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  • Sponsored

    Infinito helps hotels in Thailand with revenue management

    Maximising revenue and profit–isn’t that the ultimate goal for every business in the hospitality industry? If you run a hotel, you might have heard that revenue management is an effective way to boost your top-line revenue. It involves using data...

  • Thai election concerns rise due to prolonged ballot box transport in Buri Ram

    Thai election concerns rise due to prolonged ballot box transport in Buri Ram

    Concerns have been raised over the prolonged transportation time of ballot boxes in Buri Ram, following the recent general Thai election. A group of ten complainants from Non Suwan and Nong Ki districts filed a request with the Election Commission’s Buri Ram office, questioning why it took four and a half hours to transport the ballot boxes across a 20-kilometre…

  • Tree falls on revered Thai monk’s house, minor damage sustained

    Tree falls on revered Thai monk’s house, minor damage sustained

    In a remarkable incident, a large tree fell on the house of the revered Thai monk Luang Pu Mun, but the house remained mostly intact. The monk’s followers shared photos of the astonishing event that took place at the Wat Pa Phurithattatirawat Forest Monastery in Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand. This extraordinary occurrence happened when the area experienced heavy rainfall causing several…

  • NACC investigation targets ex-House secretary over 15.4 million baht clock scandal

    NACC investigation targets ex-House secretary over 15.4 million baht clock scandal

    The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) investigation is preparing to take legal action against Suwichak Nakwatcharachai, the former secretary-general of the House of Representatives, over allegations of his involvement in the irregular procurement of overpriced clocks worth 15.4 million baht for the parliament back in 2013. An inside source at the NACC revealed that a recent board meeting provided evidence supporting…

  • Age-defying resurrection: Elderly Ecuadorian woman defies death, comes back to life (video)

    Age-defying resurrection: Elderly Ecuadorian woman defies death, comes back to life (video)

    In a shocking turn of events, a 76 year old Ecuadorian woman miraculously came back to life after she was pronounced dead by doctors just hours earlier. To the disbelief of her family, the woman, Bella, was found inside her coffin, breathing heavily and knocking on the lid, at her own funeral. Bella’s son, Gilbert, recounted the moment they realised…

  • Hidden photo in ancestral tomb unnerving, family turns to Thai-like numerals for clues

    Hidden photo in ancestral tomb unnerving, family turns to Thai-like numerals for clues

    A Malaysian woman named Jennifer discovered a puzzling photograph of an unknown woman concealed beneath her grandfather’s tomb, which was over 20 years old. The two-inch image was accompanied by Thai-like numbers and an inscribed charm, as well as a one-cent coin. The family sought help from ceremony experts to eliminate any potential curse, and Jennifer gave the photo to…

  • Student pours food on another student over cat smell debate in heated altercation

    Student pours food on another student over cat smell debate in heated altercation

    A male student engaged in a heated conversation about the smell of cats found himself slapped with a tray of food and involved in an altercation with a female student who allegedly took offence at his discussion. The incident occurred in the cafeteria of Tienjin University, China, where the extent of the argument led to police intervention and further controversy…

  • Thailand tourism thrives with 1,200% surge in Klook bookings

    Thailand tourism thrives with 1,200% surge in Klook bookings

    Online travel platforms continue to express optimism about Thailand’s tourism growth this year, propelled by a substantial increase in visitor arrivals. Wilfred Fan, Chief Commercial Officer at Klook, an online travel platform, stated that the company experienced a 1,200% increase in bookings for activities in Thailand year on year in the first five months of 2023. The top five markets…

  • Tourism promotion: TCT urges government to market Thailand as prime retiree destination

    Tourism promotion: TCT urges government to market Thailand as prime retiree destination

    Tourism promotion has driven the Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT) to urge the new government to market Thailand as a prime destination for retirees while advocating for regulatory changes that would encourage the development of the tourism industry. The TCT yesterday met with representatives from the Thai Sang Thai Party to discuss these proposed changes, following the party’s consultation with…

  • Elderly Thai man tragically killed in Buriram accident

    Elderly Thai man tragically killed in Buriram accident

    A 64 year old Thai man was tragically killed in a car and motorbike collision in Buriram. The victim had just visited a food stall where he joked with the vendor about wanting to marry her. Within a minute of leaving, the horrific accident occurred. At around 1pm yesterday, Pol. Lt. Col. Prachak Khamnark, Deputy Inspector (Investigation) of Buriram’s Mueang…

  • Take Me Out Thailand: American man gets blackout for his male chauvinistic attitude

    Take Me Out Thailand: American man gets blackout for his male chauvinistic attitude

    Thirty Thai women in the popular dating game show Take Me Out Thailand gave a blackout to an arrogant 22 year old American man after he showed his male chauvinistic side. He insisted at the end of the show that he told the truth, thankfully the Thai contestants would not accept a man who appeared to have stepped out of…

  • Thai community gathers to pay respects to turtle for good fortune

    Thai community gathers to pay respects to turtle for good fortune

    It was reported today that residents of Sai Kaew Community, Phimai district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, gathered at house number 127/1 to pay their respects and seek good fortune from a beautifully kept turtle, ‘Kai Toon.’ The turtle is owned by Sawang Saungsombat, a 62 year old local. Sawang explained that her son bought the turtle for her to care for…

  • Young policeman dies in taxi collision, shattering dreams and family plans

    Young policeman dies in taxi collision, shattering dreams and family plans

    A tragic incident claimed the life of Thai sub-Lieutenant Anawat Phongerd, a young policeman from the Metropolitan Police’s Naval Unit, who collided with a taxi when chasing a suspect on his motorcycle. Despite his dreams and future plans for education and family, 27 year old Anawat left this world far too soon. According to reports, Anawat was pursuing a suspect…

  • From war heroes to war zeros: The unjust treatment of Julian Assange

    From war heroes to war zeros: The unjust treatment of Julian Assange

    We live in a world where war criminals are celebrated, worshipped, and praised while those who hold them to account are vilified, abused and thrown in prison, as in the case of Julian Assange. We live in a world where George Bush and Tony Blair can lead the United States, United Kingdom, and allies into an illegal war in Iraq…

  • Myanmar conflict surge: Over 3,300 refugees seek shelter in Thailand

    Myanmar conflict surge: Over 3,300 refugees seek shelter in Thailand

    The conflict in Myanmar‘s Kayah State has led to a new surge of refugees seeking shelter in Thailand. Provincial Governor Chettha Mosikkharat confirmed that Thai authorities have rescued 3,342 refugees who fled the border war. The fighting in Kayah State involves the Karenni Army (KA), backed by the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) and the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF), and…

  • On-the-job ride: Rookie worker accused of motorcycle theft, owner in hot pursuit

    On-the-job ride: Rookie worker accused of motorcycle theft, owner in hot pursuit

    A worker was accused of stealing a motorcycle after just one day on the job, causing the owner to track him down. The incident occurred in the Mueang district of Udon Thani province on May 17. The owner finally found the thief in Pattaya with a female companion, immediately informing the police. Yesterday, 37 year old Kanitta Jaikhaan, who owns…

  • Thai vocational students clash, leading to injuries

    Thai vocational students clash, leading to injuries

    A clash between two groups of Thai vocational students yesterday resulted in injuries. The incident took place near a passenger terminal in Chachoengsao province, leading to police intervention and the questioning of one 16 year old student. Around 10 students from one vocational college had a standoff with a student from another technical institute, leading to a weapons-drawn clash before…

  • Polish protests erupt over restrictive abortion laws after pregnant woman dies

    Polish protests erupt over restrictive abortion laws after pregnant woman dies

    Protests have erupted across Poland as thousands of citizens voice their disapproval for the nation’s highly restrictive abortion laws, following the sepsis-related death of a five-month pregnant woman. Demonstrators marched to the health ministry headquarters in Warsaw on Wednesday, chanting slogans such as “Stop killing us” and holding placards stating “Hell for women.” The death of the woman, Dorota Lalik,…

  • Ukraine reclaims 100 sq km in counteroffensive: Putin cites catastrophic losses

    Ukraine reclaims 100 sq km in counteroffensive: Putin cites catastrophic losses

    Ukrainian forces have reclaimed approximately 100 square kilometres of territory during the counteroffensive’s nascent stages in the 68th week of Russia’s invasion. Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, has asserted that Ukraine is experiencing “catastrophic” losses, with Kyiv’s casualties being tenfold higher than Moscow’s. The ongoing counteroffensive efforts involve softening the Russian front lines using methods ranging from small arms and rocket…

  • Serbian arrest of armed Kosovo police stirs tension, claims of kidnapping

    Serbian arrest of armed Kosovo police stirs tension, claims of kidnapping

    Tensions have heightened as Serbian officials claim they have apprehended three armed Kosovo police officers within Serbian borders, whilst Kosovo authorities assert the officers were patrolling within their territory and were consequently “kidnapped.” Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, held Serbia responsible for the abduction and called for the officers’ release, claiming they were detained within Kosovo’s borders. In response, Serbian…

  • Dorries awaits clarification on peerage before resigning as MP

    Dorries awaits clarification on peerage before resigning as MP

    The former culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, has stated that she will not officially step down until she receives clarification from Downing Street regarding why her peerage was not granted. In a series of tweets, Dorries addressed speculations surrounding her decision to delay her resignation from the House of Commons, which she initially announced her intentions to do on Friday. She…

  • Southern Baptist Convention expels churches over female pastors

    Southern Baptist Convention expels churches over female pastors

    In a move that highlights the conservative shift within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), two churches have been expelled due to having female pastors. Delegates at the SBC annual meeting in New Orleans voted overwhelmingly against the appeals of Saddleback Church in Southern California and Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The decision showcases the SBC’s unwillingness to adapt…

  • US seeks answers from Israel on citizen’s death, army avoids charges

    US seeks answers from Israel on citizen’s death, army avoids charges

    US authorities are planning to address the case of Omar Assad, an 80-year-old American citizen who was killed by Israeli forces last year, directly with Israel. This decision comes after the Israeli military opted not to pursue criminal charges in the case, claiming there was no “causal link” between Assad’s stress-induced heart attack and the actions of the soldiers. The…

  • Miami Mayor Francis Suarez enters 2024 presidential race as GOP contender

    Miami Mayor Francis Suarez enters 2024 presidential race as GOP contender

    Tossing his hat into the ring, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has joined the race for the 2024 United States presidential elections from the Republican camp. The son of a renowned Cuban American politician, Suarez recently filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission, marking the beginning of his campaign journey, as reported by various US media outlets. Suarez now becomes the…

  • Fed halts rate hikes as inflation decline slows, growth outlook brightens

    Fed halts rate hikes as inflation decline slows, growth outlook brightens

    A halt in interest rate hikes has been announced by the Federal Reserve, reflecting a response to an unexpectedly robust economy and a reduced pace in inflation decline. In order to simultaneously tackle both economic risks and inflation control, the Federal Open Market Committee unanimously agreed to maintain the current interest rate range. In a statement following the announcement, Fed…

  • Harvard morgue manager accused of trafficking stolen human remains online

    Harvard morgue manager accused of trafficking stolen human remains online

    Four individuals, including Harvard Medical School’s morgue manager, Cedric Lodge, have been accused of trafficking stolen human remains. Lodge allegedly took body parts, such as “heads, brains, skin and bones,” from corpses donated to Harvard University’s medical school and sold them online. His wife, Denise, is also among the accused, having sold the body parts to buyers in Pennsylvania and…

  • Fed holds interest rates steady amid persistent inflation concerns

    Fed holds interest rates steady amid persistent inflation concerns

    The Federal Reserve has opted to keep interest rates steady, marking the first time in over a year that it has not increased them. The decision, which holds the benchmark rate between 5% and 5.25%, allows officials time to evaluate the impact of ten prior rate hikes since March 2022. These measures were implemented in an attempt to control inflation.…

  • Indian students facing removal in Canada granted temporary respite

    Indian students facing removal in Canada granted temporary respite

    A group of Indian students in Canada facing removal due to allegedly fraudulent college admission letters have been granted temporary respite. Immigration Minister Sean Fraser announced that “genuine students who are the victims of fraud” will be permitted to stay in the country pending further investigations. The students claim to have been deceived by an immigration agency in India and…

  • Ex-Starbucks manager awarded £20m in racial discrimination lawsuit

    Ex-Starbucks manager awarded £20m in racial discrimination lawsuit

    A former Starbucks manager, Shannon Phillips, has been awarded $25.6m (£20.2m) in a racial discrimination lawsuit after she was fired in connection to the arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia branch in 2018. The incident led to significant protests, while a black colleague retained his job. A jury found that race played a role in Phillips’s dismissal, contrary…

  • Ex-Marine indicted for NYC subway chokehold death of homeless man

    Ex-Marine indicted for NYC subway chokehold death of homeless man

    A grand jury in New York has indicted a former US Marine, following an incident in which the Marine was filmed putting a homeless man in a fatal chokehold on a subway train. Prosecutors charged Daniel Penny with second-degree manslaughter for the death of street performer Jordan Neely. The grand jury decision allows prosecutors to officially charge Penny, who claims…

  • Red Sea diving boat fire claims lives of 3 Brits, including hospice CEO

    Red Sea diving boat fire claims lives of 3 Brits, including hospice CEO

    A tragic blaze onboard a diving boat in Egypt’s Red Sea claimed the lives of three British people, including Christina Quinn, 58 years old, the chief executive of St Luke’s Hospice in Plymouth. According to her family, she will be “missed beyond words” and was considered a “rock to many.” An electrical fault in the boat’s engine room at around…