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Couple buys Finnish island for less than house deposit

Couple transforms Finnish island into retreat for $31,000

Imagine waking up one day, frustrated about being late for class, and soon after owning a private island with your girlfriend.

Getting on the property ladder is challenging for almost everyone, prompting people to find creative living solutions.


Similarly, a 24-year-old man discovered a unique way to own property. He managed to buy an island for less than a house deposit.

Oliver Russell, a half American, half Finnish young man, spent his summers in Finland with family and friends. Raised in Laguna Beach, California, he relocated to Colorado in 2020 to seek in-state tuition.


When that plan didn’t pan out, he moved to Helsinki in 2022 to study. “I fell in love with the idea of studying in Finland,” he shared. As a Finnish citizen, he enjoyed free education and cherished his time there.

During his stay, he met his girlfriend, Helena Tomaszewska, 20. Their relationship flourished, leading them to purchase an island in March 2024 after spotting it on a property website.

“I was browsing real estate for fun and found the island,” Oliver said. “It was cheaper than a regular lot, so we went for it.”

The 2.5-acre island had been vacant for a decade and was listed at $36,569. However, Oliver and Helena secured it for $31,000.


They first set foot on their island in June 2024, finding it covered in trees and moss, making it uninhabitable. They have since worked diligently to transform it, aiming to build a summer cottage and a sauna, which are integral to Finnish culture.

Oliver started by clearing trees to make space for a deck. They have already built decking for their tent and an outhouse, spending most weekends constructing everything themselves. Despite having no prior construction experience, Oliver describes the work as ‘fun’.

“We wanted a comfortable base camp before starting major construction next year,” he explained, mentioning his current project of building a shower structure.

“It’s a big commitment, especially with both of us being students,” Oliver admitted. “Time is a challenge, and balancing research and work on the island is tough.”

He added, “Every time we visit the island, it feels surreal that it’s ours. It’s so peaceful, and being an island, it offers complete privacy.”

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Metro UK reports that a couple bought an uninhabited island for £24,000, significantly cheaper than a house deposit, and plan to build their dream home.
  • (read more)
  • Business Insider reports that a 24-year-old college student, Oliver Russell, bought a private island in Finland for less than $36,000, planning to build a summer cottage and sauna. (read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

How did Oliver Russell afford to buy a private island?

Oliver found the island on a real estate website and bought it for $31,000, cheaper than a typical lot.

Why did Oliver Russell move to Finland?

Oliver moved to Finland for free schooling as a Finnish citizen and to study after struggling with tuition in Colorado.

What are Oliver and Helena planning to build on their island?

They plan to build a summer cottage and a sauna, which is a significant part of Finnish culture.

How have Oliver and Helena prepared their island for living?

They cleared trees, built decking for their tent, an outhouse, and are currently working on a shower structure.

What challenges are Oliver and Helena facing with their island project?

As students, they struggle with time and balancing research and construction work on the island.

Sarah Lerman

Sarah is originally from Southern California She studied journalism before dropping out of college to teach English in South America. After returning to the US, he spent 4 years working for various online publishers

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