Elderly Thai woman survives wild elephant attack

Netizens think it’s a miracle that an elderly Thai lady survived being trampled on by a wild elephant in Prachin Buri province in eastern Thailand yesterday.
The victim, 71 year old Winit On-On, aka “Grandma Winit,” was watering her eucalyptus plants at her home in Phanom Sarakham district when she bent down to pick up her hose.
When Grandma Winit stood up, she locked eyes with a large wild elephant cowering over her.
Grandma Winit ran in the opposite direction and was chased by the elephant when she fell.
The elephant stomped on grandma’s back – something that victims of this kind of attack rarely survive.
At that moment, a man came whizzing past on a motorbike, honked his horn, and drove at the elephant. Alarmed, the beast ran away.
The good Samaritan took Grandma Winit straight to Sri Maha Phot Hospital and coordinated with the village chief to contact her relatives.
Like a miracle, elderly Grandma Winit came out of the attack with just three broken toes and “back pain,” but no serious injuries.
Grandma told reporters…
“It stomped on my back with its foot… At that point, I thought, today is the day I’m killed by an elephant like I’ve seen in the news.
“At that moment, I heard the sound of a motorbike honking its horn and chasing the elephant away. I am alive because of that good citizen.”
It is believed that the elephant wandered out of Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary.
Last month, an elephant went into a violent frenzy and killed its mahout in Phang Nga province in southern Thailand yesterday.
Officials believe that Jojo the elephant turned on its owner because it was fed up with work.
Jojo both trampled on his owner and stabbed him with his tusks numerous times, said rescue workers.