Chauffeur poses as youth welfare officer to rape 13 year old girl

A chauffeur of the Service Centre for Disabled People in the Isaan province of Udon Thani posed as a youth welfare officer to lure a 13 year old girl into a rape. He even sexually assaulted the girl in front of her two year old sibling.
The victim’s mother, 31 year old Cat, urged Thai news agencies to help seek justice for her 13 year old daughter, Khaimuk. Cat stated that she filed a complaint with the police, and the case was handed to an attorney but there has been no development for more than 10 months.
Cat revealed to the public that a 33 year old Thai man, later identified as Thanakorn Srikattanaprom, allegedly raped Khaimuk at his home in May of last year.
Khaimuk stated that she engaged in an online conversation with Thanakorn for a week and met him at his home. Thanakorn asked her to have sex with him and she was afraid to refuse for fear he would hurt her.
Cat said Khaimuk brought the matter to her attention, so she went to see Thanakorn to sort it out. Thanakorn told her that he was an authority from the provincial Youth and Women’s Welfare Centre and that this case could affect his career.
Cat said she felt sorry for him and agreed to accept 70,000 baht compensation from Thanakorn. Cat added that she also forced him to sign a document promising never to have anything to do with Khaimuk again.
Not authority, but chauffeur
Thanakorn broke his promise and came to Cat’s house in June while she was away. Thanakorn sexually assaulted Khaimuk again, this time in front of Khaimuk’s sibling, aged only two years old.
Cat said she would not give Thanakorn a second chance and reported the sexual assault to the police. Thanakorn dared Cat to take legal action, saying that his relative was an attorney, so he could easily escape the charges.
Cat added that Thanakorn’s words seemed to be true because the case has not gone anywhere since it was submitted to the Office of the Attorney General.
The director of the Udon Thani Provincial Social Development and Human Security Office (M-Society), Pranom Uttarak, stepped forward to clarify the case because the rapist worked at the Service Centre for Disabled People, which M-Society runs.
Nevertheless, Thanakorn’s claimed authority was unfounded, he served as a chauffeur at the Service Centre for Disabled People.
Pranom reassured Cat and her daughter that he would undertake a comprehensive investigation into the matter and ensure they received appropriate compensation. No report has been provided regarding the delay in the case or any potential involvement of Thanakorn’s relative in the Attorney General’s legal proceedings.