search engines

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How TikTok is overtaking Google as a search engine

    With the continuous evolution of technology, change remains an integral part of our digital lives. A notable development in this realm is the rise of TikTok as a potential contender to Google in the search engine industry. Google, a pioneer for over twenty years, has consistently refined its algorithm, establishing itself as a synonym for speed, dependability, and flexibility. Yet,…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Leveraging AI and machine learning can revolutionise your campaigns

    The current landscape of digital technology is marked by the struggle to achieve visibility for your business online and target the appropriate audience amidst a wave of competition. Search engine marketing (SEM) has pivotal strategies that will allow a business to achieve this but with ongoing advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, more marketers have opportunities for maximum…

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    Google’s 2024 update: Wave goodbye to spam & welcome quality

    Google’s latest initiative to enhance search result quality has kicked off with the launch of the March 2024 core update. This significant update, alongside a series of spam updates, marks a pivotal moment for both users and content creators. With a focus on refining its core ranking system, Google has also seamlessly integrated its helpful content system, promising a more…

  • Digital Marketing

    Revolutionising marketing: How technology changed the game

    In the whirlwind world of digital marketing, technology’s role cannot be overstated. It’s transformed how businesses connect with you, turning traditional strategies on their head. From the personalised ads that greet you on your favourite social media platforms to the seamless online shopping experiences, technology’s fingerprints are everywhere. But it’s not just about the flashier, more visible changes. Behind the…

  • Best of

    The 8 Best SEO Agencies in Thailand

    Press Release (In collaboration with Primal Digital Agency) Are you tired of spending money on online advertising with no tangible results? Then let us introduce you to the holy grail of digital marketing – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). In today’s digital age, with the demand for online shopping and online-first businesses rapidly rising, customers rely on search engines to find…

  • Business News

    AI revolutionising search engines, shifting from links to direct answers

    The online search experience, which has been dominated by Google for the past 25 years, is set to undergo a significant transformation as artificial intelligence (AI) reshapes the way users seek answers to their questions. AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing are revolutionizing the classic search-and-click method, enabling users to receive direct answers to their queries rather than sifting…