries that facilitate the start of your vehicle. The cold weather not only causes discomfort,…

  • Technology News

    How the blockchain can benefit Thai businesses

    Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) undoubtedly form the structural foundation of many global economies, they contribute up to 40% of national revenue and create upwards of 70% of employment roles. Nevertheless, they frequently encounter significant hurdles, including obtaining financial access. This is where blockchain is introduced as a catalyst for change, set to redefine the vista of the business landscape.…

  • Lifestyle

    How to negotiate for a better job package

    Securing the job that you have always been looking for can not only give you a sense of relief but it can also elevate your sense of achievement. However, before you accept the proposed salary offer out of excitement, make sure not to overlook the negotiation of your employment package. There is a stigma that the initial offer that you…

  • Technology News

    The triumphs and challenges of women in tech

    In the dynamic world of technology, where innovation and progress are the norms, women are increasingly making significant contributions. From pioneering software development to leading groundbreaking research in artificial intelligence, women in tech are driving the industry forward. However, their journey is fraught with unique challenges that need to be acknowledged and addressed. This article celebrates the achievements of women…

  • Food

    Delicious egg recipes for breakfast

    Eggs. The staple of breakfast. Since eggs have a lot of protein, they are a very simple and qualified choice for a tasty and healthy breakfast. A solitary egg contributes a remarkable 7 grams of protein while only adding 75 calories and is a great way to start your morning. Concerned about cholesterol? There is no need to worry. Contemporary…

  • Technology News

    Types of 5G technology

    As technological advancements continue to expand, explore 5G technology, where data speeds have become incredibly fast. With peak speeds of 20 gigabits per second and average download speeds of 186.3 Mbps in the US and 432 Mbps in South Korea, 5G is changing how you connect, communicate, and use content. The heart of this revolution lies in the new radio…

  • Technology News

    How technology fosters a happy working environment

    Today, technology is not just a tool; it drives the creation of more enjoyable and efficient environments. With 97% of employees believing technology can greatly improve their workplace, it’s clear that the digital era is transforming our professional lives. However, there is a caveat. A significant 64% believe that businesses risk falling behind if they do not adopt new technology.…

  • Technology News

    Do you need a university degree to get an IT job in Thailand?

    Are you contemplating launching your career in Information Technology in Thailand? The tech sector in Thailand presents a variety of opportunities, albeit securing your desired position may necessitate more than just your technological competence. In various global spheres, experience in conjunction with certifications may suffice as your passport to employment in IT. However, the job market in Thailand may perhaps…

  • Technology News

    Key factors when choosing between a desktop and a laptop

    In the ever-changing world of technology, the competition between desktop computers and laptops continues. With the development of advanced laptop technology, many companies have moved from traditional desktops to portable devices. But does this mean desktops are becoming useless? Not necessarily. Despite the rising popularity of laptops, desktops still offer unique benefits. Choosing between a desktop and a laptop isn’t…

  • Lifestyle

    Prepare for your IT job interview in Thailand

    The IT field has been slowly growing with many more applicants and the pursuit of securing your ideal IT position in Thailand can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking process. The path is not without its challenges; however, being ready with proper preparation and an optimistic outlook, success is within your reach. The undertaking involves much more than simply passing an…

  • Lifestyle

    10 best action films coming from Thailand

    Welcome to the compelling universe of Thai action cinema, a sphere where remarkable stunts and extraordinarily skilful martial arts command recognition. The film industry in Thailand has been carving an indelible mark on the world stage, releasing some of the most gripping action-filled masterpieces that have engaged viewers universally. A particular exemplar is Ong-Bak. The Thai Warrior is a 2003…

  • Food

    Best drinks to pair with different Thai food

    Do you appreciate the unique taste of Thai cuisine, or perhaps, you are an aficionado of beer, wine, or sake in search of novel experiences in taste. Regardless of your preference, this write-up provides an insightful treatise regarding the fine art of harmonizing beverages with the rich and multifaceted flavours of Thai gourmet. From the unique constituents in your selected…

  • Cannabis

    Can marijuana cause brain damage?

    So, with all this talk of legalizing weed for fun popping up across the United States, some folks are scratching their heads, wondering. Does smoking pot mess with your brain. It’s all tangled up with stuff like how much THC that’s the chemical in the pot that gets you high, how often you smoke, and your body’s unique makeup. Like…

  • Lifestyle

    Tennis as an outdoor activity in Thailand

    Delve into the captivating realm of tennis in Thailand, a nation where this sport surpasses being merely a recreational activity and symbolises a lifestyle. As you traverse through the historic metropolis of Chiang Mai, you will discover numerous tennis courts, each possessing its own distinctive allure. Regardless of your expertise level, from professionals to beginners, an inviting court awaits you.…

  • Technology News

    Thailand’s emerging innovative towards smart city development

    Envision a metropolis that not only embodies the concept of smartness but also intelligent and innovative sophistication. This city incorporates a flawless fusion of advanced technology, sustainable practices, and an enhanced quality of life. This futuristic paradigm is now the established vision for Thailand’s urban evolution. The nation’s Board of Investment is firmly committed to transforming Thailand into a dynamic…

  • Lifestyle

    Airport tips for first time flyers

    Embarking on a flight journey for the first or after prolonged discontinuation could be exciting as well as intimidating. The dynamic environment of airports, meticulous processes, and the premonition of the ensuing flight might evoke a spectrum of feelings. However, assure yourself, that air travel does not necessarily need to be stressful. With appropriate anticipatory measures, it can be effortlessly…

  • Lifestyle

    Plastic pollution at the Thai beaches

    Picture a stroll on Thailand’s beautiful coastline, feeling the fine grains of sand between your toes and the spectacle of the setting sun on the horizon. However, an alarming reality juxtaposes this idyllic scene – the sight of plastic waste littering the stretch of sand, a picture that starkly contrasts the otherwise natural beauty. This unsettling image reflects the magnitude…

  • Lifestyle

    Working at home with children

    Adapting to a remote working environment while simultaneously addressing childcare obligations presents a considerable challenge to many working professionals in the contemporary world. The task is notably intricate, as the boundaries between work and personal life often become indistinct. This article aims to unfold the reality, obstacles, and potential resolutions related to this current conundrum. Working from home has acquired…

  • Education

    Challenges of rural education in Thailand

    Envision a circumstance where the payment of tuition is not carried out through monetary transactions but through the process of tree planting and participation in community service activities. This is the state of affairs in certain remote regions of Thailand, where educators, imbued with a deep sense of commitment, are endeavouring to deliver high-quality education despite numerous hindrances. The gravity…

  • Lifestyle

    Incorporating traditional Thai elements in modern home decor

    Have you ever considered augmenting the appeal of your home with a balanced blend of revered tradition and contemporary interpretation? Could you envision the ageless allure of Thai architectural techniques intermingled with the clean and flowing aspects of modern design? This article intends to pave the way in uncovering the ways through which deeply-rooted Thai characteristics can be cohesively embedded…

  • Lifestyle

    Evening skincare routine for a refreshed glowing complexion

    Navigating the complex realm of skincare can often seem formidable, particularly when it concerns determining the appropriate sequence for applying your products. Rest assured, however, that our aim is to assist you in demystifying this process. The pivotal guideline to follow within your daily facial care regimen is to commence with more transparent, lightweight formulas such as serums and boosters,…

  • Lifestyle

    Quick 15-minute makeup routine for a polished look

    Living in today’s dynamic world, the ability to complete tasks with optimal efficiency has become paramount. This is particularly pertinent when considering our habitual routines, including the application of makeup. The aspiration towards achieving a striking appearance without consuming excessive periods in front of a mirror is ubiquitous. It is towards this goal of a rapid and successful makeup regimen…

  • Lifestyle

    How to surprise your date

    In the swift current of today’s active lifestyle, allocating moments for romantic pursuits often falls by the wayside. However, consider the potential of reigniting passion with a surprise that epitomises devotion and mindfulness. Regardless of whether you find yourself in the vigour of your 20s, or the ripe graciousness of your 60s, surprising your partner with unexpected dates provides an…

  • Lifestyle

    Ways to do laundry in Thailand

    So, you’re planning a trip to Thailand, or as I like to call it, the Land of Spicy Noodles and Elephants in Pajamas, huh? Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive deep into an enthralling aspect of Thai culture that is, wait for it laundry shocked No worries, it’s way more exciting than it sounds, trust me. Whether it’s…

  • Lifestyle

    Ways to do laundry in Thailand

    Thailand, a nation characterised by infinite exploration and perpetual clothing care necessities. Those intending to journey to this equatorial realm will promptly discern that the warm and humid environment necessitates more frequent clothing rotation than could be anticipated. The unrealistic proposition of packing an entire month’s wardrobe necessitates an alternative laundry solution for the traveller. The advent of laundry facilities…

  • Technology News

    Thailand’s potential for space travel

    Thailand’s venture into aerospace technology is a chronicle of ambitious aspirations and precise risk management. In 2018, a memorandum of understanding was officially signed between Thailand’s National Astronomical Research Institute and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This marked the inception of a program that has over the years, evolved into a reputable consortium of space science enthusiasts and professionals. This…

  • Thailand News

    How to make money as a freelancer in Thailand

    Thailand, charactersed by its dynamic culture and picturesque natural landscapes, is not solely a tourist hotspot but also a country of considerable potential. If you aspire to a lifestyle that marries remote work with the opportunity to engage in local traditions, as well as the possibility to accrue savings, Thailand may well be your ideal destination. In this country, the…

  • Lifestyle

    Wearable technology innovations and applications

    Venture into the evolving realm of wearable technology, where innovation is not merely a trendy term, but a crucial element of survival. This advanced sector is instigating transformations across industries, improving worker safety, elevating performance levels, and diligently focusing on health. From sophisticated smartwatches to comprehensive activity trackers, wearable technology is not an aspect of a futuristic vision, it is…