Pension system

  • Thailand News

    British granny’s pension nightmare in Thailand

    An 87 year old British woman regrets her move to Thailand to be closer to family, as she struggles to survive on a frozen UK state pension of just £300 (approximately 14,000 baht) a month. Christine Gloria Fox, who lives near Pattaya on Thailand’s east coast, laments her decision to relocate to what she describes as an expensive area where…

  • Retire in Thailand

    The trend of early retirement in Thailand

    As the global employment landscape persistently evolves, the subject of early retirement is progressively garnering attention in the digital television industry of Thailand. This trend is largely steered by a complex blend of economic circumstances, competition, and strategic business planning. In the year 2017, an encouraging resurgence was witnessed within the advertising section, displaying a 10% advancement in total advertisement…