
  • Covid-19 News

    Canada mandates domestic travellers must be vaccinated

    A sweeping new announcement from Canada’s Transport Minister at a virtual press conference yesterday declared that most passengers travelling commercially in Canada will be required to be vaccinated by this fall. The new requirement will apply to anyone travelling by plane, interprovincial train, and cruise ships or other ” large marine vessels with overnight accommodations”. Canada has 71% of people…

  • World News

    Vietnamese woman becomes first to die in Vietnam after receiving AstraZeneca’s vaccine shot

    A Vietnamese woman is the first person to die in Vietnam after receiving the Covid-19 AstraZeneca shot. The Ministry of Public Health says the 35 year old developed anaphylactic shock after getting the first dose of the vaccine, passing away in Vietnam’s southern province of An Giang last Friday. “This is a very rare case in the vaccination against Covid-19.”…

  • World News

    New Covid-19 variant prompts many countries to stop travel from the UK

    A new strain of Covid-19 quickly spreading in southern England has prompted a number of countries to ban travel from the United Kingdom while other nations are mulling similar restrictions. The new coronavirus variant is said to spread more quickly than others. British PM Boris Johnson placed London and southeastern England on a Tier 4 lockdown. He announced that both Christmas…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 deaths surpass 1 million whilst more reports emerge about former patients’ “brain fog”

    The world’s Covid-19-related deaths has passed the 1 million mark overnight as the the cycle of the world’s lockdowns and re-openings are getting mixed results. As of this morning, Thai time, the number of total deaths has reached 1,002,389, with 4,000-6,000 deaths still being recorded, globally, every day. And rising. On a more positive note, the number of daily deaths…

  • World News

    Latest travel advisories for SE Asia, UK, Canada

    While Thailand’s borders are still closed to all but a very few foreign visitors, there are outbound flights to some destinations, but the Covid-19 crisis means that entry requirements are fluid and often unpredictable; Singapore will require some returning residents who self-quarantine to use an electronic monitoring device effective August 10, while Myanmar has extended the ban on international flights.…

  • World News

    EU temporarily bans flights from Pakistan International Airlines

    The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has announced today that Pakistan International Airlines would not be allowed to fly to Europe for at least six months after the country ‘s aviation minister revealed that nearly a third of Pakistani pilots had cheated during their pilot tests. Pakistan International Airlines spokesperson Abdullah Hafeez said that because of the pandemic, PIA has…

  • World News

    Covid-19 today: World snapshot

    Despite many vaccines being in the works, and mostly all nations imposing safety measures surrounding Covid-19, The World Health Organisation says the pandemic is still growing around the world. “The epidemic is now peaking or moving toward a peak in a number of large countries,” said Dr Michael Ryan, WHO’s emergencies chief. So here is what’s happening around the world…

  • World News

    At least 18 dead in Canada’s worst-ever mass shooting

    It is the deadliest mass shooting in Canadian history. Royal Canadian Mounted Police rushed to more than a dozen crime scenes yesterday after a shooting rampage by a gunman disguised as a police officer left at least 18 dead and homes in smoldering ruins in rural Nova Scotia. Officials say the suspect, 51 year old Gabriel Wortman, died in the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Olympics postponement may be ‘inevitable’ due to Covid-19

    Today Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe, says “postponing the Olympics over the coronavirus pandemic may become inevitable”, after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said a delay was being considered as pressure grows from athletes and sports bodies. Meanwhile Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic committees announced they will not send teams to the Games if they are held this summer, prioritising the health…

  • Việt Nam

    Phu nhân Thủ tướng Canada Justin Trudeau dương tính với corona

    Bà Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, phu nhân thủ tướng Canada Justin Trudeau dương tính với virus corona sau khi có các triệu chứng vào ngày 11-3. Hãng tin Reuters dẫn thông báo từ Văn phòng thủ tướng Canada cho biết bà Sophie dương tính với virus corona. Thủ tướng Canada Justin Trudeau hiện chưa có triệu chứng của virus corona nhưng vẫn…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE – 492 people now dead, spread to 25 countries

    The latest toll for the Coronavirus outbreak has now reached 25,552, of which just over 3,000 are reported to be in a critical condition. 492 people have died from the disease and 907 have recovered. Outside of China there are now 25 countries with infected patients – Thailand, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia and Germany with the most cases. Meanwhile,…

  • Việt Nam

    Vẻ ngoài hiện tại của ‘thiên thần nhí’ Mason từng gây sốt khắp châu Á

    Mason Moon từng nổi tiếng khắp châu Á nhờ vẻ ngoài đáng yêu như thiên thần giờ đã khôn lớn và có nhiều thay đổi về ngoại hình. Gần đây, hình ảnh mới của Mason Moon – em bé lai Tây từng gây sốt khắp châu Á giai đoạn 2007-2009 – đang thu hút sự chú ý của cộng đồng…

  • Việt Nam

    Dân Canada bức xúc vì miễn phí cà phê cho nhà Hoàng tử Harry

    Chuỗi nhà hàng và cà phê nổi tiếng Canada – Tim Hortons đề nghị miễn phí trọn đời cho vợ chồng Hoàng tử Harry, đã nhận được nhiều chỉ trích nặng nề. Vừa qua, trên trang Twitter của chuỗi cà phê Tim Hortons đã có ngỏ ý muốn tài trợ trọn đời cho vợ chồng Hoàng tử Harry nếu họ…

  • Bangkok News

    Australian and Thai transnational drug smugglers drop the ball

    PHOTO: The Nation How much heroin can you smuggle in eight (car) shock absorbers? Apparently close to 4 kilograms. A joint Thai-Australian drug suppression operation called Taskforce Storm has yielded results and arrested two transnational heroin smugglers. Police identified the two as 38 year old Canadian Stephens Blair and 27 year old Thai Pahon Sivasirikaroon. The pair were apprehended when they…

  • World News

    Rahaf al-Qunun arrives in Canada – no mention in Saudi media

    The 18 year old Saudi runaway who says she feared her family and possible death if she was deported back to Saudi Arabia, has arrived in Canada. Canadian officials offered her asylum in a case that became global news after the plucky woman mounted a Twitter storm, barricaded in her airport hotel room last weekend. The Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia…

  • Thailand News

    Saudi refugee granted asylum, flying to Canada

    18 year old Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun boarded a Korean Air flight last night, bound, ultimately for Toronto, Canada, via Seoul. She came to public attention last weekend when she barricaded herself in a Bangkok airport hotel room saying she had been abused by her Saudi family. In a widely followed social media (Twitter) campaign, the plucky 18 year old explained she…

  • Phuket News

    Canada/Australia consular service share in Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga

    Canada and Australia have added Phuket, Krabi and Phrang Nga, to the Canada-Australia Shared Consular Services Agreement. Shared Consular Services are now found in 30 consular missions around the world. The Canada and Australia Consular Services Sharing Agreement dates back to the principles that were agreed to by both countries in 1986, recognizing the similarities of our philosophies underlying the…