UK News

Woman exposes abuse after leaving secretive church under FBI probe

Ex-member reveals abuse in secretive church under FBI investigation

A woman has broken her silence after leaving a secretive Christian church, as the FBI investigates historical sex abuse allegations. Jolyn Mitchell, 30, was born into the Two by Twos, a clandestine religious group with global followers.

The group is led by ‘overseers,’ elders who preach about God and recruit members. It also has senior members called ‘workers’ who share homes with other followers. Jolyn, a ‘generational member,’ said her parents joined before her birth. She revealed that women in the group were treated as second-class citizens, barred from wearing make-up or nail polish, and required to dress modestly.


She decided to speak out after the FBI began investigating ‘hundreds’ of sexual abuse claims linked to the church earlier this year. Jolyn, a healthcare administrator from Seattle, Washington, left the group in 2012. She said, “I didn’t know the extent of the abuse—nobody did. I experienced a lot of spiritual and emotional abuse. We were told this was the only path to heaven and that outsiders were destined for hell. The group claimed a direct line to Jesus.”

Jolyn’s family, including her parents and grandparents, were members. The group functioned like many other religions, with Wednesday night bible studies and Sunday services held in members’ homes. Conventions, held a few times a year, gathered thousands at someone’s property, with members setting up barns and tents.

She described a culture of fear within the group, stating, “We were told this was the only way to heaven. Conventions were held at people’s homes, and we would prepare the grounds and build quarters weeks in advance.”


At 17, Jolyn began distancing herself from the group. She said, “Women were treated as second-class citizens. If a woman got pregnant before marriage, her right to participate in meetings could be revoked until the baby arrived. Non-compliance with rules led to immense shame through various tactics.”

Jolyn stopped attending meetings in 2012 to focus on college. She received numerous calls from members urging her to stay. Reflecting on her departure, she said, “Two years later, I realised I had been in a cult while watching a documentary with a friend. I faced backlash for leaving and had to rebuild my life from scratch.”

The Church with No Name, a non-denominational group founded in the 1800s, is also under scrutiny in New Zealand. Police announced investigations into historical abuse by at least one former minister. In August 2024, a man was arrested, facing 17 charges of indecent assault related to offences against four victims between the 1960s and 1980s. Requests for comments from the church remain unanswered.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • BBC reports on an FBI probe into a secretive Christian church in Canada, investigating decades-long child sexual abuse claims, with ex-minister Robert Corfield speaking publicly about his experiences. (Read more)
  • VICE reports on the FBI’s investigation into an insular, nameless religious group, highlighting decades-long sexual abuse patterns and the church’s failure to report abusers to authorities. (Read more)
  • The Mirror US reports on the FBI investigation into the Church with No Name, highlighting historic sexual abuse allegations and former member Jolyn Mitchell’s experiences of spiritual and emotional abuse.

    – **Unique Angle:** The article delves into the personal story of a former member, Jolyn Mitchell, who shares her experiences of abuse within the group.
    – **Key Points:** The investigation focuses on hundreds of historic sexual abuse claims, and the group’s leaderless and decentralized structure.
    – **Thoughts and Perspective:** The article emphasizes the emotional and psychological impact on members, particularly women, who were treated as second-class citizens and subjected to strict rules.

    Overall, the article provides a detailed and personal perspective on the ongoing FBI investigation into the Church with No Name. (Read more)

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What is the Two by Twos church?

The Two by Twos is a secretive Christian group with global followers, led by elders called ‘overseers’.

Why did Jolyn Mitchell leave the Two by Twos?

Jolyn left due to emotional and spiritual abuse, and the church’s treatment of women as second-class citizens.

How are women treated in the Two by Twos church?

Women aren’t allowed to wear makeup, paint nails, and must cover up; they face severe shame for perceived sins.

What recent actions have been taken against the Two by Twos church?

The FBI is investigating hundreds of sexual abuse claims, and a former minister was arrested in New Zealand.

What was Jolyn’s experience like after leaving the church?

Jolyn faced isolation, calls urging her to return, and had to rebuild her social life from scratch.

Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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