
  • Thailand News

    TAT unveils 2025 plan to boost tourism

    Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) unveiled its 2025 marketing plan to revitalise Thai tourism. The annual TAT Strategic Direction conference was a star-studded affair, featuring Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports H.E. Sermsak Pongpanit, and TAT’s Chairperson of the Board Natthriya Thaweevong. TAT Governor Thapanee Kiatphaibool declared that recognising 2025 as another challenging year, TAT will be putting its best…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to choose the right CMS to meet business needs

    A CMS is crucial to the management of your online presence, it is the software that enables the optimisation, management, and creation of your digital content. But how do you choose the ideal one that aligns with your business needs? This guide will explore the pivotal points to consider when selecting a CMS. From comprehending your business needs to critically…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to create an attractive landing page for your blog post

    An enticing landing page can hold your viewer’s attention from the moment they land on your blog, providing a powerful digital tool for making that crucial first impression and determining the success of your blog post. The key to online content is not only found in the message you are delivering but also in the way you package it. A…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to use instagram thread feature for marketing

    Ever heard about Instagram’s thread feature? It is the recent talk of the town in the realm of social media marketing. But, are you curious as to how to leverage it to enhance your brand’s exposure and customer interaction? This article will provide an in-depth look at this innovative feature, demonstrating how it can revolutionise your marketing approach. Not just…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Is linkedin really a good source for lead generation

    LinkedIn, the renowned platform for professional connections, holds significant magnitudes of potential for lead generation a possibility that’s been intriguing marketers over the recent past. Its algorithm, purposed to emphasise engaging, relevant content, offers a potentially fertile landscape for businesses seeking to broaden their exposure. However, traversing this realm may not be as simple as it first appears. The algorithm…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to use STP framework for effective marketing

    Imagine a marketing tool that not only enhances your understanding of your customers but also empowers you to effectively reach and convincingly persuade them. Welcome to the realm of the STP framework, a potent device that allows you to segment your marketing analytics to create bespoke and compelling campaigns. The STP framework, an acronym for Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, consists…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    The benefits of using chatbots for lead generation

    In today’s digitally-driven market, businesses are seeking methods to strengthen their lead generation strategies. Rising to the forefront of these innovative strategies is chatbot lead generation. These AI-powered communication tools are designed to direct prospective clients throughout the sales pipeline, establishing an effective, user-centric mechanism for garnering and nurturing leads. It is a progressive instrument, presenting numerous advantages. From economic…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to get more clients via social media marketing

    Social media has evolved beyond merely publishing images and disseminating memes, It has morphed into a potent mechanism that, when optimised appropriately, can forge enduring relationships with your visitors, ultimately transforming them into potential clients. Within this blog, we will illuminate the pathway to harnessing your social media presence for client cultivation. This includes comprehending which platforms are pivotal for…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to choose a domain name for your blog

    Initiating a blog and selecting an optimal domain name is one of the initial and paramount tasks you’ll encounter. It is far from being merely a location for your blog, but the introductory impression, the emblem, and the entity. This task might seem overwhelming, but rest assured, we’re here to assist you. This write-up will walk you through an uncomplicated,…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to set up a Linktree

    Are you encountering the constraints imposed by Instagram’s single-link policy? This issue is prevalent and the platform’s pivotal role in audience engagement is undeniable. However, this inherent restriction of possessing only one accessible link in the bio may serve as an obstacle when attempting to direct your followers to diverse locations. This is where Linktree, an innovative resolution to this…

  • Digital Marketing

    Scientific approach to top trends in content marketing for 2024: An SEO-Optimised guide

    In the fast-paced world of content marketing, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve. Trends come and go, but the cost of falling behind can be severe. So, what’s on the horizon for 2024? From the rise of AI in content creation to the growing demand for podcasts, we’re on the brink of some exciting developments. Some trends are…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to grow your social media handles organically

    In the pursuit of success on social media, organic growth may seem like a far-off aspiration. However, it is by no means an unachievable objective. Through appropriate strategies, one can foster a robust and interactive following without straining financial resources. It’s imperative to understand that immediate results are not always the measure of success. Genuine, organic growth may not offer…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    What a marketing agency can do for business startups

    Get ready to launch your startup into the stratosphere by teaming up with a marketing agency! Imagine diving into an industry projected to explode to a whopping 786 billion by 2026 – this is where you want to be, and guess what? With the digital world buzzing, snagging some top-notch marketing smarts isn’t just smart; it’s absolutely essential. Picture an…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    10 tips to having an eye catching website

    In the contemporary digital era, possessing an attractive website transcends a mere option; it becomes imperative. Given that a significant portion of the populace now accesses the internet through mobile devices, it is crucial for websites to not only capture attention immediately but also be optimised for both speed and aesthetic appeal on compact screens. This necessitates a nuanced equilibrium…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to optimise anchor text in 2024 for top google rankings

    In the intricate dance of search engine optimisation (SEO), every element on your webpage plays a pivotal role in how your content ranks on search engines. One such element, often overlooked yet crucial, is anchor text. If you’re keen on elevating your site’s SEO performance, understanding and optimising anchor text is a step you can’t afford to skip. This guide…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How long should your blog articles be for top SEO

    Navigating the world of content creation, you’ve likely pondered over the optimal length for your blog articles. It’s a common query, especially when the goal is to enhance your SEO and captivate your audience. The truth is, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but understanding the nuances can significantly impact your blog’s performance. For starters, the ideal article length varies depending…

  • Cannabis

    Build Your cannabis brand in Thailand with proven marketing strategies

    Establishing a cannabis brand in Thailand by the year 2024 necessitates engagement with a dynamic and swiftly transforming market. In the era of digitalization, cultivating a robust online presence transcends preference and becomes imperative. Whether embarking on this venture anew or aiming to broaden your market footprint, comprehension of the digital domain is pivotal for success. Confrontation with advertising limitations…

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

    How to manage a social media crisis

    In the contemporary digital domain, social media emerges as a formidable yet fraught instrument for brands. It functions as an invaluable conduit for engagement and promotion, while concurrently presenting substantial risks for crises capable of detrimentally impacting a brand’s reputation within hours. My professional experience has accentuated the paramount importance of proficient social media crisis management to avert public relations…

  • Digital Marketing

    Sustainability & ethics in digital marketing

    In the contemporary digital landscape, the amalgamation of sustainability and ethics within digital marketing transcends mere trendiness, evolving into an indispensable paradigm. As a marketer with a vision for the future, it is imperative to recognize that your strategic initiatives wield significant influence on environmental stewardship. The moment has arrived to examine how digital marketing can catalyze positive change, advocating…

  • Digital Marketing

    The science behind how social media bots harm companies

    In the era of digital marketing, social media platforms are integral to the promotional strategies of numerous corporations, offering unique opportunities for customer engagement. Nevertheless, these platforms are not without their vulnerabilities; notably, the presence of social media bots poses a considerable threat to these marketing efforts. My observations confirm that these automated entities can significantly disrupt operations, making it…

  • Digital Marketing

    The marketing sweet spot – General appeal or niche focus

    Identifying the optimal target audience for your digital enterprise presents a significant challenge. It may seem advantageous to aim broadly, seeking to attract a universal clientele. Yet, this strategy often results in underperformance, due to the formidable competition posed by well-established entities. Conversely, targeting an overly specific demographic can severely constrain potential sales. Achieving an equilibrium between appealing to a…

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    Thriving with SEO in a zero-click world

    In the swiftly changing digital arena, the emergence of a zero-click paradigm is increasingly evident for SEO professionals and digital marketers. This trend, characterized by search engine users obtaining their required information directly from the search results page without navigating to an external website, presents a formidable challenge. It necessitates a fundamental reevaluation of conventional SEO success metrics and compels…

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

    Hidden social gems for skyrocketing your marketing strategy

    In the vast expanse of the digital world, there’s more to social media than just the giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Hidden gems await your discovery, offering unique experiences and opportunities to connect in ways you might not have imagined. From platforms that predict the future to those that reward you for engaging with content, there’s another universe out…

  • Digital Marketing

    The roadmap to a digital future in 2024

    Thailand is on the brink of a digital revolution, set to redefine its economic landscape by 2024. With the government’s Thailand 4.0 policies fuelling this transformation, the nation is embracing a future where digital technology drives growth and innovation. It’s a strategic move to enhance operational efficiency and competitive advantage across industries, signalling a major shift towards a more digitally…

  • Digital Marketing

    Accept or reject cookies? How to safeguard your online privacy

    Navigating the digital world often means making decisions about your online privacy, and one common crossroad involves website cookies. You’ve likely encountered those pop-up messages asking if you accept cookies, but have you ever paused to consider what the best choice is? Accepting or rejecting cookies isn’t just a matter of clicking ‘yes’ or ‘no’; it’s about understanding the implications…

  • Digital Marketing

    Discover what website cookies are: Security risk or safe?

    Have you ever wondered why websites seem to remember you? That’s all thanks to website cookies, those tiny text files that make your online experience smoother and more personalised. Stored on your device while you browse, these cookies carry a unique ID to recognise your browser or device, ensuring a seamless interaction with the web. From keeping items in your…

  • Digital Marketing

    The secret to cross-channel SEM campaigns revealed

    In today’s digital landscape, mastering cross-channel SEM campaigns is more than a strategy; it’s a necessity. With your audience hopping from one device to another, ensuring your brand’s presence across multiple platforms can significantly amplify your visibility. It’s all about reaching your potential customers where they are, seamlessly integrating your marketing efforts for maximum impact. What is cross-channel marketing? In…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Best times to apply Ads for stunning results

    Deciding when to apply ads can transform your marketing strategy, turning visual assets into powerful tools for engagement. Whether you’re armed with graphics or videos, it’s crucial to know the perfect moment to launch your display ads. This not only maximizes visibility but also ensures your message reaches the right audience at the right time. Re-engaging those who’ve previously interacted…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Navigate ad blocker challenges with creative marketing solutions

    Navigating the digital landscape has become a game of cat and mouse between marketers and ad blockers. With the advent of sophisticated ad-blocking technology, your traditional advertising strategies might no longer cut it. It’s a challenge that requires creativity and a deep dive into the mechanics of ad blockers. But don’t fret; it’s not all doom and gloom. The rise…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How Ad blockers work: Enhancing your online experience

    Ever felt overwhelmed by the constant barrage of ads while browsing online? You’re not alone. Ad blockers offer a breath of fresh air, allowing you to navigate the web without the clutter of incessant advertisements. By installing a simple extension on your browser, you can transform your online experience from frustrating to seamless. Ad blockers work by preventing ads from…