Romance scam

  • Thailand News

    Thai police warn about romance scammers on dating applications

    Police are warning about a romance scam where people pose as attractive foreigners on dating applications and, after some sweet talking, convince victims to transfer money to an account for an “investment opportunity.” Police say the scammers claim the coronavirus pandemic has affected their business and they’ve started investing in the stock market as well as cryptocurrency. Police say the…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Thai woman doesn’t fall for romance scam

    A man posing as a wealthy English pilot tried to flirt his way into getting 24,000 baht transferred into his account. Luckily the Thai woman he was trying to romance wasn’t buying it. Police say the “English pilot” is a common romance scam, stealing hearts and money from plenty of gullible Thai women. The romancer (aka. scammer) and the woman met…

  • Crime News

    Thai man sends online beautiful girlfriend 2.3 million baht – Doh!

    Love is a beautiful thing. A Thai man has fallen in love with a beautiful woman on Facebook called Bai Por. The romance has blossomed online for more than two years, according to “Non”. He’s sent 2.3 million baht to her in money transfers, according to Sanook. Every time they’d made arrangements to finally meet up, Bai Por would postpone…

  • Thailand News

    Seven Nigerians and seven Thais arrested in transnational romance scam sting

    A Nigerian romance scam gang has been busted resulting in the arrest of seven Nigerian nationals and seven Thais. Thai police joined forces with Malaysian counterparts to bust the transnational gang operating online romance scams. Police claim that it is the same gang that fled Thailand a year ago to set up in Kuala Lumpur. Thai immigration chief Maj-Gen Surachate…

  • Bangkok News

    Nigerian and Thai arrested over romance scam

    Police have arrested a Thai woman and a Nigerian man for having allegedly deceived at least three Thai women to transfer them some 444,900 baht in a romance scam. The new immigration police chief Maj Gen Surachet Hakpal told a press conference on Wednesday that 41 year old Chigozie Orisakwe and 37 year old and Panhathai Chermchan were arrested under…