Four year old witness helps police catch gamblers in central Thailand

Police could not contain their laughter during an interview with a four year old witness to a crime in central Thailand yesterday. The innocent child gave police important information about a group of gamblers, including his parents, during a raid at a house in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province in central Thailand.
Yesterday, police received a complaint that a group of people were gambling together at a house in Wang Noi district. When police arrived at the house, a group of seven men and women playing the game “High-Low” ran outside and dispersed in different directions.
In a panic, one of the men jumped into an overgrown grassy swamp in an attempt to hide from police. In a video taken by police, the police ask the man in the swamp to reveal himself. The fugitive replies, “I can’t get out!” In floods of laughter, police helped him get out of the water and rounded up all the gamblers.
Police went into the house where they found clear evidence of gambling. Police found a four year old boy sitting alone at the table, who told police what he saw.
The child told police, pointing around the room…
“My father was sat here! My mother was sat here!”
“My father was playing. At first, my mother wasn’t playing. But then my mother played too”
“Where are your parents now?” the police asked the child.
“I don’t know where they disappeared to!”
Once police stopped laughing and composed themselves, they confiscated the gambling equipment, arrested all seven gamblers, and took them to Wang Noi Police Station for further questioning. The gamblers will be prosecuted according to the law.
one netizen joked, “That child is going to grow up to be a cop!”