cyber threat

  • Business NewsCyberattacks plague Thailand: Over 10 annual incidents cause significant losses

    Cyberattacks plague Thailand: Over 10 annual incidents cause significant losses

    A recent survey reveals that more than half of Thai organisations have experienced over 10 cyberattack incidents in the past year, leading to significant financial losses. The report, released by US-based cloud connectivity firm Cloudflare Inc., highlights the urgent need for Thai businesses to strengthen their cybersecurity infrastructure. According to a data breach report commissioned by IBM, the global average cost…

  • Thailand NewsThai Senator to sue cyberbullies after Prime minister bid fallout

    Thai Senator to sue cyberbullies after Prime minister bid fallout

    In the face of escalating online threats against him and his kin, Senator Somchai Sawaengkan announced he is preparing litigation against the cyber-bullies responsible. The threats transpired after the failed bid of Pita Limjaroenrat, head of the Move Forward Party (MFP), for the position of prime minister. Somchai yesterday revealed that he, alongside other senators, is in the process of…

  • Business NewsSASE survey reveals security incidents doubled in Thailand amid remote work shift

    SASE survey reveals security incidents doubled in Thailand amid remote work shift

    A recent SASE survey reveals that Thailand has seen at least double the number of security incidents in 2021 compared to the previous year, primarily due to the rise in hybrid working environments. The study, commissioned by Fortinet, highlights the challenges faced by businesses in securing the ‘branch-office-of-one’ setup amid the shift to remote work. Rashish Pandey, vice president of…

  • Thailand NewsElection commission sets up cyber threat surveillance centre to ensure transparency

    Election commission sets up cyber threat surveillance centre to ensure transparency

    The Election Commission (EC) has established a Cyber Threat Surveillance and Response Operations Centre to ensure transparency in elections, according to EC Secretary-general Sawaeng Boonmee. This development comes in partnership with the National Cyber Security Agency, Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission, Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau, the Bureau of Registration Administration, and National Telecom Public Co Ltd. Sawaeng, aged…