Thai Red Cross Society

  • Thailand NewsThai Red Cross clarifies blood donation charges are for service not sale

    Thai Red Cross clarifies blood donation charges are for service not sale

    The Thai Red Cross Society’s National Blood Centre clarified that the blood donated and subsequently delivered across the nation’s hospitals is not up for sale. However, recipients are required to cover a service fee. This clarification came to light via the National Blood Centre’s website in response to a Facebook post claiming the Thai Red Cross Society was profiting from blood…

  • Thailand NewsThai mother’s selfless act donates son’s heart, rekindling a stranger’s heartbeat

    Thai mother’s selfless act donates son’s heart, rekindling a stranger’s heartbeat

    The Thai Red Cross Society today disclosed the touching story of a mother who donated the heart of her son on a life support machine to save another’s life. Despite facing criticism from people who couldn’t understand her decision, the mother hit back saying it was the right thing to do to save the life of another. Sopha Noyjinda’s son,…

  • Phuket NewsWorld blood donor day celebrated at Phuket Red Cross

    World blood donor day celebrated at Phuket Red Cross

    Phuket’s branch of the Red Cross Society of Thailand and associated authorities recently organised a World Blood Donor Day event to express their gratitude to blood donors. This global event on Wednesday (June 14) recognised the importance of donating blood, ensuring that life-saving medical procedures can be performed when required. Taking place at the Royal Phuket City Hotel, Vice President…

  • Things To DoShop and share at the 56th Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar

    Shop and share at the 56th Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar

    Mark your shopping calendar as the annual charity shopping fair “56th Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar” is approaching. This fund-raising event is organized by the Thai Red Cross Society in close cooperation with the spouses of diplomats and their embassies based in Thailand. On offer are signature items and quality products from around the world and a plethora of goods at…

  • CannabisCan I donate blood in Thailand if I smoke cannabis?

    Can I donate blood in Thailand if I smoke cannabis?

    Thai Red Cross Society is in constant need of blood donations to save lives. Since Thailand legalised cannabis in June, more people in the kingdom are smoking the plant than ever before. But does smoking “gancha” impact your eligibility to donate blood? Patients need blood transfusions for: surgery, serious injuries from car crashes, anaemia, blood disorders, cancer treatments, complicated child…

  • Thailand NewsYoung Swiss man needs O negative blood donations after heatstroke on Thailand island

    Young Swiss man needs O negative blood donations after heatstroke on Thailand island

    A 25 year old Swiss man needs donations of the blood type O negative (O-) after he went running on Koh Chang off the coast of the eastern province Trat and suffered a heatstroke. Theo Zwahlen is in a coma in the ICU at Bangkok Hospital in Chanthaburi. Theo has kidney failure, acidosis, brain damage, rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) and a…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai Red Cross offers free Moderna booster for those qualifying

    Thai Red Cross offers free Moderna booster for those qualifying

    For those that qualify, the Thai Red Cross Society will be offering free Moderna booster shots in late November at their headquarters in Bangkok. The booster shots of the mRNA vaccine long-awaited in Thailand will be given to people who are fully vaccinated and are over 70 years old. They will also offer the free shots to women over the…

  • Covid-19 NewsFirst batch of Moderna doses to arrive Monday

    First batch of Moderna doses to arrive Monday

    560,000 long-awaited doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine will finally arrive in the kingdom on November 1. According to a Bangkok Post report, their arrival has been confirmed by Dr Chalerm Harnpanich, president of the Private Hospital Association. He says once quality checks have been completed, they will be distributed to the hospitals and other institutions who ordered them. The…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai Red Cross rejects accusation that it profited by reselling Moderna doses

    Thai Red Cross rejects accusation that it profited by reselling Moderna doses

    The Thai Red Cross Society has rejected a claim on social media that it profited from the resale of Moderna vaccine doses. According to a Bangkok Post report, the organisation was responding to a claim on Facebook that it had purchased Moderna doses through the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation and was attempting to resell them to various organisations at an inflated…

  • Covid-19 NewsChulabhorn Royal Academy to buy 8 million Moderna doses to use as boosters

    Chulabhorn Royal Academy to buy 8 million Moderna doses to use as boosters

    The Chulabhorn Royal Academy has announced that it will purchase 8 million doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, to be administered as boosters during 2022. The CRA is 1 of 5 agencies with the authority to procure alternative Covid-19 vaccines and has already purchased supplies of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine. According to the CRA, the Moderna delivery will happen in…

  • Thailand NewsRed Cross to get 946 million baht to purchase 1 million doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine

    Red Cross to get 946 million baht to purchase 1 million doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine

    The cabinet has decided to allocate around 946.3 million baht from the Central Fund to the Thai Red Cross Society so they can buy 1 million doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine, which will be used to vaccinate specific target groups, for free. Zuellig Pharma Company, the representative for Moderna in Thailand has offered to sell the US produced vaccine…

  • Northern Thailand NewsBlood donations urgently needed by Red Cross; northeast stores hit critical level

    Blood donations urgently needed by Red Cross; northeast stores hit critical level

    Thailand’s Red Cross Society is still in desperate need of blood donations. The society says their stores are limited to a critical level. In fact, the society was unable to supply 70% of the blood donations requested by hospitals, says chief of the Nakhon Ratchasima based 5th National Blood Centre, Sirilak Piakkhunthod, today. The problem is notably critical in the…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai Red Cross order of 5 million Moderna vaccines in process

    Thai Red Cross order of 5 million Moderna vaccines in process

    The Thai Red Cross Society received notice from Zuellig Pharma, the company that distributes the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, for a 5 million vaccine order to be shipped next year. The Red Cross already has a confirmed order of 1 million vaccines they intend to distribute for free and are scheduled to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2020. The letter…

  • Covid-19 NewsThai Red Cross Society to give 1 million Moderna vaccines free

    Thai Red Cross Society to give 1 million Moderna vaccines free

    As Thailand’s vaccination rollout plods along with Sinovac vaccines that have little effectiveness against the Delta variant of Covid-19 and AstraZeneca production far behind schedule, many nervous Thai citizens are looking to private hospitals and third party groups importing more effective vaccines to turn the tides in the battle against Covid-19. This week has seen a step forward as Thailand’s…

  • Thailand NewsSnakes in Bangkok. Get up close and personal… if you dare | VIDEO

    Snakes in Bangkok. Get up close and personal… if you dare | VIDEO

    Yes, there are snakes in Bangkok. Apart from the odd reptile ‘critter’ lurking under the kitchen sink or looking down on you from a tree, there’s a much more ‘touristy’ alternative to check out Thailand’s slipperiest reptiles. Some are poisonous, most aren’t but you’ll learn more about them here at the Snake Farm at the Thai Red Cross Society in…

  • Thailand NewsThai Red Cross is calling on recovered Covid-19 patients to donate plasma

    Thai Red Cross is calling on recovered Covid-19 patients to donate plasma

    The Thai Red Cross Society is urging fully recovered Covid-19 patients to donate their plasma. They say the plasma could contain antibodies that can be used to treat infected patients. According to the director of the Red Cross’s National Blood Centre, the plasma of the recovered patients contain antibodies against the coronavirus. The potential plasma or the so-called “Covid-19 Convalescent…

  • Thailand NewsThai Red Cross says “stay vigilant” as Covid can be asymptomatic yet contagious

    Thai Red Cross says “stay vigilant” as Covid can be asymptomatic yet contagious

    The Thai Red Cross Society has published a new infographic warning us to stay vigilant as Covid-19 can be asymptomatic but still able to spread to others. The novel coronavirus has been spreading despite carriers having little or no symptoms. The Thai Government PR Facebook page today reports 3 new confirmed cases from people on repatriation flights and in state…

  • Thailand NewsThai Red Cross issues appeal for blood donations

    Thai Red Cross issues appeal for blood donations

    Blood supplies are running low and The National Blood Centre of the Thai Red Cross Society is urging members of the public to give blood in order to help meet demand. Thai PBS World reports that a decrease in the number of people donating blood since the beginning of the month has led to a significant drop in supply. The…