
  • Business NewsReforming Thailand’s creative sector to boost economy globally

    Reforming Thailand’s creative sector to boost economy globally

    Thailand’s creative industry requires a comprehensive reform to foster growth both domestically and internationally, as emphasised by the soft power development subcommittee. The government has identified the creative sector as a crucial driver for economic enhancement and international recognition, leveraging Thailand’s soft power. The 5F approach, encompassing Thai food, films and videos, fabric and fashion design, martial arts, and traditional…

  • CannabisWhat is the fastest-selling cannabis type in Thailand

    What is the fastest-selling cannabis type in Thailand

    Take a journey with us through Thailand’s lush cannabis landscape, where strains like Siamese Sativa and Ayutthaya Amnesia reign supreme. These strains, embodying the vibrant spirit of Thai vitality, are not just popular; they’re transforming the way enthusiasts perceive cannabis. Siamese Sativa, a pure sativa variety, awakens the senses with its crisp citrus aroma and floral notes, while Ayutthaya Amnesia…

  • LifestyleTop reasons to maintain a personal journal

    Top reasons to maintain a personal journal

    Ever wondered how you could improve your memory, break bad habits or start new ones, and essentially get better at anything? The secret might be simpler than you think – keeping a learning journal. Not just a diary, but a tool for personal and professional development that’s backed by science. In the fast-paced world we live in, our minds are…

  • HealthHow doing nothing for a day is good for you

    How doing nothing for a day is good for you

    In today’s fast-paced environment, taking a day off might seem impractical. Yet, such a break is crucial for rejuvenating mental and physical health. Continuous alertness can trigger stress and burnout, manifesting as chronic fatigue, irritability, and reduced productivity. Taking time to relax is not laziness; it’s a preventative strategy against mental and physical exhaustion. A complete day off involves more…