
  • Thailand NewsExpats in fury: UK pension policies spark election rebellion

    Expats in fury: UK pension policies spark election rebellion

    As the UK gears up for a pivotal General Election, British expats in Thailand are raising a storm over frozen pensions and government neglect. In Thailand, British expats like Kevin Hoye and Anthony Peters are feeling the heat of political discontent. Hoye, a former Tory loyalist, finds himself disillusioned by frozen pension policies, while Peters, hailing from the sunny shores…

  • Retire in ThailandBoosting economic growth in the face of rising retirement

    Boosting economic growth in the face of rising retirement

    In the continuously evolving landscape of global economies, the dynamics of retirement and their consequential impact on economic growth have ignited substantial discourse. One may be intrigued by how modifications in the retirement age and advancements in life expectancy are influencing our economic future. For those seeking a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between retirement policies and economic vitality,…