UK News

Port Talbot steelworks to close, thousands face job losses

Thousands of jobs lost as Port Talbot steelworks halts production

The UK’s largest steelworks will halt production today after over a century, resulting in thousands of job losses across South Wales. Tata Steel’s Port Talbot plant will shut down Blast Furnace 4, the last furnace in operation, around 5pm, with the final steel produced late on Monday evening.

Tata UK’s chief executive, Rajesh Nair, acknowledged in an email to staff that it would be a “difficult day” filled with “great emotion and reflection.” The company plans to replace the furnace with an environmentally-friendly electric arc furnace using UK-sourced scrap steel, but it won’t be operational until 2028. This transition, costing £1.25 billion with £500 million funded by the British government, will lead to nearly 3,000 job losses, representing almost 75% of the workforce.


Unions have fought for months to delay the furnace closure and reduce redundancies. Roy Rickhuss, general secretary of the Community Union representing most Port Talbot steelworkers, described it as an “incredibly sad and poignant day” for the British steel industry. He expressed frustration, noting that an alternative plan proposed by Community and GMB last year could have ensured a fair transition to green steelmaking and prevented compulsory redundancies. Rickhuss criticised Tata’s decision to reject the plan as a historic missed opportunity.

Rajesh Nair reiterated in another email to staff that the closure marks a significant and emotional moment for employees, contractors, and the local community. He stated that while it would be a difficult day, it is a necessary step towards a green steel future, ensuring the legacy of steelmaking at Port Talbot for future generations.

The Welsh government announced today that businesses affected by the transition can apply for funding to address “short-term challenges.” Jo Stevens, Secretary of State for Wales and chair of the Transition Board, acknowledged that businesses and workers supplying Tata have felt the impact for months. She highlighted a £13.5 million fund announced weeks after the new UK government took office, urging affected businesses to check their eligibility for financial support.


Although Port Talbot steelworks will continue operating hot and cold strip mills to roll imported steel slabs, the closure of the furnace signifies a major shift for the UK’s industrial landscape and a town historically built on steel production. The government plans to publish a strategy for the future of UK steel next spring.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • **Reddit** – The UK’s largest steelworks, operated by Tata Steel, is ceasing production after over 100 years, sparking widespread concern and outrage over job losses and economic impact.(read more)
  • The Telegraph reports the UK government securing a better severance deal for workers at the country’s largest steel plant, including a further £2.5 billion investment in the industry.(read more)
  • Yahoo Finance reports the closure of the last blast furnace at Port Talbot, marking the end of an era in steel production, with significant implications for the industry and local economy.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why is Tata Steel shutting down the blast furnace in Port Talbot?

To transition to a greener electric arc furnace.

How many jobs will be lost due to the closure?

Nearly 3,000 jobs will be lost.

When will the new electric arc furnace be operational?

The new furnace will be operational in 2028.

Is the government providing any financial support for affected businesses?

Yes, a £13.5m fund is available for impacted businesses.

Will the Port Talbot steelworks shut down completely?

No, it will continue to operate hot and cold strip mills.

Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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