
  • Lifestyle

    Working at home with children

    Adapting to a remote working environment while simultaneously addressing childcare obligations presents a considerable challenge to many working professionals in the contemporary world. The task is notably intricate, as the boundaries between work and personal life often become indistinct. This article aims to unfold the reality, obstacles, and potential resolutions related to this current conundrum. Working from home has acquired…

  • Thailand News

    Flash Express denies allegations of staff exodus and warehouse crisis

    Flash Express, a prominent delivery firm, has refuted allegations of widespread employee resignations and troubling working conditions. The company confirms it’s addressing issues of package backlogs in some branches, but denies an overall warehouse crisis. Flash Express clarifies that any staff resignations are isolated incidents and not a nationwide phenomenon. Today, Flash Express issued a formal statement in response to…

  • Thailand News

    Harsh truths: TikTok worker debunks myths about Thai labourers in South Korea (video)

    A Thai worker, known as soongphon on TikTok, has taken to the platform to share the harsh reality of Thai labourers working in South Korea. Contrary to popular belief, his videos reveal that the work environment is far from easy, dismissing any illusions of a comfortable job. The TikToker posted video clips showing the daily grind of Thai labourers in…

  • Travel

    Common jobs for foreigners in Thailand 2022

    Thailand is a great place for everyone, from families to backpackers to retirees and those who want to work here. There are a lot of people who have fallen in love with the country and never left. After two years of pandemic, Thailand is slowly opening up and we believe that once the dust has settled, there will be plenty…

  • Travel

    City Guide: Top 5 co-working spaces for digital nomads in Bangkok 2022

    Before the pandemic shook up traditional workplaces worldwide in 2020, co-working spaces were already popular among entrepreneurs and freelancing millennials. Work from home existed, but it wasn’t the trend it is today. In the post-pandemic era, self-titled ‘digital nomads’ are breaking the age-old workplace routines of yesteryear and are working remotely, rather than in typical office spaces for a 9-5…

  • Education

    University students may see time limit to complete higher education removed

    University students in Thailand may be catching a break from needing to follow a timeline for completing their higher education. The Commission on Higher Education Standards has recently announced it is resolving to remove a requirement that university students must complete their schooling within a given time period or risk being expelled. The issue was discussed at a meeting earlier…

  • Expats

    Expat shift drives changes in Bangkok’s condo market

    Thailand’s dominant working expat nationality in past decades has been Japanese, currently making up 18% of expatriates in the country. But, while Japanese expatriate numbers are decreasing, a CBRE report notes that Chinese and Filipinos are on the rise. There were 28,560 Japanese expats in Thailand as of Q3 2020, just ahead of the Chinese expat contingent at 25,811. As China’s manufacturing has…

  • Crime News

    3 Chinese men arrested in Chon Buri operating porn, gambling site

    3 Chinese men have been arrested for illegal entry, living in Thailand without a visa and allegedly operating a pornography and gambling website. The Immigration Bureau began an investigation after a tip from locals that some Chinese men had illegally entered the country 8 months ago and were working illegally Chon Buri’s Bang Lamung District. The arrest was at their…

  • World News

    President Trump frees jobs for Americans by targeting foreigners

    US President Donald Trump is reportedly targeting working foreigners in an effort to free up jobs for American citizens affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. He says he will pause some types of green cards that give immigrants permanent residency and suspend foreign workers’ visas until the end of this year in a move that has critics saying he is using the…

  • Economy News

    PM orders ministries to study staggered work hours to reduce traffic congestion

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered authorities to study the possibility of permanently staggered working hours as the Covid-19 pandemic eases because such a policy might help ease long term traffic congestion. Staggered working hours, as well as working from home and learning from home, could be enforced in future to solve traffic problems, according to the PM. He tasked the Education…

  • Thailand News

    Thais most likely to abuse tourist visas in South Korea

    MONTAGE: TNews The South Korean Government reports that there are about 370,000 illegal immigrants in the country. Thais are the number one offenders as the highest number of illegal immigrants living and working in South Korea. The South Korean Ministry of Justice has revealed the official number of illegal immigrants living and working in South Korea is 370,889 illegal immigrants,…

  • Property

    Bangkok’s expat rental trends changing

    The number of Japanese expats in Thailand dropped to lower than 20% of the total expats in Thailand for the first time, dropping to 34,133 as of April 2019, a 4% decline year on year, according to CBRE. CBRE are reporting a change in demand and an impact on the rental apartment sector in Bangkok, despite a healthy performance. Typically, they…

  • Thailand News

    Two out of three Thai workers are happy at work

    Most Thai workers say they have a happy work life but are hoping the new government will boost the minimum wage and provide better medical welfare benefits. Just some of the results of a recent National Institute of Development Institution (NIDA) poll. The poll was conducted around the country to gauge worker ‘happiness’ and ask what they expect from the…

  • Thailand News

    Illegal foreigners on notice – 30 day crackdown

    The Immigration bureau has been given a month to go after thousands of suspected overstayers and others believed involved in criminal activities. Thai Deputy PM and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan yesterday instructed the Immigration Bureau to crack down on foreigners overstaying their visas or using Thailand as safe haven for criminal activities. The bureau has been given one month to…