Healthy diet

  • HealthA phytochemical from cruciferous vegetables helps protect the brain

    A phytochemical from cruciferous vegetables helps protect the brain

    Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts have long been hailed for their numerous health benefits. Recent studies have uncovered an exciting new advantage: a compound found in these vegetables may help protect your brain. What is Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C)? Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) is a naturally occurring compound found in cruciferous vegetables. When these vegetables are chopped or chewed, I3C is…

  • HealthThe health dangers of ultra-processed plant-based meat substitutes

    The health dangers of ultra-processed plant-based meat substitutes

    Eating plant-based foods is often hailed as a healthier choice, but new research suggests that not all plant-based foods are created equal. While fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are beneficial, ultra-processed plant-based foods (UPFs) such as vegan meat substitutes, vegan burgers, vegan nuggets or sausages etc. might actually increase your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The study: What researchers discovered…

  • HealthHow to stay healthy in Thailand

    How to stay healthy in Thailand

    As one traverses the vivacious avenues of Bangkok, the plethora of street cuisine and entertainment prospects could potentially be overpowering. However, this dynamic metropolis presents aspects far more profound than what is immediately perceivable. In addition to the enticing fragrances and vibrant nightlife, Bangkok harbours a broad spectrum of opportunities for those pursuing a healthier lifestyle. The countless fitness centres…

  • FoodHow to have a healthy and sustainable diet

    How to have a healthy and sustainable diet

    Did you know that what we eat won’t only affect our health, but also the planet we call home? Research shows that many of the foods that can harm our health are also bad for the environment, leading to issues like climate change and even the loss of animal and plant species. That’s why having a healthy and sustainable diet…

  • Foodexplore the health benefits of an organic diet

    explore the health benefits of an organic diet

    Hey there, fellow foodie fanatic! Get ready to belly flop into the ridiculously rad realm of organic chow and discover how it can turbocharge your health and leave you feeling like a superhero. Whether you’re bananas about fruits, or you’re ‘vegging out’ on veggies or other organic munchies, we’ve got heaps of tasty tidbits to dish up! Organic food isn’t…

  • HealthThe science-backed benefits of plant-based diets explained

    The science-backed benefits of plant-based diets explained

    Consider a world where the solution to prevent and manage chronic diseases is not hidden within a pharmaceutical container, but rather, resides on your dining table. Welcome to the sphere of plant-based nutrition, an area where your dietary habits could potentially transform into your most powerful health ally. This discourse aims to highlight the numerous benefits of adopting a plant-based…

  • FoodSustainable and healthy eating with Sunbliss Superfood

    Sustainable and healthy eating with Sunbliss Superfood

    These days, people are looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle, but they must choose from a myriad of ways that they can achieve that goal. With that, superfoods are a superb choice that is currently gaining traction among customers. These nutrient-rich foods provide a lot of health advantages and allow you to be healthier and at the same time sustainable…

  • FoodHow to easily supercharge your daily diet with superfoods

    How to easily supercharge your daily diet with superfoods

    Looking for a snack? With so many bags of chips or chocolate bars nearby, you might be tempted to satisfy your cravings with these, only to find out that these choices are full of empty calories and do not provide you with the nutrients that your body is asking for. So, why limit yourself when you can add something to…