
  • Thailand News

    Nation Group: Salary cuts apply to management team only

    Nation Group has clarified that its recent salary suspension affects a mere 10% of its staff, primarily targeting the management team. This revelation comes amid swirling rumours and public outcry, which the company attributes to distorted messages presenting partial truths, causing widespread public misunderstanding and online criticism, damaging the organisation’s reputation. Dismissing any notions of being in crisis, Nation Group…

  • Lifestyle

    Technology and media is increasing depression

    A prevalent apprehension has emerged in our progressively digital society. Between the years 2011 and 2018, there has been a significant upsurge in instances of depression, self-harm, and attempted suicides among adolescents in the United States. One may inquire, what are the contributing factors to these alarming trends. While it is imperative to avoid oversimplification, the impact of technology cannot…

  • Thailand News

    Mono next to test AI-generated news anchors on digital platform

    Mono Next, a publicly traded media and content provider, announced plans to test artificial intelligence (AI)-generated news anchors on its Mono 29 digital TV channel and online platform. The trial run, set to kick off next month, will be used to gauge audience reactions to these AI-generated anchors. Patompong Sirachairat, Mono’s chief executive, clarifies that the move is not aimed…

  • Thailand News

    Police Chief’s directive to protect Royal Thai Police’s reputation

    National Police Chief Police General Torsak Sukvimol has issued a stern order to all police officers, commanding them to refrain from divulging any information to the press that could tarnish the image or operational integrity of the Royal Thai Police (RTP). Moreover, officers have been explicitly warned against actions that could potentially serve their personal interests, sparking a firestorm of…

  • Thailand News

    Media neutrality questioned by Thai citizens, NIDA Poll reveals

    A recent public opinion survey conducted by the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), shed light on the perceptions of Thai citizens regarding media neutrality. The survey carried out from November 21 to November 24 amongst individuals aged 18 years and older across various regions, education backgrounds, professions and income levels, gathered responses from a total of 1,310 participants. The…

  • Business News

    Thailand NBTC advances regulatory structure for OTT platforms

    Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is swiftly developing a regulatory structure for over-the-top (OTT) platforms, focusing primarily on video-on-demand and video-sharing services. This manoeuvre is a further step by the government to supervise domestic and international OTT operators, necessitating that business details be submitted to the regulator to aid in shaping the future of the OTT industry. OTT…

  • Business News

    BEC World targets leading content provider status amid digital disruption

    BEC World, the operator of Thailand‘s Channel 3, is embarking on a transformation to become a leading content provider and expand its revenue streams in the digital content platform and global content licensing sectors. Surin Krittayaphongphun, president of TV business and executive director at BEC World, said this strategic move aims to ensure the company’s survival and sustainable growth in…

  • Thailand News

    Chinese streamer dies in alcohol challenge, second incident in a month

    A popular Chinese live streamer, known online as Zhong Yuan Huang Ge, passed away on June 2 after indulging in excessive alcohol consumption during a live show to win a cash prize from his viewers. His death marks the second such incident within a month and highlights the dangers of internet fame mixed with alcohol challenges. Zhong Yuan Huang Ge,…

  • Business News

    Sony considers spinning off financial arm to focus on entertainment, sensors

    Sony Group Corporation announced today that it is exploring the possibility of a partial spin-off of its financial business, Sony Financial Group, just three years after obtaining full control. The move comes as the conglomerate focuses on strengthening its entertainment and image sensor sectors. Sony is considering a two to three-year timeline for the spin-off, with plans to list the…

  • World News

    Streaming platforms battle for anime market dominance

    As anime’s popularity continues to reach new heights, major streaming platforms are vying for dominance in the lucrative market. Fuelled partly by the pandemic, this animated genre has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry, with the global market valued at US$28.6 billion in 2022, according to Grand View Research, and expected to double by 2030. Aya Umezu, CEO of Tokyo-based entertainment…

  • World News

    Australian media watchdog criticises Sky News

    Australia’s media regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), has criticised the climate coverage on Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News Australia, citing numerous inaccurate and unfair statements that led to the breach of broadcasting rules. The ACMA stated that Sky News Australia, linked to Murdoch’s US-based Fox News, aired incorrect statements in various segments of its Sunday Outsiders programme. After…

  • Hot News

    BBC India raided after airing controversial documentary

    BBC India’s office is reeling after being raided by Indian tax authorities after the country banned a controversial documentary. The documentary was accused of being critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s alleged role in deadly riots over 20 years ago. BBC News reported that the raid shut down the offices banning people from entering or leaving. The Indian government blocked…

  • World News

    Hong Kong police raid pro-democracy news media, arrest 6 people

    About 200 Hong Kong police stormed local pro-democracy news media outlet Stand News in the early morning today, arresting six employees for allegedly publishing stories against the state following the massive and frequently violent democratic protests two years ago. Stand News interim editor-in-chief Patrick Lam was amongst those who got arrested, including Hong Kong pop diva Denise Ho, barrister Margaret…

  • World News

    Critics believe Singapore’s new ‘foreign interference law’ will further stifle free speech

    Critics of Singapore’s new foreign interference law are worrying about how the island-nation’s government may weaponise the new Bill to stifle free speech. But the Singaporean government maintains that its new Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act “is needed to prevent outside meddling in the city state’s domestic affairs”. Singapore’s strict regulatory and licensing environment, sweeping censorship and libel laws, has pushed…

  • World News

    Activists call on Facebook and Twitter to follow YouTube’s lead in blocking anti-vax content

    Following YouTube’s blocking of all anti-vaccine content, and anti-vax-themed conspiracy channels, social media activists are now turning their attention to some of the other big platforms to follow YouTube’s lead. Twitter and Facebook are now targets to do more in stopping misinformation from spreading online. YouTube already had “misinformation” policies in place to prevent some of the more outrageous anti-vax…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | More BKK protester v police clashes, PM revokes media crackdown | August 11

    Pro-democracy activists clashed again with police in Bangkok last evening. After widespread criticism from Thai media and human rights organisations, Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has backed down and repealed his order banning the posting of information that could cause ‘fear’. Hopes are fading for a tourism revival in the third quarter of this year after the US government cautioned its…

  • Thailand News

    Media banned from spreading fake/distorted news, violators could have internet cut

    Starting today, the Thai government has banned media from spreading fake or distorted news that might cause fear pertaining to the Covid outbreak. The threat of censorship now hangs over the heads of violators. Thailand’s PM Prayut Chan-o-cha signed the restriction order, which was previously published in the Royal Gazette. The order says that the media is barred from publishing/broadcasting…

  • World News

    Malaysian government urges media to double its efforts against fake news

    The Malaysian government is calling on the media to double its efforts to fight fake news and inaccuracies across all platforms. Asia News Today reports that Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, the country’s Communications and Multimedia minister is calling on all media outlets to cooperate in the fight against fake news, whether that’s on television, radio, in print, or online. The minister…

  • Business News

    Open Pattaya’s bars! Business owners protest bans on city bars and clubs | VIDEO

    The situation for many of Pattaya’s clubs and bars, the cornerstone of the city’s economy, is dire. One of the most prolific bar owners is Bryan Flowers from Nightwish Group. He wants his staff to remain employed as he sees the city’s economy and workers suffer. He is also asking the media to stop publishing raw stats and numbers each…

  • Thailand video news

    Good Morning Thailand Live | BKK back to restrictions, should media publish covid numbers?

    Tim Newton, Bill Barnett and Caitlin Ashsworth discuss the current situation in Bangkok and 9 other provinces in Thailand where restrictions are being re-imposed. Caitlin outlines all the latest news out of Bangkok. Also discussing one publisher’s demands that Thai media not publish daily Covid figures. As usual, we will try to answer as many questions of yours as we…

  • World News

    Sorry, not sorry: Myanmar’s military says it’s sad about killings, but won’t stop crackdown

    Myanmar’s military says it’s sad about those killed during the anti-coup protests, but is not stopping its crackdown. The military says it will continue to stamp out, what it says, is anarchy, despite international condemnation and sanctions. Over 260 people have been killed since the February 1 coup, with the UN saying that number includes women and children. But, junta…

  • Business News

    Governments & old media versus social media – who will win? | VIDEO

    We look at the recent changes made by the Australian and Indian governments to except control over the world’s biggest social media platforms. India has issued strict new rules for Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms just weeks after the Indian government attempted to pressure Twitter to take down social media accounts it deemed, well, anti social. There is…

  • Business News

    The social media giants in battle with ‘old’ media and world governments | VIDEO “The rules signal greater willingness by countries around the world to rein in big tech firms such as Google, Facebook and Twitter that the governments fear have become too powerful with little accountability.” India has issued strict new rules for Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms just weeks after the Indian government attempted to pressure Twitter to take…

  • Hot News

    Media censorship during the Covid era | VIDEO

    Censorship of opinions and comments has become increasingly challenging for publishers and platforms in the time of Covid-19. No other world health emergency has attracted such enormous coverage, facts, misinformation and outright nonsense. And the concurrent rise and rise of social media as an information source has helped the spread of important public health information but also the inaccurate, and…

  • Events

    A very merry Christmas from The Thaiger team

    Caitlin, Champ, Earth, Jett, May, Austin, Tim and Mike would like to wish every single one of our readers a heartfelt Merry Christmas. Whilst the challenges of 2020 have brought grief, confusion and sadness to many, it’s also reminded us about the importance of family and friendships. It’s also been a year of change for us too… we’re all in…

  • World News

    Foreign media express anxiety over Thailand’s press freedoms

    Foreign journalists in Thailand are expressing concern about what they are calling restrictions on press freedom. Speaking at a recent Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand forum, speakers said that the current laws are “proving to be an obstacle to reporting of the anti-government protests”, despite government assurances there have been no curbs on freedom of expression. The “Journalism Without Fear…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Could there be another coup in Thailand? VIDEO

    Our analysis about the likelihood of another coup in Thailand, along with a list of 12 previous coups and their consequences. Please watch the video and subscribe to our YouTube Thaiger channel. Last Thursday was another day of political cat and mouse, protesters staging three more rallies around Bangkok whilst officials again huffed and puffed, not really sure exactly how…

  • Thailand Protest News

    “We love them all the same” – His Majesty comments about the Thai protesters

    In a rare moment, and certainly the first time commenting about the current political unrest, His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn has described Thailand as “the land of compromise”. The comment came in response from a question by Jonathan Miller, a correspondent of British broadcaster Channel 4, who was part of an audience of international media invited to sit among a crowd of royalist…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Police deny plans to restrict online access, as media groups issue warning

    Thai police have confirmed the legitimacy of a document released by the Free Youth group, which reveals that their Facebook page was targeted by authorities for allegedly spreading disinformation and inciting civil unrest, in breach of the State of Emergency, enacted last Thursday morning. The Free Youth group have now moved to “Telegram”, a popular messaging and telephony app, after…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Thai authorities push to ban, censor news outlets and social media

    Police are now cracking down on local media outlets covering the pro-democracy protests as well as activist group Facebook pages because they are a “threat to national security”. In addition to the police’s request to ban the content, the Digital Economy and Society Ministry is attempting to censor the Telegram social media application, saying it too poses a “threat to…