Hong Kong

  • World News

    Strict restrictions imposed in Hong Kong as Covid-19 resurgence worsens

    Despite appearing to successfully flatten the curve from April onwards, Hong Kong is now fighting its worst outbreak of the Covid-19 virus since January. The new outbreak is escalating, leading authorities to impose strict restrictions once more. Among those is a ban on eating in restaurants in the evening, with eateries only permitted to offer a takeaway service between the…

  • World News

    Hong Kong shutters schools again amid new virus transmissions

    Hong Kong’s education minister says that all schools will close again from Monday after a spike in locally transmitted Covid-19 infections. The move will bring forward the start of the summer holidays, after the city recorded an “exponential growth” of locally transmitted cases in the past few days. The city recorded 38 new confirmed cases yesterday alone, 32 of which…

  • Covid-19 News

    In the midst of re-opening, there are now new lockdowns around the world

    Countries that appeared, only a few weeks ago, to have their local Covid-19 outbreaks under control – Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore for example – are now seeing new waves of the virus drawing immediate attention from officials, locking down the affected areas. They know, for now, it’s the only solution to counter new outbreaks. These mini-outbreaks in formerly ‘low-risk’ areas…

  • World News

    Medical experts anxious as Hong Kong reports 9 new local cases of Covid-19

    Hong Kong is bracing itself for a possible resurgence of the Covid-19 virus as the city records its highest daily tally since infections peaked in early April. 4 out of 9 new cases have links with a noodle shop in Kwun Tong, on the Kowloon peninsula, where a 59 year old employee has tested positive for the virus. One man…

  • World News

    HK man arrested for allegedly stabbing officer in security law protests

    Police in Hong Kong arrested a man aboard a flight to London this morning on suspicion of stabbing a police officer during protests of the Chinese territory’s new security law. About 370 people were arrested during and after yesterday’s protests against the new laws, imposed by China to curb activities surrounding the anti-government protests that have racked Hong Kong for…

  • World News

    Australia and UK may offer a safe haven to Hong Kong citizens

    Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Australia is “actively considering” providing a safe haven for Hong Kong citizens to migrate to the country after controversial national security laws enforced by China have come into effect. Yesterday, hundreds of people were arrested after protesters took to the streets to protest the new laws introduced by China to suppress dissidents. When asked…

  • World News

    Beijing passes new Hong Kong security law

    China has passed the controversial new national security law for Hong Kong in what critics believe could be the start of a wave of ‘mainland’ political repression. The National Standing Committee, China’s top lawmaking body, approved the legislation. The passing of the new law has been reported on Now TV, RTHK and the South China Morning Post. Chinese officials maintain…

  • World News

    Hong Kong residents protesters of new national security law arrested

    Hong Kong residents protesting China’s new national security law found themselves arrested for unlawful assembly after fights broke out. Yesterday’s protest was largely supposed to be silent but ended with armed riot police arresting 53 people and using pepper spray on parts of the crowd after chanting and slogans were shouted towards them. Such arrests may be an indication of the…

  • World News

    Asia stocks rise along with coronavirus cases

    Asian stocks are rising along with the number of coronavirus cases after the WHO reported the highest daily rise since the pandemic began. The fine line between a second wave in cases and the removal of lockdowns seems to favour a more conservative approach in the stock market as caution is being taken. The Nikkei 225 ranked 0.3% higher in…

  • World News

    Covid restrictions ignored in Hong Kong as hundreds of protesters take to the streets

    Hundreds of Hong Kong residents have defied police orders, taking to the streets to mark one year since pro-democracy protests began. They assembled in the Central district and marched to nearby streets, shouting various political slogans including, “Fight to the End”. There were also large gatherings in shopping malls, with people singing protest anthems and holding up “Liberate Hong Kong”…

  • Covid-19 News

    More masks, more problems: Covid waste pollutes oceans

    Disposable face masks and plastic gloves are ending up in the oceans around the world, some calling it “Covid waste.” Conservationists and non-profits in Europe and Asia worry that the items used to protect those on land from the coronavirus are now threatening life underwater. In France, Laurent Lombard, from the non-profit Opération Mer Propre, posted a video on Facebook on a…

  • World News

    Some Hong Kong passport holders could have a “path to UK citizenship”

    Hong Kong, the former British colony that’s been rocked by often violent protests for more than a year, may at last see a ray of hope – for some of its 7 million residents, at least. If China doesn’t suspend its plans for a draconian security law in the largely autonomous territory, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says the UK…

  • World News

    China proposes new “security law” for Hong Kong

    After more than a year of often violent protests and unrest, China says it will introduce a proposal today for a national security law in Hong Kong in a move the US warns will be “highly destabilising” for the Asian financial hub. The announcement late yesterday was quickly criticised by pro-democracy lawmakers and activists as “the end of Hong Kong,”…

  • Việt Nam

    Kẻ phát tán 1.300 ảnh sex của Trần Quán Hy giờ ra sao?

    Scandal ảnh nóng của Trần Quán Hy từng là sự kiện chấn động showbiz Hoa ngữ trong nhiều năm và hủy hoại cuộc đời của những người trong cuộc. Mới đây, cuộc sống của người lan truyền ảnh sex của nam diễn viên Trần Quán Hy đã được Toutiao tiết lộ. Năm 2008, cả showbiz châu Á rúng động trước…

  • Politics News

    Four destinations removed from Thailand’s “high risk” list

    Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health has removed two countries and two special administrative zones off its list of Covid-19 ‘high-risk’ countries. The destinations include China, South Korea, Hong Kong and Macau. The announcement was made late yesterday and listed in the Royal Gazette. The announcement mentioned the “effectiveness of those areas in containing the continued spread of the deadly virus”.…

  • Covid-19 News

    292 Thai nationals return home from Hong Kong and The Maldives

    Yesterday at around 5pm, 292 Thai nationals returned home from Hong Kong and The Maldives, all 292 passengers have been sent straight to a state-organised quarantine centre for 14 days, both city hotels that were currently empty. The first flight arrived from Hong Kong at 3:59 pm. 161 passengers were on board the plane.Upon landing all passengers passed the initial…

  • Covid-19 News

    Hong Kong riot police quarantined

    Hong Kong, rocked by violent protests since last June, now faces a new hurdle. Almost all members of an elite anti-riot squad will be placed under quarantine for 14 days after an officer involved in mass arrests at an anti-government rally earlier this week tested positive with Covid-19 coronavirus. Now Hong Kong’s entire police force may have to undergo coronavirus testing…

  • Việt Nam

    Thêm 1 năm người tình đồng giới tưởng nhớ 17 năm ngày mất của Trương Quốc Vinh

    1/4 hàng năm, cái tên Trương Quốc Vinh lại ngập tràn trên báo đài Hoa ngữ và phủ sóng khắp mạng xã hội cùng những lời tri ân, tưởng nhớ sâu sắc. Năm nay, ngày 1/4/2020 tròn 17 năm danh ca Trương Quốc Vinh tiễn biệt cuộc đời. Các phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng từ Hồng Kông đến nhiều nước…

  • Covid-19 News

    Briton becomes Thailand’s 48th confirmed coronavirus case

    Thailand’s Ministry of Health announced today that a British man flying from Hong Kong is the latest Covid-19 coronavirus patient in Thailand. The ministry’s permanent secretary Sukhum Kanchanapimai says the Briton became the 48th confirmed case after he tested positive and was admitted to a hospital on Tuesday after he developed symptoms associated with the virus. The patient, who was…

  • World News

    Hong Kong police on a roll as third suspect in toilet paper heist flushed out

    Hong Kong has been gripped by panic buying since the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, as frightened residents hoard essentials like rice and toilet tissue. Now, a third man man has been arrested there for his role in a bizarre toilet paper heist, as a gang aimed to clean up during a run of frenzied buying in the city. The 26 year…

  • Covid-19 News

    Virus cases on Japan cruise ship climb to 135

    The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases aboard the cruise ship Diamond Princess has climbed to 135. Sixty-five new cases were confirmed on the ship, which has been quarantined off the coast of Yokohama since February 5. Patients showing symptoms have been transferred to local hospitals. Authorities have allowed some of the tourists to return home. The government says there were…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Chinese keep arriving in Thailand, UK man spreads virus to 11 others

    The world death toll from the coronavirus outbreak continues to climb. Official figures put the Chinese figure at 1,016 deaths, up 108 from the day before, 1,018 worldwide. Outside of China there has only been 2 deaths reported – one in The Philippines and another in Hong Kong. The number of cases of infection has also grown to 43,104. That’s up…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thousands allowed to leave cruise ship quarantined in Hong Kong

    Around 3,600 passengers and crew on the cruise ship World Dream, quarantined for four days in Hong Kong amid fears some staff could have contracted the 2019nCoV coronavirus, have been allowed to leave. Another cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, where dozens of cases have been confirmed, remains in quarantine off Japan. Authorities reported on Saturday that 64 people had been…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: 7 more cases in Thailand, WHO battling fake virus news

    The number of worldwide coronavirus deaths has now reached 813, exceeding the number of those killed during the SARS outbreak in 2002/2003. In Hubei province, the centre of the outbreak in mid-December, the death toll has reached 780. Significantly, all but one of the overall total deaths deaths reported have been in mainland China and Hong Kong. 37,553 people are currently infected…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE – 31,481 infections world-wide, the search for a cure

    “…the coronavirus has proven itself to have higher infection rates and lower fatality rates when compared with Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)” As the coronavirus outbreak in China surges past the 30,000 mark, having infected 31,481 people, the global scientific community are racing to find a reliable treatment and vaccine. Most of the people…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Thursday afternoon, 1,200+ patients now fully recovered

    As of Thursday afternoon, World Health Organisation officials have raised the death toll to 565, with a total of 28,299 cases identified around the world. The number of full recoveries now exceeds 1,200 and rising fast as many of the earlier cases progress to full recovery. Below we’ve catalogued a lot of the latest news from around the world from…

  • Việt Nam

    Người lao động Hong Kong làm việc tại nhà sau Tết Nguyên đán vì virus corona

    Chính quyền Hong Kong yêu cầu người lao động làm việc tại nhà do nghi ngại dịch cúm do virus corona sẽ lây lan sau Tết nguyên đán. Truyền thông Hong Kong (Trung Quốc) vừa đưa tin nhằm giảm thiểu lây lan virus corona thì các công nhân, viên chức nhà nước và các nhân viên thuộc doanh nghiệp tư…

  • Việt Nam

    Bệnh viện tại Hồng Kông cho bệnh nhân ‘viêm phổi Vũ Hán’ nằm nhầm phòng

    Mới đây, quan chức Hồng Kông (Trung Quốc) phải xin lỗi sau khi đưa một bệnh nhân nhiễm coronavirus vào nhầm phòng bệnh thường. Theo CNN, bệnh nhân nữ 62 tuổi được xác định nhiễm coronavirus nhưng bị đưa vào phòng bệnh thường khiến nhiều bệnh nhân khác phải đối diện với nguy cơ lây nhiễm virus viêm phổi Vũ…

  • Việt Nam

    Trung Quốc nhăm nhe can thiệp tình hình bất ổn tại Hong Kong

    ẢNH: Reuters Đại sứ Trung Quốc tại Anh Lưu Hiểu Minh cảnh báo: “Trung Quốc sẽ không ngồi yên theo dõi nếu cuộc biểu tình ở Hong Kong leo thang thành tình trạng không thể kiểm soát”. Trong cuộc họp báo ở London, Anh ngày 18/11 vừa qua, Đại sứ Lưu Hiểu Minh phát biểu rằng chính quyền Hong Kong…

  • Việt Nam

    Trung Quốc: “Ngăn bạo lực tại Hong Kong là nhiệm vụ cấp bách”

    ẢNH: Reuters Ngày 18/11, quân đội Trung Quốc lên tiếng về tình trạng bạo động tại Hong Kong, cho rằng việc chấm dứt bạo lực tại Hong Kong là nhiệm vụ khẩn thiết nhất vào thời điểm này. Theo AFP đưa tin, ngày 18/11, phát ngôn viên quân đội Trung Quốc Ngô Khiêm cảnh báo rằng việc chấm dứt bạo…