
  • Thailand NewsChulalongkorn University introduces 3D miracle cure for dog eyes

    Chulalongkorn University introduces 3D miracle cure for dog eyes

    Does your dog struggle with cloudy eyes, frequent squinting, or unusual tears? If so, it might be suffering from a corneal ulcer, a condition that could lead to blindness if left untreated. But fret not, because scientists at Chulalongkorn University have developed a groundbreaking solution: a three-dimensional (3D) artificial cornea made from stem cells. Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Veterinary Science…

  • HealthTips for preventing screen vision issues due to blue light

    Tips for preventing screen vision issues due to blue light

    In today’s digital age, many people spend hours staring at screens and being splashed by blue light whether for work, entertainment, or social interaction. This prolonged screen time can lead to Screen Vision Issues. Understanding and addressing this issue is crucial for maintaining eye health and overall well-being. What are Screen Vision Issues? Screen Vision Issues refer to a variety…

  • HealthTaking high doses of a certain vitamin B supplement can cause blindness

    Taking high doses of a certain vitamin B supplement can cause blindness

    The surprising side effect of a common supplement Many people take vitamin B3, also known as niacin or Niacinamide, to lower their cholesterol and manage hyperlipidemia. Some even take intra-muscular or intravenous versions of it for so-called claimed beauty benefits such as lighter and fairer, youthful appearance and even reduced pore visibility. It is often considered a safe, over-the-counter supplement…

  • HealthMyopia is increasing among children in Thailand and also globally

    Myopia is increasing among children in Thailand and also globally

    In recent years, the world has witnessed a concerning surge in myopia among children, with Thailand particularly affected, reporting between 11 to 12% of school-going children affected by the condition. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that causes distant objects to appear blurry while close objects remain clear. This condition not only impacts a child’s academic success…

  • World NewsFirst human eye transplant performed on American man

    First human eye transplant performed on American man

    The world’s first-ever human eye transplant has been performed on an American man, following previous successful facial transplants. The medical advancement is significant, although it remains uncertain whether the recipient will regain sight in his newly transplanted left eye. During work, a high-voltage electrical accident severely damaged the face and one eye of 46 year old Aaron James from Hot…

  • World NewsTurkish boy discovers 11 maggots after troubling eye irritation

    Turkish boy discovers 11 maggots after troubling eye irritation

    In a recent shocking discovery in Turkey, a 10 year old boy was found to have no less than 11 live maggots residing under his left eyelid. The disturbing incident occurred after the boy made known his irritation and itching in his eye, Newsweek reported. The incident began with the boy’s parents seeking medical advice on July 5, after their…