
  • Thailand News

    Neighborhood quarrel suspected in brutal killing of family

    by Somjit Rungjamrassamee Police are searching for three Burmese suspects in a brutal murder of four people, including a four year old boy and a four month old baby. The four family members, all from Myanmar, are believed to have been killed while they were sleeping on Saturday night. The gruesome killing took place in the border province of Tak…

  • Thai Life

    Measles outbreak closes Tak school

    A school near the Myanmar border in Tak’s Mae Ramat district has been closed indefinitely after local public-health officials discovered 13 students were contagious with measles. Tak is on Thailand’s central west border with Myanmar. Six of the students from the New Road Learning Centre are currently in serious condition in hospital. Most of the school’s students are Burmese children…

  • Thailand News

    Tak woman is 16th rabies death this year

    A Tak woman has died of rabies a year after she was bitten by a dog in Surat Thani. This takes the 2018 rabid toll to 16 dead. The latest casualty was reported by the director general of the Disease Control Department. Tao is in Thailand’s north-west, bordering with Myanmar. Dr Suwanchai Watanayincharoen says he received a report that the…