Labour Ministry of Thailand

  • Thailand News

    RTN ready to evacuate Thais in escalating Myanmar conflict

    The escalating civil conflict in Myanmar prompted the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) to keep four ships on standby in the Andaman Sea, prepared to evacuate Thai citizens if required. Admiral Adung Pan-Iam, the RTN chief, has commanded the Region 3 commander, who oversees the Andaman coast, to ready two frigates, HTMS Saiburi and HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan, along with two landing…

  • Thailand News

    Thai government delays wage hike: Minimum muddle continues

    The Thai government has postponed the anticipated increase in minimum daily wage to 400 baht. The rise was initially set to take effect on Labour Day but the government will now await the outcome of a tripartite committee meeting on May 14. Karom Polpornklang, the deputy government spokesperson, confirmed yesterday that the wage increase would not start on May 1.…

  • Business News

    Thailand grapples with surge in illegal foreign workers in tourism

    The Labour Ministry of Thailand has expressed worries over the persistent issue of foreigners being unlawfully employed within the country’s tourism sector. Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn revealed that the ministry has been vigilantly tracking the situation and has reported a steady increase in the number of illegal foreign workers. From October 2023 to February 2024, as many as 13,424 foreigners…

  • Thailand News

    Thai berry seekers left hanging: Labour Ministry plans visa harvest solution

    The Labour Ministry of Thailand plans to solve the suspension of visa applications for Thais seeking wild-berry picking jobs in Finland by the 2025 harvest season, as disclosed by Somchai Morakotsriwan, the director-general of the Department of Employment. The ministry, in collaboration with other state agencies including those from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, is working towards a solution following Finland’s…