
  • World News

    The Great Hong Kong Toilet Roll Heist of 2020

    And now from the files of the ‘Laws of Unintended Consequences’, a coronavirus story with a twist. Police in Hong Kong have arrested two men and are still searching for a third following a toilet paper roll heist. Some 600 paper rolls were stolen in a panic-theft linked to shortages over the coronavirus. Yesterday morning a delivery was being made…

  • Songkran News

    Thai government ponders nine day Songkran holiday

    With the impact of the coronavirus cutting deep into the Thai tourism industry, and tourism accounting for around 18% of the Thai GDP, the government are eyeing some additional public holidays to boost spending and activity. The Thai PM announced yesterday that the government is considering adding two public holidays to the annual Songkran festival. Songkran, the Thai new year…

  • Việt Nam

    Truy tìm khẩn cấp hơn 1.000 hành khách trên du thuyền mới cập cảng ở Campuchia

    Một người trên du thuyền MS Westerdam cập cảng Campuchia dương tính với virus corona, hơn 1.000 du khách khác đã đến nhiều nơi trên thế giới. Thủ tướng Campuchia Hun Sen đích thân ra đón du thuyền Mới đây, một nữ hành khách người Mỹ trên du thuyền MS Westerdam đã có kết quả dương tính với virus corona…

  • Việt Nam

    Hồ Bắc ra lệnh tất cả cư dân không được ra khỏi nhà

    Để khống chế dịch virus corona, chính quyền tỉnh Hồ Bắc đã lệnh cho cư dân ở nhà, kể cả 24 triệu người tại những khu vực xa xôi. Theo đó, toàn bộ cư dân được yêu cầu ở trong nhà cho tới khi có thông báo tiếp theo. Đồng thời, toàn bộ thành phố trong tỉnh sẽ phong tỏa những…

  • Việt Nam

    Ca tử vong đầu tiên tại Đài Loan vì virus corona

    Chính quyền Đài Loan xác nhận ca tử vong đầu tiên vì virus corona là người chưa từng tới Trung Quốc và có bệnh nền tiểu đường, viêm gan B. Theo Reuters, hôm nay tại cuộc họp báo, người đứng đầu cơ quan y tế Đài Loan – ông Chen Shih Chung xác nhận ca tử vong đầu tiên do…

  • Covid-19 News

    UPDATE: China coronavirus deaths reach 1665, Taiwan reports first fatality

    UPDATE: Taiwan has confirmed its first death from the coronavirus. Malaysia says it won’t allow any more passengers from the Westerdam cruise ship to enter the country from Cambodia, after an American woman who flew into Kuala Lumpur was diagnosed with the coronavirus. China said today the number of coronavirus cases nationwide had reached 68,500, with the death toll rising…

  • Tourism News

    “Tourist arrivals to plunge 50% in first half of 2020” – Thai Tourism Minister

    Thailand’s Tourism and Sports Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn has painted a gloomy outlook for Thailand’s previously-robust tourism industry. He says he expects tourist arrivals to plunge by 50% in the first half of 2020 because of the coronavirus outbreak. His predictions are born out by sluggish arrival numbers at the country’s main airports, hotel forward bookings and ‘landing slots’ cancelled by international…

  • Việt Nam

    Hà Tĩnh: 3 người từ Vĩnh Phúc bỏ trốn khi đang cách ly theo dõi Covid-19

    Đêm qua (14/2), 3 người từ Vĩnh Phúc trở về Hà Tĩnh được cách ly tại nhà để theo dõi Covid-19 đã tự ý bỏ đi. Sáng nay, UBND huyện Thạch Hà (Hà Tĩnh) xác nhận địa phương cùng Trung tâm y tế cách ly tại nhà đang theo dõi 3 trường hợp từ Vĩnh Phúc đến Hà Tĩnh. Ba…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai healthcare worker tests positive for COVID-19 coronavirus

    In a first, a Thai healthcare worker was diagnosed with the COVID-19 coronavirus yesterday. The new case brings the country’s total confirmed cases to 34 since the outbreak. Fourteen patients have recovered and returned home. Thailand has so far not recorded a fatality from the virus. The director-general of the Department of Disease Control told a news conference today that…

  • Covid-19 News

    Asian tourists cancelling flights, staying home

    Scores of flights to Asian destinations are being cancelled after South Korea advised its citizens to delay trips to countries where the COVID-19 coronavirus has been found. Especially hard-hit are Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. South Korea remains largely free of the virus, though one of its citizens tested positive for the virus after returning from…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand Post boosts anti-coronavirus measures

    Thailand’s postal service announced this week that it’s employing health and safety measures to protect customers and staff from the COVID-19 coronavirus. According to Thai Post CEO and acting managing director Kalong Subsa-ard: “We will be using disinfectant spray at stations that receive inbound parcels from overseas. This applies to all parcels from all countries, not only China, as a…

  • Việt Nam

    Kon Tum: Nghỉ học về nhà ngoại chơi, hai anh em đuối nước

    Hai anh em ruột ở xã Đăk Hring, huyện Đăk Hà (Kon Tum) không may chết đuối dưới ao sau nhà bà ngoại của mình. Tối nay (14-2), ông Lê Văn Hiền – chủ tịch UBND xã Đăk Hring (huyện Đăk Hà) đã xác nhận trên địa bàn xã vừa xảy vụ đuối nước vào 13h30 cùng ngày. Theo thông…

  • Việt Nam

    Hơn 1.700 nhân viên y tế Trung Quốc nhiễm virus corona

    Lần đầu tiên Trung Quốc xác nhận số nhân viên y tế nhiễm virus corona chủng mới (COVID-19) với số người mắc là hơn 1.700 ca. Ning Zhu là một trong những nữ y tá tại thành phố Vũ Hán. Khi nhận kết quả chụp cắt lớp cho thấy cô có thể bị nhiềm virus thì cô đã phải tự cách…

  • Covid-19 News

    South Korea issues travel advisory for Thailand

    South Korea’s government is advising its nationals not to travel to Thailand due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Other countries on the advisory include Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and Vietnam. Vice Minister of Health & Welfare Kim Gang-lip told a press briefing that the measure aims to prevent the inflow of Covid-19 into the country. Taiwan has asked Seoul…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai evacuee from Wuhan clear of coronavirus, discharged from hospital

    One of the three (out of 138) Thai evacuees from Wuhan, who has been at Sattahip naval base for treatment for coronavirus infection since February 6th, was discharged from hospital Tuesday night. The deputy director of Queen Sirikit Hospital, Dr Rewat Kitnarong, said this morning that the patient, whose name is being withheld, rejoined the other 136 evacuees, who are…

  • Covid-19 News

    Virus cases on Japan cruise ship climb to 135

    The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases aboard the cruise ship Diamond Princess has climbed to 135. Sixty-five new cases were confirmed on the ship, which has been quarantined off the coast of Yokohama since February 5. Patients showing symptoms have been transferred to local hospitals. Authorities have allowed some of the tourists to return home. The government says there were…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 Coronavirus UPDATE: Global pandemic, Italy cases soar, new Chinese cases plummet

    As the World Health Organisation declares the Covid-19 coronavirus a global pandemic, there are now 126,380 cases, resulting in 4,634 deaths, with 68,310 people fully recovered. The focus of new outbreaks has moved away from China and to the European continent and the US. The current death rate is 3.7%. Here are snippets of the latest news from around the…