Vehicles in Thailand

  • Automotive

    Sports utility vehicles versus motorcycles in Thailand

    Do you categorize yourself as an adrenaline enthusiast who finds exhilaration in a motorcycle drive, or do you have a proclivity towards the comfort and safety features of an SUV? Each stands with its unique advantages and disadvantages. From parameters like fuel efficiency and ecological footprint to factors such as cost and convenience, we’ll comprehensively examine these facets and beyond.…

  • Automotive

    10 signs It’s time to replace your vehicle

    Have you ever found yourself caught in a predicament, enduring a prolonged wait for your newly procured vehicle following a large-scale event such as the Bangkok International Motor Show? Alternatively, you may have been attracted by the seemingly lucrative discounts presented at mini automobile exhibitions within shopping centres, subsequently left pondering the true value of the transaction. Within the dynamic…

  • Automotive

    Why my car AC is not working properly

    During the summer months, the malfunctioning of a vehicle’s air conditioning system presents a noteworthy inconvenience. For those who have endured the discomfort of elevated temperatures in the driver’s seat, rest assured that such an occurrence is not uncommon. There are multiple potential causes for sub-optimal performance or complete failure of a vehicle’s air conditioning system. Mechanical issues, obstructions due…

  • Automotive

    Flying cars: A leap from entertainment to necessity

    Welcome to the future, where sci-fi fantasies meet reality. Flying cars, once a figment of imagination, are now a tangible concept. But, are they a necessity or simply a form of high-tech entertainment? In the 70s, daring engineers risked their lives in a bid to make this dream a reality, with catastrophic results. Yet, fast forward to Ridley Scott’s 1982…

  • Automotive

    This is why your car is overheating

    Have you ever embarked on a journey only to observe the sudden expulsion of steam from beneath your vehicle’s hood? It’s a disconcerting sight and one which may spell an impending complication for your vehicle’s well-being. It becomes vital to comprehend the necessary steps to take when your automobile shows signs of overheating to guarantee safety and avoid severe engine…

  • Automotive

    Regular tyre rotation boosts safety and saves costs in Thailand

    Have you ever pondered over the reason behind the uneven wear and tear of your car tyres? The root cause is predominantly linked to the tyre rotation and weight distribution within your vehicle. Generally, the front tyres shoulder a greater burden due to the engine and other components, which consequently leads to irregular wear. If this imbalance persists without rectification,…

  • Automotive

    How regular vehicle maintenance saves you money

    Owning a vehicle in Thailand offers distinct challenges and advantages, particularly regarding maintenance. Proper care of a vehicle is crucial not only for maintaining peak performance but also as a strategic approach to avoid significant future costs. Regular maintenance not only maintains the dependability of your vehicle but also protects your financial interests. Consider the consequences of neglect: minor issues…

  • Automotive

    Can mass-market electric vehicles turn a profit by 2025

    As the electric vehicle (EV) sector evolves, a pivotal question arises: Are mass-market electric cars financially viable? Recent studies illuminate this inquiry, indicating that the automotive manufacturing landscape is poised for a substantial shift. By 2025, decreased production and battery costs are expected to render smaller, more affordable EVs not only feasible but also profitable for European car manufacturers. We’re…