Thai Pink ID Card: Process and requirements

Get more information about procedures and requirements for obtaining a Thai pink ID card to make life in Thailand easier.


What is a Thai pink ID card?

A Thai pink ID card is an identity document initially issued for stateless people or people who have alien status in Thailand. Those people who live in Thailand legally for a long period of time, whether permanent residency, aliens, or foreigners, should hold Thai pink ID card to identify themselves. But before they can apply for the card, they need to have a Thai ID number.

Other than identifying the person and state in Thailand. A card also comes with more benefits for permanent residents or expats who intend to settle in Thailand. Whether for residential or business purposes, the pink ID card is an essential thing you should consider.

Key Points

  • A Thai pink ID card is an identity document initially issued to stateless people or people who have alien status in Thailand.
  • Before you can apply for the card, you need to have a Thai ID number.
  • A Thai pink ID card comes with many benefits for permanent residents or expats who settle in Thailand.

How to get a Thai ID Number

Before you receive a Thai ID number to apply for the Pink ID card, you must first register your place of residence in Thailand with the government. You will get a Thai house book when your registration is approved. You will get a Yellow House Registration book if you are a foreigner who lives and has residency in Thailand, but you will get a Blue House Registration book when you are a permanent resident.

When you have your name present in the yellow or blue house book, you’re ready to apply for the ID card. The next step is to bring your original and a copy of your house book, and other required documents to the District Office, to get an ID number and apply for the pink ID card.

What are the required documents to apply for a Thai pink ID card?

To apply for a Thai pink ID card, you will need to submit the documents to the district officers. Bring all original and copies of required documents to submit your application. Getting a card is not difficult, and these are required documents you’ll have to prepare before applying.

1. Passport and visa – copies of your passport’s relevant pages would need to hand over. You need to have a valid visa for non-immigrants.

2. House Residence Certificate – You can use copies of your work permit and resident certificate from your Thai house book with a signed copy.

3. Married certificate – Additional for people who are married to Thai or Thai permanent residency.

4. Permanent residency – Additional for PR has to hand in 2 books for permanent residency.

6. Birth certificate (if any) – Additional for people who birth or have children in Thailand.

7. Work permit (if any) – Additional for people who work in a Thai company.

The Thai pink ID card is easy to carry, plus it offers numerous of benefits.

What is the procedure for getting a card?

To apply for the pink ID card, you must go to the District Office in your location. You should make sure all of the documents are prepared. You may also bring some more extra documents if possible to support the application. The officers may ask for additional documents to prove your information and your purpose of staying in Thailand. Another suggestion is you should have another translated set of all of your documents.

The application also required 2 Thai nationals and their ID cards to be the witness. The withness must present in person at the moment of application. Later, the officer will verify all of the documents that you submitted. When your documents are approved, the officer will call you to take a picture to put on the card and collect your fingerprints.

Finally, when all the process is done, you will get your card on the same day that your application. However, you may be asked to get your card in the next few days if the officer needs to further verification your documents.

With a Thai Pink ID Card, you no longer have to carry around your passport with you.

How much does it cost?

The application fee is pretty cheap if it compares to other Thai government activities. The cost is just 60 Baht for the 10 years valid card. The card also easy to renew when it expires. You have to hand the expired card to the officer. They will take your picture for the card and collect your fingerprints again for your new ID card. The card renewal fee is just 60 Baht, as same as the application.


Thai Pink ID card
Image by Isaanlawyers website


Can I apply for a Thai pink ID card with a criminal record?

A criminal record can introduce complexities into your application process for a Thai pink ID card. The specific impact depends on the nature and severity of the offense. Here’s what you should do:

Consult an immigration lawyer: An immigration lawyer with expertise in Thai immigration law can assess your situation thoroughly. They can advise you on the potential consequences of your criminal record on your application and explore possible solutions, such as explaining mitigating circumstances or waiting for a certain period after the offense before applying.

Transparency is key: It’s generally recommended to be upfront about any past criminal convictions during the application process. Withholding such information could lead to delays or even rejection of your application.


Advantages of having a Thai Pink ID card over using a passport

While your passport serves as the primary identification document for international travel, a Thai pink ID card offers several advantages for everyday life within Thailand:
Convenience: The pink ID card is a smaller and more manageable document compared to your passport. It easily fits in your wallet or purse, making it readily available for identification purposes during daily activities.
Security: If you lose your pink ID card, the replacement process is generally faster and less expensive compared to replacing a lost passport. This reduces the risk of inconvenience and potential delays.
Reduced risk of loss or theft: By carrying your pink ID card for daily identification needs, you lessen the risk of losing your passport, which can be a more complex and time-consuming process to replace.

Thai pink ID service from The Thaiger

If you have been living in Thailand for a long time and hope for a more exclusive and simpler life, The Thaiger is here to help. We conform to the Thai government requirements and offer you a better way to get a card suitable for expats living in Thailand for an extended time.

To summarise, the pink ID Card is a simple form of identification to obtain, but it does not currently provide the holder with any significant benefits. The card may grant the holder rights that non-holders do not have in the future, but those benefits are currently limited.

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