Search Results for: disease

  • HealthThailand faces growing heart and cardiovascular disease crisis

    Thailand faces growing heart and cardiovascular disease crisis

    Thailand is grappling with a significant public health challenge as heart and cardiovascular diseases claim an alarming number of lives. According to data from the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), there were more than 23,667 deaths due to heart and cardiovascular issues, including strokes, in the first 198 days of 2024. This staggering figure translates to an average of 119…

  • HealthThailand’s Department of Disease Control warns about poisonous wild mushrooms

    Thailand’s Department of Disease Control warns about poisonous wild mushrooms

    If you’re one of the adventurous souls who enjoy foraging for wild mushrooms, especially in the rainy season when lots of wild mushrooms emerge, it’s time to be extra cautious. The Department of Disease Control, under Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health, has issued a stern warning: many wild mushrooms can be “poisonous mushrooms” and pose a serious risk, including death.…

  • Cannabis NewsCannabinoids and vitamin B12 can help in neurodegenerative disease management

    Cannabinoids and vitamin B12 can help in neurodegenerative disease management

    The long-standing relationship between humans and the cannabis plant has evolved significantly, especially with the legalization of medical cannabis. This shift has opened new avenues for exploring the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids. Recent research highlights the promising role of cannabinoids, particularly when combined with vitamin B12, in managing neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Understanding cannabinoids Cannabinoids, found…

  • Thailand NewsDisease Control warns of mpox surge after Songkran festival

    Disease Control warns of mpox surge after Songkran festival

    Thailand’s Department of Disease Control issued a warning about a significant rise in mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, cases following the Songkran festival, with the majority of cases reported in Bangkok. The Thai authorities are urging vigilance and advising the public to monitor for symptoms. Since the first detection in July 2022, Thailand has recorded a total of 787 mpox…

  • HealthResearchers identify 17 novel genetic variants associated with risk of alzheimer’s disease

    Researchers identify 17 novel genetic variants associated with risk of alzheimer’s disease

    Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder causing memory loss and cognitive decline, affects millions of people worldwide. Scientists have long sought to uncover the genetic factors contributing to this condition to develop better treatments and prevention strategies. Recently, researchers made significant strides by identifying 17 novel genetic variants linked to Alzheimer’s disease, bringing us closer to understanding and potentially combating…

  • HealthPropionate supplements: A new hope for parkinson’s disease

    Propionate supplements: A new hope for parkinson’s disease

    A revolutionary discovery In a groundbreaking study conducted by Professor Chaogu Zheng and his team from the School of Biological Sciences at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), researchers unveiled that propionate, a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), significantly suppresses neurodegeneration in animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD). This discovery offers new insights into the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, highlighting the…

  • Thailand NewsYoung woman in China diagnosed with rare vampire disease

    Young woman in China diagnosed with rare vampire disease

    A 20 year old woman from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in China, experienced a dramatic health scare when her menstrual cramps, which had been a discomfort since adolescence, suddenly took a turn for the worse over the past year. Her family, concerned by the increasing severity of her symptoms, sought medical help but to no avail, as no health issues were…

  • Thailand NewsThailand responds to surge in flesh-eating disease cases in Japan

    Thailand responds to surge in flesh-eating disease cases in Japan

    A surge in the number of flesh-eating disease cases, officially known as necrotising fasciitis, in Japan, has prompted a response from Thailand’s Department of Disease Control (DDC). The DDC gave reassurances yesterday that no instances of the rare but deadly bacterial infection have been reported in Thailand this year. The DDC is keeping a close eye on the developments in…

  • Thailand NewsSoutheast Asia’s battle against rare diseases

    Southeast Asia’s battle against rare diseases

    Healthcare visionaries, policymakers, and patient champions gathered under the theme Amplifying Patients’ Voices for Sustainable Change to unravel the complexities of rare diseases and forge a path towards better diagnosis, treatment access, and equitable healthcare. The Medical Association of Thailand, the Thai Rare Disease Foundation, and the Medical Genetics and Genomics Association united with Takeda (Thailand) Limited, aiming to amplify…

  • HealthBeat Leprosy: Expert Tips on Avoiding This Ancient Disease

    Beat Leprosy: Expert Tips on Avoiding This Ancient Disease

    Leprosy, a disease with a rich history and lots of misunderstandings, still poses quite a challenge in public health today, even though we’re seeing fewer cases in many places. This stubborn infection is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, which mainly targets the skin, nerves, and mucosal surfaces of our bodies. For those dedicated folks looking to prevent this ailment,…

  • Business NewsThailand’s TQM Insurance introduces cover for PM2.5 pollution-related diseases

    Thailand’s TQM Insurance introduces cover for PM2.5 pollution-related diseases

    Health concerns over PM2.5 air pollution in Thailand are escalating, prompting insurance companies to develop policies that cover respiratory diseases attributed to the hazardous particulate matter. TQM Insurance Brokers, in collaboration with Bangkok Insurance (BKI), has introduced a novel health insurance policy specifically designed for ailments related to PM2.5 dust exposure. The policy stipulates that if an insured individual is…

  • Thailand NewsBangkok braces for severe outbreak of three diseases

    Bangkok braces for severe outbreak of three diseases

    Bangkok’s health office predicts a severe outbreak of three diseases, with high infection rates, and plans to increase monitoring for an additional 12 diseases. Preparations are underway to care for patients, protect against infections, and secure treatment drugs and vaccines. The Health Department of Bangkok predicted a significant outbreak of three diseases in 2024. The illnesses include the Omicron variant…

  • World NewsZombie deer disease alert in Yellowstone sparks potential pandemic fears

    Zombie deer disease alert in Yellowstone sparks potential pandemic fears

    The outbreak of the so-called Zombie Deer Disease has been reported in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, according to The Guardian website. This affliction, found in deer species, alarmed researchers and scientists due to its significant environmental impact and potential to infect humans. Prions, abnormal and infectious agents, cause Zombie Deer Disease. These prions induce changes in the brain and…

  • Thailand NewsGoat carcasses spark disease outbreak concerns in Prachuap Khiri Khan

    Goat carcasses spark disease outbreak concerns in Prachuap Khiri Khan

    Five goat carcasses were found discarded on the roadside in Prachuap Khiri Khan province, raising fears of a disease outbreak. Residents alerted the animal health officials to investigate the situation. Yesterday, a resident, rummaging for old items, discovered several goat carcasses dumped in a roadside ditch along the Pranburi-Cha-Am bypass at kilometre marker 43-600, northbound near a vehicle turnaround and…

  • Thailand NewsFoot-and-mouth disease probable cause for Phayao buffalo deaths

    Foot-and-mouth disease probable cause for Phayao buffalo deaths

    A number of buffaloes have been found dead under mysterious circumstances in the Phayao province, in northern Thailand. The livestock department of Phayao province suspected the cause to be foot-and-mouth disease and has expedited investigations to affirm the cause of death. The incident occurred in village number 10 of Champa Wai sub-district, Mueang district, Phayao province, where the local livestock department…

  • Environment NewsThai research probes herbal solutions to PM2.5 dust-related chronic diseases

    Thai research probes herbal solutions to PM2.5 dust-related chronic diseases

    In promising scientific research, experts are exploring the potential of three herbal plants in combatting chronic diseases connected to PM2.5 dust. The focal point of this collaborative project is to address the health challenges arising from prolonged exposure to harmful PM2.5 dust particles, a pressing concern in regions affected by air pollution. The collaborative efforts have seen researchers from Chaophraya…

  • Thailand NewsBMA takes a stand: Puts its foot (and mouth) down on disease spread in Bangkok schools

    BMA takes a stand: Puts its foot (and mouth) down on disease spread in Bangkok schools

    In an urgent preventive move, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) mandated all schools across the Thai capital to implement stringent measures to curb the spread of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and dengue fever. This decision comes amid unsettling reports of these viruses evolving into wide-reaching epidemics among school-aged children. Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt yesterday highlighted the importance…

  • Thailand NewsThailand’s first Monkeypox-related death highlights rising infectious disease threat

    Thailand’s first Monkeypox-related death highlights rising infectious disease threat

    A severe case of Monkeypox in Thailand, infecting a 34 year old man with HIV and syphilis, culminated in the country’s first fatal mishap related to this viral scourge. The unfortunate news dropped yesterday, courtesy of Thailand’s Department of Disease Control (DDC). Explicating the unfolding of events, the DDC’s Director-General Dr Tares Krassanairawiwong took note of the initial discomforts plaguing…

  • World NewsDiabetes Insipidus: Chinese teen’s alarming 30-litre daily water intake linked to rare disease

    Diabetes Insipidus: Chinese teen’s alarming 30-litre daily water intake linked to rare disease

    In a strange incident, a 14 year old boy in Jiangxi Province, China, alarmed many with his excessive water consumption, peaking at a staggering 30 litres a day. Not getting enough water often led to hunger, melancholy, fatigue, irritability and convulsions, signalling signs of the rare disease, diabetes insipidus. The entire diabetes insipidus episode began back in 2004 when the…

  • Crime NewsIllegally imported pork carcasses spark disease concerns in Thailand

    Illegally imported pork carcasses spark disease concerns in Thailand

    At Laem Chabang port in Thailand‘s Chon Buri province, the Customs Department confiscated a total of 161 containers filled with frozen pork carcasses that had been illegally imported from various countries. The illegally imported pork shipments were found to lack proper documentation and certification, raising concerns about the potential spread of disease among both consumers and local livestock farmers. As…

  • World NewsZelenskyy visits flood-hit Ukraine; warns of mines, chemicals, disease risks

    Zelenskyy visits flood-hit Ukraine; warns of mines, chemicals, disease risks

    As the aftermath of the Nova Kakhovka dam breach unfolds, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the flooded regions, expressing concern over the dangers posed by floating mines, hazardous chemicals, and the potential spread of disease. Zelenskyy reported witnessing dead bodies floating in the water, a consequence of the Soviet-era dam’s collapse. Oleksandr Prokudin, the regional governor, stated that flooding from…

  • Thailand NewsNew kidney disease test kit offers 94% accuracy, eases early diagnosis access

    New kidney disease test kit offers 94% accuracy, eases early diagnosis access

    A new effective and accurate diagnostic kit has been developed to screen for early-stage kidney disease, with a correctness rate of 94%, a sensitivity rate of 96%, and a specificity rate of 97.8%. This screening method has been approved by the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has been proposed for inclusion in the gold card scheme to make…

  • World NewsUltra-processed foods linked to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease

    Ultra-processed foods linked to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease

    Ultra-processed foods (UPFs), which are now consumed by approximately half of the UK population, are being linked to a range of health issues, including cancer, dementia, heart disease, and strokes. The term UPF refers to food products that have undergone significant industrial processing and contain ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, and preservatives that are not typically used in home…

  • World NewsKidney disease risks overwhelming NHS without increased funding, warns charity

    Kidney disease risks overwhelming NHS without increased funding, warns charity

    A public health emergency may arise due to kidney disease without increased government funding, warns Kidney Research UK. The charity’s recent report reveals that the illness already costs the UK economy £7bn annually, a figure that could increase to £13.9bn over the next ten years if no action is taken. These costs include both the direct treatment expenses for the…

  • HealthThailand strengthens disease prevention measures in overcrowded prisons

    Thailand strengthens disease prevention measures in overcrowded prisons

    The Ministry of Public Health, the Department of Corrections, and the National Health Security Office have forged an alliance to improve and monitor health conditions for the 260,000 prisoners across Thailand, stressing that all prisoners should have equal access to medical treatment. Dr Opas Karnkawinpong, the department’s permanent secretary, has said that a united effort by the three parties will…

  • HealthPreventing mosquito-borne diseases in Thailand: Tips and guidelines

    Preventing mosquito-borne diseases in Thailand: Tips and guidelines

    Picture this: you’ve finally arrived in Thailand and you’re eager to explore the vibrant street markets, indulge in scrumptious Thai cuisine, and unwind on stunning beaches. But amidst the excitement, one pesky problem lurks: mosquitoes. These tiny creatures may be small, but they can pack a punch in the form of mosquito-borne diseases, which is common in Thailand. Thailand has…

  • HealthPhuket hospital specialising in complicated diseases set to open in 2027

    Phuket hospital specialising in complicated diseases set to open in 2027

    Phuket’s newest hospital, specialising in complicated diseases, is set to open by 2027. The Cabinet says it has a budget of 3.14 billion baht for the new hospital, which will be named PSU Hospital Phuket. Mai Khao district will be the location of the hospital with the hospital’s design reportedly already in review, according to Phan Thongchumnum, Deputy Dean of…

  • Environment NewsOver 1.4 million people in Thailand suffers diseases related to PM2.5

    Over 1.4 million people in Thailand suffers diseases related to PM2.5

    According to a report released by the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), 1,449,716 people in Thailand and 31,695 people in Bangkok are suffering from diseases caused by PM2.5 pollution. Skin irritation, stroke, and eye inflammation were the most commonly reported illnesses. The Inspector-General of the MOPH, Pathomporn Siraprapasiri, disclosed the results of a survey last week that was conducted between…

  • Travel GuidesCommon Diseases in Thailand

    Common Diseases in Thailand

    Boasting stunning natural beauty, warm weather, and beautiful culture, Thailand is a gorgeous tropical country. Because of these reasons, Thailand is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. But due to factors like biodiversity, socioeconomic background, tropical climate, and frequent interaction between humans and animals, there are certain diseases visitors need to watch out for. Therefore, it’s always a…

  • Northern Thailand NewsBoy in northeast Thailand dies of respiratory disease

    Boy in northeast Thailand dies of respiratory disease

    A boy in Thailand’s northeast province of Nakhon Ratchasima died of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on Monday. This is the first death from RSV reported this year, but a doctor from Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital warns that RSV could be more virulent this year. The doctor, Jiraruj Chomchoey, said that at least one child has been admitted to the…