Permanent Residence: Most Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to your questions about Thai permanent residency.

What are the eligibility criteria for Thailand’s permanent residency?

Not everyone can apply and obtain permanent residency in Thailand. You must fulfil one of the following criteria to be eligible to receive a Thailand Permanent Residence Permit:

Employment category: You have held a Thailand work visa and work permit for at least three years before submitting your application, and:

  • You have worked at your current company for at least a year when applying for permanent residency.
  • You have an Extension of Stay based on Employment.
  • You had a monthly salary of at least 80,000 Baht for two consecutive years or filed a tax return of annual income of 100,000 Baht or more for two consecutive years.

Business category: You have been an executive officer and a signatory of a business registered in Thailand for at least one year, and:

  • The company that employs you must have a registered capital of at least 10 million.
  • You have earned at least 50,000 Baht per month for two consecutive years before you apply.
  • Your company’s business must be deemed as in an area of interest to the Thai economy.

Investment category: You have invested at least 3 million Baht in a limited or public company in Thailand, a Thai estate enterprise’s security corp, a Thai state-issued security corp, or the Thai stock market.

Expert category: You have at least a Bachelor’s Degree or higher education and work in a role that requires you to work in Thailand for at least three consecutive years.

Family category: You have been married to a Thai national. Or you are the parent or child of a Thai citizen.

Other backgrounds and circumstances will be considered by the Thai Immigration Department on a case-by-case basis.


Key Points

  • There’s also a maximum annual quota of 100 persons per country for permanent residency.
  • Your Thai permanent residency never expires. However, it can be revoked.
  • Although you have a Permanent Resident status, you still have to apply for a re-entry permit if you leave and re-enter Thailand.
A person holding Thai passport
Image by Noppon Meenuch

How can you apply for permanent residency in Thailand?

All applications for a Thai permanent residency must be made at a Royal Thai Immigration Office. The application process is as follows:

Gather documents: Start by collecting the required documents, which can vary depending on your eligibility category. It’s best to begin early as applications are only accepted during specific periods.

Submit application: During the application window (usually October-December), submit your documents at the local immigration office. Prepare for an interview, a Thai language test, fingerprint scans, and application fees.

Application processing: While your application is reviewed (which can take several months), you’ll receive a 180-day extension of stay.

Approval and registration: Upon approval, you’ll receive a house registration book (blue book). Register your residence at the local Amphur and apply for an alien book (red book) – similar to a Thai ID card – at the police station (requires annual renewal).

Your Thai permanent residency never expires. However, it can be revoked. Note that you still have to apply for a re-entry permit if you leave and re-enter Thailand.

What documents do you need to prepare to apply for permanent residency in Thailand?

The documents required to apply for permanent residency depend on your specific circumstances and category. Therefore, it is best to contact the immigration office to ask them which documents are required. You can also talk to an experienced lawyer to help you with the process.

In general, you will have to prepare the following documents:

  • Your passport and a copy of all the relevant pages, such as the personal information page, previous Thai Visas, entry and exit stamps, and issue/expiry date.
  • 12 passport-size pictures (4×6 cm) of yourself taken within six months of your application. Make sure the photo has a white background. In addition, your entire face should be visible, and you must be staring ahead with a neutral facial expression.
  • Completed and signed Permanent Residence application form (TM.9).
  • Your original House Registration Book (yellow Tabien Ban) and a copy of it.
  • The fee for the application, in cash.
  • A copy of your monthly income tax form.
  • A copy of your work permit.
  • Any other documents the Immigration Department requires you to present.

The process of obtaining a Thai permanent residency might be long and tiring, but the benefits you can enjoy will make up for it.

How much does permanent residency in Thailand cost?

The processing fee for Thailand permanent residence is 7,600 Baht. If the immigration office approves your application, you will have to pay another fee for the Permanent Residence Permit Certificate:

  • If You apply for a permanent residency based on marriage to a Thai citizen, the fee is 95,700 Baht.
  • If you apply for a permanent residency based on employment, business, investment, expert, etc., the fee is 191,400 Baht.

It’s best that you work with an experienced lawyer to help make the whole process easier.

How long does the process take?

Since the immigration department does the process and consideration on a case-by-case basis, it can be hard to tell how long the whole process can take. The application submission itself can take about 2 to 4 weeks. Then, you will have to get through an interview, which may take about 1 to 4 months to process. Then, it may take several months for the immigration department to process and approve your application. In general, the whole process of Thai permanent residency application can take up to one year.

What are the benefits of permanent residency in Thailand?

Some of advantages are as follows:

  • You don’t need to get a Thai Visa Extension every year.
  • You can get a Work Permit more easily.
  • You don’t have to submit a 90-Day report.
  • You can buy property in Thailand without having to transfer money from abroad.
  • You can become a director of a public company.
  • You can apply for Thai Citizenship by naturalization.


What are the downsides of applying for permanent residency in Thailand?

While obtaining permanent residency in Thailand offers numerous advantages, there are also several downsides to consider:

  • Time and cost: The application process can be both lengthy and expensive. The application processing can take up to a year. You will also incur various fees, including the application fee, the permanent resident permit certificate fee, and possibly lawyer fees if you choose to hire legal assistance.
  • No guaranteed approval: Approval is not guaranteed. The Thai Immigration Department assesses applications on a case-by-case basis, and they have the authority to deny any application.
  • Restrictions: Even with permanent residency, you are not a Thai citizen. Consequently, you cannot vote in Thai elections, and there may be limitations on specific types of employment you can pursue.

If you are considering applying for permanent residency in Thailand, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully to determine if it is the right choice for you.

Can permanent residency be lost?

Yes, it is possible to lose your permanent residency in Thailand under certain circumstances. Here are some example reasons why your residency might be revoked:

  • Failing to maintain residency: Permanent residents are required to spend a designated amount of consecutive days outside of Thailand each year. Exceeding this limit could result in the loss of your residency status.
  • Criminal activity: Involvement in criminal activities in Thailand can lead to deportation and the revocation of your permanent residency.
  • Security Concerns: In rare cases, if the Thai government deems you a security threat, they may revoke your permanent residency.

It’s crucial to be aware of these potential consequences and to adhere to all Thai immigration laws in order to maintain your permanent residency status.

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