
  • World News

    Google refuses to pay publishers in Europe for ‘snippets’ in their search engine

    There is a lot of change to news, news aggregators and copyright issues regarding news in the headlines at the moment. And it maybe ‘headlines only’ that you’ll be seeing in parts of Europe when you search for news in the future. Google has been a target of publishes with some high-profile court cases insisting that Google’s use of a thumbnail…

  • Opinion

    OPINION: It’s time to go – Brexit

    by Gill Parker (The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the owners, staff or management of The Thaiger) Adios, Au revior, Auf wiedersehen, Ha dee and Addio Europe. Breaking up is hard to do but we’re outta here. Enough is enough. The British people voted to leave the European Union and that’s that. You can argue…