
  • Business News

    Forecasts for Thai export growth revised upwards

    The meeting of the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking has revised upwards its forecast of export growth in 2019 to between 6.5 – 7.5% from the previous forecast of between 3.5 – 4.5%. The revision is in line with export growth in the past eight months, the committee said. Growth momentum is expected to continue during the…

  • World News

    China lowers growth targets to lowest in 28 years

    “A more complicated environment as well as risks and challenges, foreseeable and otherwise, that are greater in number and size.” by Chong Koh Ping, The Straits Times – Asia News Network China will set lower growth targets, between 6-6.5% this year, as the world’s second largest economy loses steam due to the ongoing trade war with the US along with weaker…

  • Business News

    Thai economy’s growth in 2018 projected at 4.5% – World Bank

    Things are looking up for more economic smiles in the Land of Smiles with more positive news coming out of the World Bank. Projections are being revised upward, again. The World Bank says it’s adjusted its projections for Thailand’s economic growth upward, for the whole of 2018, to 4.5%, from the previous projection of 4.1%. The announcement comes from Kiattiphong…

  • World News

    18 years of internet growth in Asia

    Sourced from DataLEADS – Asia News Network The internet continues to grow swiftly in all parts of the world. Asia continues to show impressive growth trends in the last eighteen years although there are still many pockets in south east asia that need improved access to the www. To say that access to the internet has made a profound change to…