
  • World News

    Chinese professor freed after criticisms of president landed him in 6 day detention

    A Chinese professor, who criticised President Xi Jinping’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, has been reportedly freed after spending 6 days in detention. Xu Zhangrun, a law professor at Beijing’s Tsinghua University, was reportedly taken by a group of more than 20 people from his home after publishing an essay overseas that claimed the Chinese president was “destroying the structure…

  • World News

    India bans TikTok among almost 60 other Chinese apps

    India has decided to ban almost 60 Chinese apps, including the explosively popular TikTok and WeChat, which has left millions of users reportedly startled and disappointed. The Indian government says the apps were “prejudicing the sovereignty and integrity of India, the defence of India, and the security of state and public order.” Although TikTok has refused to share any data…

  • Covid-19 News

    China’s Covid-19 cases spike: 17 in Beijing

    Mainland China today reported its highest number of new Covid-19 cases in 4 days, driven by a resurgence of the virus in Beijing. The National Health Commission reported 21 new confirmed infections nationwide on, up from 13 a day earlier and the highest since Monday. In Beijing, 17 new confirmed cases were reported, up from 11 a day earlier and…

  • World News

    Hong Kong documentary sees scene removed after new law

    A pro-democracy Hong Kong documentary saw a scene removed after a new law criminalized anything that is seen as “insulting” China’s national anthem. The director of the documentary, Evans Chan, says he had to delete the scene which featured an artist playing the national anthem, which reveals how the new law is already censoring artistic creativity. Hong Kong is considered a…

  • World News

    Asia stocks rise along with coronavirus cases

    Asian stocks are rising along with the number of coronavirus cases after the WHO reported the highest daily rise since the pandemic began. The fine line between a second wave in cases and the removal of lockdowns seems to favour a more conservative approach in the stock market as caution is being taken. The Nikkei 225 ranked 0.3% higher in…

  • Covid-19 News

    China traces Beijing Covid-19 outbreak to European strain

    China says it’s identified a European strain of Covid-19 as having sparked the recent spike in south west Beijing suburbs, but the World Health Organisation will only say it was imported from outside the city and needs further investigation. China has released genome sequencing data which officials claim identifies a European strain of the coronavirus. 183 people have contracted the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Fears over “second wave” as China reports new outbreak in Beijing suburb

    Beijing has once again instigated tight controls as China reports 49 new cases of the Covid-19 virus, 36 of which are in the Fengtai district. Until recently, the city had gone more than 50 days without any new cases, but it has now recorded 36 new cases on two consecutive days. This is the highest number of daily cases since…

  • Covid-19 News

    Local Covid-19 spike shuts Beijing district

    An area of Beijing is on a “wartime footing” and the city has banned tourism and travel after a cluster of Covid-19 infections centred around a major food market sparked fears of a new wave of infection. Concern is growing of a second wave of the virus, which has infected more than 7.835+ million people worldwide and killed more than…

  • Covid-19 News

    Dr Li Wenliang, the face of the Wuhan Coronavirus, and failed censorship

    In a country where media, especially social media, is tightly controlled, the events surrounding the death of young doctor Li Wenliang have been particularly surprising. An outpouring of frustration, grief and anger, directed at the Chinese government, made its way onto the Chinese social media platforms and was shared by millions before, as expected, finally being taken down. Such is…

  • Hot News

    Coronavirus spreads north and south in China – 139 new cases reported

    Another 139 new cases of a flu-like disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus in China has shocked health officials. There’s also been a third confirmed death reported today. Worse, the outbreak has now spread beyond Wuhan in central China where the virus was first identified. There have been cases reported in Beijing, a province next door to Shanghai and…

  • World News

    1000s flock to Hong Kong’s Chater Garden for pro-democracy rally

    PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIANG Last night, Chater Garden, located near government headquarters in the Central district of Hong Kong, was the scene of the city’s first approved rally since the face mask ban came into being about 10 days ago. So far, the face mask ban has been largely ineffectual. A day after an explosive device was detonated during protests,…

  • World News

    Hong Kong won’t rule out accepting help from China over protests

    PHOTO: AFP Following more violent protests in Hong Kong, Chief Executive Carrie Lam says China stepping in to end the crisis is not out of the question. Angry demonstrations have rocked the city for four months now, having started out as protests against a proposed extradition bill that could have seen criminals sent to China for trial. The Hong Kong…

  • World News

    Hong Kong police call for curfew amid riots

    PHOTO: AFP Pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong have been clashing with police since the shooting at close range of an 18 year old protester earlier this week. Activists have gone on the rampage, setting fires and throwing petrol bombs, while police responded with tear gas, as four months of protests show no signs of dying down. The police themselves are…

  • World News

    China celebrates 70 years of communism, while Hong Kong police shoot pro-democracy protester

    PHOTO: AFP Shortly after a huge military parade in Beijing, celebrating 70 years of communist rule in China, police shot a pro-democracy activist in Hong Kong as protests in the troubled city grew. Demonstrations have gripped Hong Kong for four months now, but this was the first such injury from a live round and marks a significant escalation in protests…

  • World News

    Discussions between Hong Kong leader and protesters yield little in the way of progress

    PHOTO: AFP Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam appeared humble during a meeting where citizens voiced discontent at her ongoing refusal to give in to their demands. The meeting comes after more than three months of often violent anti-government protests in the city. The protests originally began as a result of a proposed bill that would pave the way for…

  • World News

    China opens mega airport in Beijing ahead of country’s 70th anniversary

    “China is expected to surpass the US to become the world’s biggest aviation market in the next couple of years.” by Poornima Weerasekara China’s President Xi Jinping has opened a futuristic new airport in Beijing, expected to become one of the busiest in the world. Xi declared the starfish-shaped airport open in brief remarks at a ceremony inside the huge terminal,…

  • World News

    A drop in Thai visitors to Hong Kong as protests continue

    PHOTO: The ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong are taking a toll on visitor numbers, with a drop in the number of Thai visitors staying overnight in the territory, according to the Hong Kong Immigration Department. The Bangkok Post reports that the number for July has dropped by 6.6% compared to July 2018. However, the number of single-day visitors…

  • World News

    Bill withdrawal my decision, not Beijing’s, says Hong Kong leader

    PHOTO: CNN Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam insists that the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill was her decision, not Beijing’s. The bill was the spark that ignited months of protests in the territory, with clashes between activists and police frequently turning violent. Lam says that while the decision to withdraw the bill is hers, she has Beijing’s full…

  • Technology News

    Copycat – Chinese company announces first cloned kitten

    Cats usually have nine lives. This one had ten. ‘Garlic’ the British short-hair died late last year. Garlic’s friend Huang Yu was devastated. So he ordered a new Garlic, a clone, an exact copy of his beloved dead cat. Born on July 21, the new fluffy and purring Garlic was created by Chinese firm Sinogene, China’s first successfully copied cat.…

  • World News

    McDonald’s in Beijing serves chicken wings, with feathers attached

    by The Star – Asia News Network Put down whatever you’re eating. OK, here we go… A woman in Beijing, China got an unpleasant surprise when the chicken wings she ordered from McDonald’s arrived with the feathers still attached. Zhou didn’t notice the unwanted additions until after she had fed the wings to her young daughter, according to “A chicken…