labour ministry

  • Thailand NewsMore than 600,000 migrants registered with Labour Ministry over the past month

    More than 600,000 migrants registered with Labour Ministry over the past month

    More than 600,000 migrant workers have registered with the Thailand Labour Ministry over the past month. Late last year, the Thai government announced migrants from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar would be granted a 2-year work permit and health insurance. Registration with the ministry’s Department of Employment was open from January 15 until February 13. The move follows the Covid-19 outbreak…

  • World NewsMigrant workers risk losing their legal status, the Cabinet to extend work permit amnesty

    Migrant workers risk losing their legal status, the Cabinet to extend work permit amnesty

    Over 1.7 million migrant workers in Thailand are going to lose their legal working status because they can’t submit work permit renewal and a health certificate with Covid-19 test results in time. The Labour Ministry then proposes the cabinet will extend the registration period (amnesty) for migrant workers to help maintain their legal status. Migrant workers, including those illegal and…

  • Thailand NewsLabour Ministry calls on employers to end discriminatory HIV testing

    Labour Ministry calls on employers to end discriminatory HIV testing

    The Department of Labour Protection and Welfare has announced that around 30% of HIV-positive workers have experienced discrimination from bosses because of their status, both during the hiring process and while in employment. The Labour Ministry has responded by calling on employers to end the policy of testing job applicants for the HIV virus, calling the practice discriminatory. According to…

  • Thailand News7 foreign teachers found working illegally at Sarasas school

    7 foreign teachers found working illegally at Sarasas school

    The Sarasas private school network continues to find itself in hot water, with revelations that 7 foreign teachers at one school have been working illegally. All 7 have been found to be employed without work permits at Sarasas Witaed Sainoi Pitiyakarn School, in the central province of Nonthaburi, around half an hour outside central Bangkok. All 42 Sarasas schools are…

  • World NewsFishermen abuse and slavery cases solved “off-the-record”

    Fishermen abuse and slavery cases solved “off-the-record”

    Many cases of alleged abuse and slavery at sea are not being reported to the Thailand government. The Thomson Reuters Foundation did an analysis on the claims of slavery and abuse on Thai fishing boats and found that the majority of complaints are not documented with labour ministry officials who solve issues “off-the-record”. Many fisherman agree to mediation because they…