ASEAN Free Trade Agreement

  • Thailand NewsThailand hosts key ASEAN-Canada trade talks in Bangkok

    Thailand hosts key ASEAN-Canada trade talks in Bangkok

    Thailand has taken significant steps forward in trade relations by hosting the eighth round of ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement (ACAFTA) negotiations in Bangkok between yesterday and today. The meeting aimed to expedite various aspects of the agreement, to conclude discussions by 2025. Chotima Iamsawatigul, Director-General of the Department of Trade Negotiations, appointed Ratchawit Piyapramote, Deputy Director-General of the same department,…

  • Thailand NewsThailand and Bhutan start free trade talks to boost trade by 2025

    Thailand and Bhutan start free trade talks to boost trade by 2025

    Thailand and Bhutan yesterday officially began negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA), aiming to finalise the deal by next year. Deputy Commerce Minister Napintorn Srisunpang confirmed that Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay has signed the terms of reference to initiate the FTA discussions. Both nations see this agreement as a crucial step to enhance bilateral trade and investment, dismantle…

  • Business NewsVinfast challenges Chinese targeting Southeast Asia’s EV market

    Vinfast challenges Chinese targeting Southeast Asia’s EV market

    Vinfast, a Vietnamese electric vehicle (EV) producer, is contending with Chinese automobile manufacturers to market its EVs within Southeast Asia, leveraging the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA). The firm eyes Thailand as the initial export venue, based on the country’s fast-growing EV market which promises lucrative business opportunities, according to Vu Dang Yen Hang, chief executive of Vinfast Auto (Thailand).…