Medical care

  • Health

    When only your left testicle hurts

    Many males might assume that if there’s a problem with the testicles, pain will occur on both the left and right sides. However, various conditions can cause discomfort specifically in the left testicle. Understanding these conditions, their symptoms, and treatment options can help address concerns and guide you to seek appropriate medical attention. The anatomy of the left testicle makes…

  • Health

    What you need to know about the rising cases of medical treatment mishaps

    Recent studies show a worrying trend: cases of harm from medical treatment mishaps have significantly increased globally over the past 30 years. According to a study published in BMJ Quality & Safety, incidents of patient harm rose from 11 million in 1990 to 18 million in 2019. This 59% increase surpasses the 45% growth in the global population during the…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Medical care tips for people nearing retirement in Thailand

    Undertaking the complex process of navigating healthcare in one’s later years can prove a formidable task, especially if one is contemplating spending their retirement in Thailand. As one embarks on this fresh chapter, comprehension of the Thai healthcare system’s intricate details becomes vital, encompassing aspects from the officially sanctioned list of pharmaceuticals to the restrictions imposed on dental and optical…