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Jeff Bezos’ three key hiring questions for Amazon success

Bezos' hiring tips: admire, elevate standards, and value unique traits.

Job interviews can be a mixed bag. On paper, you might seem ideal, but nerves might make you fumble, tell bad jokes, or blank out on simple questions. Conversely, you might charm the interviewer, making them laugh and easily prove you’re the right fit for the role. Despite your performance, sometimes you just don’t hear back.

Imagine the stress of securing an interview with Amazon, one of the world’s largest companies. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and the second richest man globally, has a significant influence on hiring. Meeting his standards could increase your chances of landing the job.

In 1998, Bezos shared his hiring philosophy with shareholders. He emphasised that maintaining high standards in hiring has been critical to Amazon’s success. He proposed three key questions for evaluating candidates.

Firstly, Bezos highlighted the value of working with admirable individuals. He wrote, “Think about the people you’ve admired in your life. They are likely individuals you’ve learned from or taken as examples. I’ve always aimed to work with people I admire and encourage others to be equally selective. Life is too short to do otherwise.”

Secondly, Bezos advocated for continuously raising the bar to foster company growth and improvement. He suggested hiring individuals who inspire others by showcasing their own excellence. “We want to fight entropy. The bar has to continuously go up. I ask people to visualize the company five years from now. Each of us should look around and say, ‘The standards are so high now — boy, I’m glad I got in when I did!'”

Finally, Bezos valued unique skills and perspectives that enrich the work environment. He believed these traits, even if unrelated to the job, could make the workplace more enjoyable. He gave an example of a National Spelling Bee champion at Amazon, noting that while her skill might not aid her daily tasks, it added a fun element to the workplace.

In essence, Bezos sought individuals who not only excelled in their roles but also brought unique qualities and a positive attitude, enhancing the overall work environment.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Trakstar Hire offers insightful lessons from Jeff Bezos and Amazon on hiring strategies, emphasizing the importance of thoroughness, team decision-making, and avoiding hiring mistakes.(read more)
  • The Muse presents a detailed analysis of Amazon’s hiring strategy, highlighting three critical measures that CEO Jeff Bezos emphasizes: admiration for the candidate, their ability to raise the group’s effectiveness, and their unique skills.(read more)
  • Seattle Corporatesearch reports that Jeff Bezos instructed Amazon execs to consider three questions before hiring, emphasizing questions that remain relevant 20 years later.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What kind of people does Jeff Bezos want working at Amazon?

People who are admired, continuously raise the bar, and enrich the work environment with unique skills.

What are the three key questions Bezos asks before hiring someone?

The article doesn’t specify the exact questions, but emphasizes hiring people who are admired and continuously raise the bar.

Why does Bezos prefer hiring people with unique skills?

Unique skills and perspectives enrich the work environment and make it more enjoyable.

How does Bezos suggest visualizing the company’s future?

He suggests visualizing the company five years from now with much higher standards, making you glad to have joined earlier.

Why is raising the hiring bar important according to Bezos?

It fights entropy and ensures continuous growth and improvement within the company.

Lee Shuyi

Lee is an expat writer living in Thailand. She specialises in Southeast Asian news for the Thaiger. When she's not writing, Lee enjoys immersing herself in Thai culture and learning Thai.

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