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Mother and daughter jailed for Middlesbrough disturbance

Mother and daughter jailed after protest turned violent in Middlesbrough

A mother and daughter involved in the Middlesbrough disturbance while walking their family dog have received jail sentences. Amanda Walton, 51, was recorded on CCTV throwing an object, damaging a car’s wing mirror, and rummaging through a bin, as reported by Teesside Crown Court. Megan Davison, 24, was seen jumping on a car’s roof, helping break windows, making obscene gestures at a police officer, and leaving a shop concealing items, according to prosecutor Rachel Masters.

Walton brought her chow chow to the march on 4 August. Video footage showed both women holding the dog’s lead at different times. The pair previously admitted to violent disorder. Judge Francis Laird KC sentenced Walton to 22 months and Davison to 20 months.


Davison’s partner, Jake Wray, admitted to the same offence and is awaiting sentencing next week. He had stopped cars at a junction, asking drivers if they were “white” or “English.” Police investigated 250 crimes involving property damage or vandalism of public buildings on 4 August.

Jon Harley, representing Davison, stated that she had consumed a mix of alcohol and drugs the night before due to a breakup and remained intoxicated during the march. He described her behaviour as “very stupid.”

Gary Wood, defending Walton, mentioned that she joined the protest out of concern for her daughter and had not planned to participate in the disorder. The judge acknowledged that neither woman was driven by racist ideology and noted their remorse.


Despite this, Judge Laird stated that the severity of the disorder, compared to other incidents across the country, meant neither sentence could be suspended. However, he gave both women credit for their guilty pleas, which reduced their jail terms.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Wales Online reports on a mother and daughter’s involvement in widespread disorder in Middlesbrough, resulting in their imprisonment after participating in violent disorder with their dog. (Read more)
  • Express: A mother and daughter, Amanda Walton and Megan Davison, were jailed for 22 and 20 months respectively after participating in widespread disorder in Middlesbrough while walking their family dog. (Read more)
  • Gaydio reports a mother and daughter, Amanda Walton and Megan Davison, jailed for participating in disorder in Middlesbrough while walking their dog, highlighting the seriousness and remorse of their actions. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What did Amanda Walton do during the disorder in Middlesbrough?

Amanda Walton threw a missile, damaged a car wing mirror, and rummaged through a bin.

What actions did Megan Davison take part in during the disorder?

Megan Davison jumped on a car’s roof, smashed windows, and walked away from a shop concealing items.

What were the sentences for Amanda Walton and Megan Davison?

Amanda Walton was jailed for 22 months and Megan Davison for 20 months.

Why was Jake Wray also involved in the case?

Jake Wray admitted to stopping cars to ask drivers if they were ‘white’ or ‘English’ and is awaiting sentencing.

Did the judge believe Walton and Davison were motivated by racist ideology?

No, the judge accepted that neither woman was motivated by racist ideology.

Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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